The CSI: Miami Blooper Thread

lill_T said:
no actually he says
look I DON'T KNOW MAN, they wanted to talk about Horatio or something.
he says it pretty quick, but its defenitly don't know man

I didn't mean to ruin the moment for you either

I had headphones on and I could swear he says 'Adam' :lol: But if he doesn't -> ;) I just really thought he said Adam :lol:
yeah, FootyLiz, i noticed the sulfuric acid one too. When i saw that ep, we were doing chemical equations in chemistry, and my teacher always yells at us if we don't put them subscript...
Ok, this one's not really a show blooper, but rather a screw-up. Now, I know that the character bios are notoriously bad for their inaccuracies, but I just read the bio for Calleigh and it makes no sense, it's just crazy. It's driving me nuts, so I figured, what better place to complain about it than the blooper thread? :lol: I'm guessing there are more screw-ups than just in Calleigh's bio, but I haven't read most of them. Anyways, here's some mistakes:

-It says she was the first in her family to go to college, but earlier it says her dad was a 'dashing young public defender.' Last time I checked, lawyers went to college...

-It also says she took her mother's name, Duquesne, but her dad's last name is definitely Duquesne as well. *insert stereotypical joke about Southerners here* :mad:

-They also spelled 'angles' wrong. Now, I don't mind when regular people spell stuff wrong in everyday settings, but on something relatively professional like the website of the world's most watched show, you'd think someone would catch that. I'll forgive this one, though, because it's so minor, lol. Not quite as bad as when my political studies textbook said that NATO stood for 'North American Treaty Organization' instead of 'North Atlantic.' :rolleyes:

There's so much more that seems like utter nonsense, but I'll end my little rant here.

needmorecsi said:
speedmonkey2 said:
I watched that part with Alexx and Calleigh with subtitles and Calleigh said Delko not Togo and it even sounded like Delko to me so...

I've seen the episode quite a few times and they say Togo without a doubt, and Ryan doesn't get his case until a little later in the episode.

That episode is the season 3 episode Shootout. My DVDs don't have subtitles. All I have is my tv's closed captioning-(cc for short). The cc does say Delko. But I also thought she said Togo. So I turned off the cc and turned the tv volume up loud as I could stand. I put my left ear-(that's my good ear) up to the speaker on the tv. I played that scene 4 or 5 times using the repeat button my DVD player's remote. She being Calleigh>>>SHE DOES!!! SHE DOES INDEED say to Alexx "Togo is holding down the fort. I can't go any further till I get the bullet trajectories." :p :cool:
you're right, I did the same thing, she definitely says Togo
I listened four times, I couldn't stop laughing :D
In shootout Valera hands Ryan the DNA results of the comparison of the nanny and the baby girl, and instead of having XX (female) listed for the chromosomes, it has XY (male) listed.

Have a look :lol:

It lasts long enough for you to get a good look at it without having to pause. I've seen this before, but it usually doesn’t last that long.
lol :lol:

You're right! hilarious, shoot out is just full of bloopers, I knew there was a reason that's one of my favourite episodes

(the fact that it has Ryan with the baby has nothing to do with it.... right)
athlov said:
In shootout Valera hands Ryan the DNA results of the comparison of the nanny and the baby girl, and instead of having XX (female) listed for the chromosomes, it has XY (male) listed.

Have a look :lol:

It lasts long enough for you to get a good look at it without having to pause. I've seen this before, but it usually doesn’t last that long.

If you look closely it has both the nanny and the baby as being MALE...XY. The bloody gauze is first, it has the nanny's DNA on it from when Ryan acted worried about the cut on her leg. Then the fiber from the baby's mouth is next. Since it was in the baby's mouth, it'd have the baby's DNA all over it. Well look where it says XX if it's female and XY if it's male. It has both the nanny and the baby as males. :lol:
And they think we sharp-eyed fans won't notice. ;)
Apparently they haven't heard of slow-motion or pause.
(Carolyn318 imitates Horatio and puts shades on :cool:...cut to annoying YEAH in the theme song.) :D
another blooper from 'shootout'.
the seabornes car has no licence plate in the front.
inge said:
another blooper from 'shootout'.
the seabornes car has no licence plate in the front.

Are they supposed to in Miami? We don't have them here.
SwiftTales said:
you're right, I did the same thing, she definitely says Togo
I listened four times, I couldn't stop laughing :D



Yay :D
athlov said:
inge said:
another blooper from 'shootout'.
the seabornes car has no licence plate in the front.

Are they supposed to in Miami? We don't have them here.
I think in Florida you only require the one on the back. It all depends on what State you're in.
Yeah they only have one on the back. I noticed that when I was there 5 years ago, I thought it was a bit weird since the U.K. has them on the front and back.

Okay, I read the discussion about what Calleigh says to Alex in "Shootout", Togo or Delko? So I went and watched that scene with my earphones on and up very loud. Calleigh definetly says "Delko" and I would bet my life on that.
I think this thread is on the verge of turning into a very heated debate about whether Calleigh said TOGO or DELKO. I'd swear in court on a stack of bibles that she said "Togo is holding down the fort. I can't go any further till I get the bullet trajectories." I still have my tv volume up and that season 3 episode Shootout still in the DVD player. Let me play it a few more times right quick...(pauses post to play scene in question a few times)...Yep. Yep. Yep. I was right the first time, she says TOGO. I know the difference between the sound of a T and the sound of a D. She DEFINITELY says T-Oh-Go NOT D-El-Ko. There's no L in it. She doesn't say De-L-ko. I've heard Calleigh say Delko and that was NOT it. I'm 100% certain she said TOGO.