The CSI: Miami Blooper Thread

When spoken, the names Delko and Togo sound pretty similar I suppose. How far into the episode is this scene? I'll watch it tomorrow because now I'm really curious! ;)
You're welcome.

Now I'd like to share a continuity goof from the pilot episode of CSI: Miami. The pilot episode is actually the season 2 episode of Vegas CSI titled Cross-Jurisdictions. While Alexx has Mina Rittle on her autopsy table, the camera does a scanning shot-(moving across the room)-from the upstairs observation area. While the camera is scanning it passes by a monitor showing Mina laying on the autopsy table. When it shows Mina on the monitor, she does NOT have any duct tape on her mouth. While the camera is showing Mina on the monitor with NO tape on her mouth, Alexx is saying "2 gunshot wounds, left temple. One shot was a through-and-through." Then when the camera is back down on the floor with Alexx, Horatio and Catherine, it shows a close-up of Mina from the side with Alexx gently peeling the tape off Mina's mouth. While Alexx is peeling the tape off, she says to Horatio "Trace ASAP, along with the plastic." On the first DVD in the CSI: Miami season one DVDs, this scene is part of the first scene in chapter 4.
This episode is also on disc #6 of Vegas CSI's season 2 DVDs.
The only difference: The Vegas CSI season 2 DVD doesn't have the audio commentary by Ann Donohue and Danny Cannon.
I've got two bloopers for today :D :

1. In Episode 224, "Innocent", just over half-way through, there's a scene where Horatio and Alexx are trying to determine the victim's true age (they suspect that her birth certificate, which says she is 21, has been altered). Horatio says "wisdom teeth don't lie," and then Alexx x-rays the vic's mouth, showing that her wisdom teeth haven't grown in yet. H then says "don't your wisdom teeth erupt when you're 18 years old?" Then, Alexx says that the teeth are five centimeters below the gum surface, so she couldn't possibly be older than 18. Now, there's two problems here: first off, wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 18 and 24, so just because a person's wisdom teeth haven't grown in yet doesn't mean that they're younger than 18. I say this through both personal experience :lol: and from looking it up from a reliable source. The second error in this scene is the 5 cm below the surface thing. I'm guessing it should have been 5 millimeters, because 5 centimeters would mean the teeth would be way back in her throat, or in mid-air. :lol:

2. In Episode #321, "Recoil", about 3/4 of the way through, there's a CG clip of a woman getting shot, and it shows the bullet entering below her collarbone. However, she was actually shot in the upper arm, nowhere near where the CG clip shows her getting shot.
quickbeam_cw said:
The second error in this scene is the 5 cm below the surface thing. I'm guessing it should have been 5 millimeters, because 5 centimeters would mean the teeth would be way back in her throat, or in mid-air. :lol:
:lol: :lol: That's true! 5cm is way too far!
These bloopers are so funny. I gotta watch Shootout again just to hear the Togo/Delko (possible) blooper!
I just remembered this mistake. In the Miami episode Recoil, you can see right after Tripp is in the accident a Ford logo on the grille of his car. call it a mistake because have you noticed all the GM product placement in all three series.
I was watching the season one episode EVIDENCE OF THINGS UNSEEN today. There's scene early in the episode where Horatio and Calleigh were examining the door that goes into the booth at that peep show place. Horatio finds a peek hole in the door the stabber had carved out. The stabber used it to see where his victim was so he'd know when to ram his good knife thru the cheap door. Horatio started thinking out loud with his mouth about how the guy would've used the peep hole. According to Horatio the guy would've put his left hand up on the door for support and used his right hand to do the stabbing. From the looks of where the peep hole is in relation to the knife stabs I'd say Horatio was right.
Now here's the continuity blooper:
Later in the episode, Eric printed the left hand of the just-murdered-guy who owned the houseboat where the knife was found. Guess what??? Even after printing the guy's left hand, Eric managed to find a print on the knife that matched.
Now unless they cut the scene before Eric printed the guy's right hand or Horatio was wrong and the guy WAS left-handed NOT right-handed then...HOW THE HECK DID ERIC GET A MATCH??? :confused:

Hugs, kisses and a BIG THANK YOU to for my latest avatar. :devil:
Anyone ever notice how in a lot of the season three episodes, when somebody is wearing a lab coat, the wide shots have the new, white lab coats, but the close-ups have the old blue-ish/green-ish ones? I'm actually not sure how often this happens, but I've noticed it a few times... unless I'm just watching the same scene over and over again. :lol:
All right, this one's been driving me nuts ever since the episode aired, so I figure it's time I put it down here:

At the very end of #421, "Dead Air," Horatio pulls a boat into shore and finds the kidnapping victim, Linda, inside. She's been lying there for a while, with her wrists bound with duct tape, and she has a strip of tape on her mouth too. Horatio removes the tape from her mouth and she thanks him and whatnot and blah blah, Heroic Horatio scene. But honestly, her hands were like two inches away from her face, she could easily have removed the duct tape herself while she was lying there waiting to be saved. And then she could have just gnawed it off of her wrists, and pulled herself into shore. Honestly, is every single woman on this show except Calleigh incapable of taking care of herself? Does Horatio have to babysit every female in Miami? Arg. :mad: :rolleyes:
He doesn't have to babysit all the woman,

he eithers babysits them or he arrests them,

hasn't anyone ever noticed that all the strong women are b*tch*s or killers?
Or moles. ;)

Okay, now here's a goof from the synopsis for DRIVEN. This goof is in the 4th paragraph which starts with "Delko discovers DNA on the rope used to tie Cynthia up..." I'll write the goof below in bold, CAPTIAL writing word for word.
Ryan and Dan Cooper eliminate Javier as a suspect when they discover a camera in a pen belonging to Pete, THE PEEING MASSAGE THERAPIST and compare the height of the shooter in Pete's pictures to Javier's and discover the shooter is a few inches short.
It should read: Pete, the PEEPING massage therapist. :lol:
Now you can click on "the synopsis for DRIVEN" above and check it out for yourselves.