The CSI: Miami Blooper Thread

there was a scene in "Under the influence" where H is talking to someone and you see calleigh in the background and she stops and hides behind a flag and then when the person H was talking to goes away she comes out from behind it!! I think it is the scene where H says "Wolfe, your hired" :lol:
I don't think that was a real blooper... I guess Calleigh just wanted to wait for Yelina to be gone before going to talk to H. :)
They mentioned that in the commentary part of the ep. Corey Miller thought it was funny because he never noticed it before.
I caught one on the season 2 episode DEATH GRIP. When they show that printer printing out MISSING posters with Lana Walker's picture on them. If you watch it frame by frame like I did, there's a point you can see her date of birth-(8/15/87) and the date she went missing-(10/5/03). IF you're any good at math you can figure out from the dates that she is 16. Horatio was standing there watching those print out. He even picked one up but apparently didn't notice that. Maybe he should've removed his shades. If he had noticed that like I did, the parents wouldn't have had to confess later in the episode that Lana was 16 and NOT 14.
Another goof in the episode. When the mother ask Horatio and Yelina how long had David Kendall been having sex with her daughter, Horatio said 4 months. The date of disappearance on that poster was October 5 and Lana's birthday on that poster is August 15 so that means she was having sex before she was 16. Yelina tells the parents that in the state Florida if you're 16 you can have a sexual partner up to the age 24 (the sexual partner can be up to the age of 24). Then a minute later Lana's dad said her birthday was 6 months ago, which would've put it in April. So that is just one GIANT AGE BLOOPER. Don't they have editors on this show??? What DO those editors do when they're supposed to be editing??? Take naps???
Carolyn318 said:
I've got to share this with someone. This is just too funny.
In the season 2 episode STALKERAZZI there's a scene where Eric and Speedle are in the Hummer. Speedle is driving. Eric has a laptop and is doing an owner of record check on the address they were just at. The owner of record is Brad Tustin.
Well now here's the scene which is followed by an explaination of the funny part:
Speedle: You mean Death Grip 2000 Brad Tustin?
Eric: Body Count and Double Tap, even though those movies sucked.
Speedle: Yeah, but you saw everyone of them, didn't you?

Now here's what's so funny about that scene. BODY COUNT, one of the Brad Tustin movies mentioned, is the name of a real 1998 movie David Caruso was in.
Don't believe me??? Check out this page of IMDB.
And get this, a few seconds later, the very next scene in CSI: Miami season 2 episode STALKERAZZI features David Caruso. LMAO.:lol:

I did catch the Body Count one but only after noticing the movie title on a DC website.
i didnt know where to put this so since its a huge mistake i think its the best place to post it. When Marisol died she was 28 years old (cause she was born on 1978). She is supose to be older than Eric so he's like 26? it doesnt make sense right? cause it would mean 5 years ago during season 1 he was 21!!
^^Yeah, that one has been mentioned before. Silly huh? :lol:

That and Ryan is supposed to be younger than Eric. That'd make him a baby. :p
i dont no if someone has writen this before as i really cant be bothered to read through 3 pages of posts but...
im not sure if this is one or not, but in under the influence the restraining order was 100 yards, which i what i assume it should be, but in recoil the restraining order is only 100 ft, which seems way to short, i mentioned this to my dad and he muttered something about me being a smart arse and that you're not supposed to notice things like that
He actually does act like a baby. If not a baby, then a bitch. Ryan's even gaining his "baby fat" back. I think JT might be drinking too much beer.

CSIM really needs outtakes. Do you know how awesome that would be?
I was watching Simple Man the other day and i noticed that when H goes to arrest Carlos he takes out his phone and rings the cell that Carlos was using. Then H snaps his phone shut but the one in the briefcase keeps on ringing. Is it just me or should the ringing stop when the call is ended.
_ransom said:
He actually does act like a baby. If not a baby, then a bitch. Ryan's even gaining his "baby fat" back. I think JT might be drinking too much beer.

CSIM really needs outtakes. Do you know how awesome that would be?

Ryan maybe is cocky or somewhat(said bymost people who hate him)but I think he still did his job well. :lol:
I don't mind he MUST be VERY mature.or maybe co-workers just used to treat him a newbie(until now ;))
_ransom said:
He actually does act like a baby. If not a baby, then a bitch. Ryan's even gaining his "baby fat" back. I think JT might be drinking too much beer.

Okay, let's get back to the bloopers shall we? If this is your opinion that's fine with me, but keep it to yourself, as other people might find it insulting. ;)

I have one: In 'Recoil' Calleigh gets blood over her creme-colored pants. After the shootout (for the second time, in the middle of the episode) she walks into the AV lab and you see her wearing the same pair of pants...without the red stain. Now it could be me, but how do you want to get red blood out of creme-colored pants? Especially before the next scene starts :rolleyes: My friend and I joked there's a walk-in-closet with only creme-colored pants somewhere in the dressing room. :lol: