~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/DC!'~

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Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

in the last or the second last eppy... can't really remember... but I remember I was so happy the rest of that week.. :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

that's the scene I was talking about.. and I was like.. "OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE WHAT HE DID??" and I look around in my room and realise I'm the only one watching... :(
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

:lol: you guys crack me up :lol: but i'm gunna go see some screencaps of it :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

:lol: Leanne, that 'Caution' pic was hilarious!
Aww ImS, I usually watch CSIM alone too. My Dad is not included cos he falls asleep all the time and he's not really watching. :p.

Crime Wave:

I hope I'm not the only one who finds this cute.. :lol:
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

we was very adorable in that eppy, I loved the laugh when he was talking to Eric.
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

Me too. He dosen't laugh that often. *duh* When he does, it's always very unforgettable! :D
There was also another laugh in 'Pro Per'. The part where he was at Yelina's house and saw Rick came out. It was more of a sad laugh really.
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

I hope I'm not the only one who finds this cute..
No your not the only one Casper! :lol:

There was also another laugh in 'Pro Per'. The part where he was at Yelina's house and saw Rick came out. It was more of a sad laugh really.
I remember that laugh, it was really cute, but it was a sad moment! :(
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

in 'Pro Per' H was so uncomfortable at Yelina's house :< i remember when episode finish my mam ask me why i watch the show when it make me so sad every time. my answer was : "don't want H to be alone in his suffering"
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

:eek: Oh my gaaawwwwddd!!!! Why is it each time I see a DC pic my heart jumps like it's been electrocuted??!! *faint again*
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

Oh my gaaawwwwddd!!!! Why is it each time I see a DC pic (or hear him speak)my heart jumps like it's been electrocuted??!! *faint again*

ok pals, put on yours sunglasses, tilt heads and repeat after me ... :>>>
this is time to speak H

Horatio Caine on CSI: Miami: "He (the bad guy) doesn't know how evidence works, but you know what? He will."
Horatio Caine: So what do you get when a six foot tall man lays down with a three foot long rifle?
Calleigh Duquesne: Hot flashes... but that's just me.
[upon finding dead male victim tied to bed, lying on stomach]
Detective Bernstein: No sign of forced entry
Horatio Caine: Oh I wouldn't be so sure of that
[camera pans over victim, showing him to be clad only in bathrobe]
Horatio Caine: Alright, be on the lookout for an Eastern European male with bad teeth who may have access to an ape.
[Upon finding one of their suspects dead in the water]
Horatio Caine: Let's go find the cousin before he chokes on a Twizzler.
Jimmy Fukes: You're not going to be able to prove a thing.
Horatio Caine: That is a very dumb thing to say to a CSI.
[after catching a sniper who has killed 4 innocent people]
Sniper: Don't you want to know why?
Horatio Caine: You're evil, you enjoy death, and I hope you enjoy your own.
Don: Look, Horatio, we're on the same side.
Horatio Caine: I'd like to think so.
Don: Yeah. Well, we are in the middle of the trial. We've already picked the jury, we called our experts, we spent over a million dollars in taxpayers money...
Horatio Caine: We have new evidence.
Don: Yeah. Well, that's what appeals are all about. Listen, this is not about the case anymore. Now, it's about winning.
Horatio Caine: Well, you know what then? We're not on the same side.
Horatio Caine: You know what they say "You lie down with the Devil, you wake up in Hell".
Horatio Caine: We are being detoured into the land of make-believe.
[Noticing a big black car in front of a witness' house]
Horatio Caine: Mm-hmm. Town car, tinted windows, take a guess.
Detective John Hagen: Fan-belt inspectors?
Horatio Caine: Nope. U.S. Marshals witness protection baby-sitters.
[about a suspect]
Horatio Caine: He is a liar. I just don't know what the lie is yet.
Stewart Otis: Why didn't you let me die?
Horatio Caine: Because you died a long time ago, Stewart. Let's go.
[Stewart Otis has been recaptured]
Stewart Otis: I will get out. It's my nature.
Horatio Caine: And I'll be waiting. That's my nature.
Horatio Caine: The only thing that matters is the evidence.
Horatio Caine: When you have everything, sometimes it feels like nothing.
Horatio Caine: The problem with manipulation is that people can turn on you.
[about Horatio]
Detective John Hagen: All I'm saying is, that's one hell of a lonely road he's walking.
Calleigh Duquesne: I know. That's why I'm walking it with him.
Horatio Caine: Tomorrow's what you make of it.
[to Eric]
Horatio Caine: In the future, if you're gonna watch somebody's back, let me know about it so I can watch yours.
[describing a victim]
Horatio Caine: Jeans, T-shirt... K-Mart socks.
Det. Frank Tripp: Big spender.
[arresting a criminal]
Horatio Caine: Justice is not yours to dispense, and now you're going to pay for it.
[finding incriminating evidence at a crime scene]
Horatio Caine: The killer just made his second mistake.
Yelena Salas: What was his first?
Horatio Caine: Murder.
[defending a woman from a suspect]
Horatio Caine: The next time you want to take a swing at someone, start with me.
[about Raymond Caine, H's little brother]
Horatio Caine: The rumour of a dirty cop is far juicier than its confirmation.
Robert Keaton: You just called your own brother a dirty cop.
Horatio Caine: Maybe he was, but he didn't deserve to die.
Robert Keaton: We all have to die some time.
Horatio Caine: Some sooner than others.
[to a suspect who doesn't have to pay a medical bill]
Horatio Caine: Whatever that bill says, you will still have to pay.
Horatio Caine: Why didn't you tell us this earlier?
Suspect: I didn't think it'd look too good.
Horatio Caine: Well, it doesn't look too good right now.
[finding incriminating evidence]
Alexx Woods: Horatio's going to LOVE this.
[H talks to a doctor, who's a suspect]
Horatio Caine: Keith.
Dr. Keith Winters: That's "Doctor", Lieutenant.
Horatio Caine: Maybe not for long.
Horatio Caine: Bag it, tag it and let's see what else is there!
[Pedro is a suspect]
Horatio Caine: Gentlemen, may I?
Lawyer: Be kind, Horatio.
Horatio Caine: As always. All right, now, Pedro, the gun we found in your room has tied you to two murders.
Lawyer: But possession doesn't make my client the killer.
Horatio Caine: We also have your skin cells on the tourniquet you used.
Lawyer: ALLEGEDLY used.
Horatio Caine: Allegedly used.
[turns to the Lawyer]
Horatio Caine: Now, are you going to rebut everything I'm saying?
Lawyer: Yes.
Horatio Caine: Excellent.
[Tolsen beat Eugene, a mentally retarded man, to death]
Pete Tolson: Hey, I did that guy a favor! He was a retard!
Horatio Caine: Okay, Eugene might have a few things to overcome, I'll give you that, but you know what, Pete? You know what? At the end of the day, HE just put YOU away for life.
Alexx Woods: Unreasonable acts are all I see.
Horatio Caine: Amen to that.
Horatio Caine: You're saying she married for love?
Calleigh Duquesne: I know. Wonders never cease.
Tim Speedle: She looked him right in the eyes when he was killing her.
Horatio Caine: And he looked back.
[to Horatio]
Det. Frank Tripp: Come on, don't you guys have some gizmo to track this thing? That blue light with the buzzers and bells or that mass-spectro-detecto-whatever-you-call-it thingy?
[to Eric]
Horatio Caine: If we want to be effective on this job we have to survive, too.
Horatio Caine: Drive-by, Miami style.
Horatio Caine: Nice work. Did you consider a transfer to S.W.A.T.?
Calleigh Duquesne: I don't look good in all black.
Horatio Caine: I beg to differ.
[Horatio examines a golf T-shirt]
Horatio Caine: You on to your next victim, Stewart?
Stewart Otis: That's not mine.
Horatio Caine: Really? Whose is it, mine?
Stewart Otis: [about his victim] I never even got to play with her.
Horatio Caine: Stewart, life is filled with disappointment.
Horatio Caine: As you know, Florida has the death penalty.
Mac Taylor: So does New York.
Horatio Caine: Yes, but you have not executed... since '76.
Mac Taylor: Politics.
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

Horatio Caine: Alright, be on the lookout for an Eastern European male with bad teeth who may have access to an ape.

That's the best ever... omg LMAO

when does frank say this:
Det. Frank Tripp: Come on, don't you guys have some gizmo to track this thing? That blue light with the buzzers and bells or that mass-spectro-detecto-whatever-you-call-it thingy?

Horatio Caine: Remind me to order the indusrtial-size incinerator next time
Det. Frank Tripp: The probable cause is, she's a stripper, she's a junkie and she's a whore.
Horatio Caine: She's also a humanbeing
Det. Frenk Tripp: And now she's a corpse

and no casp, you're not the only one who finds that cute.. :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

Ah a going away quote from me:

Officer: "Yes Sir, she's a porn star"
H: "She is also somebody's daughter and that is the part we focus on"

You go H.

Also Casp, loved the pic too.

Bye for now, see you in two weeks, I suspect we will have a new thread by then :)
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

Bye Liz! You take care now!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who love that pic. :)
Great quotes Zippy! One of them is my siggy!

when does frank say this:
Det. Frank Tripp: Come on, don't you guys have some gizmo to track this thing? That blue light with the buzzers and bells or that mass-spectro-detecto-whatever-you-call-it thingy?
I think it was 'Bait' where Frank had an arguement with Eric but I'm not certain. Perhaps someone can help out..
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