The CSI: Miami Blooper Thread

:lol: I love this thread but I'm so bad with catching those bloopers that I'm unable to post anything here. I'll just see what you guys say.
In 4x22 'Open Water' Ryan calls Eric 'Adam' :D In the scene where they investigate the ship and Ryan tells Eric that Marisol's been interviewed by a Fed.

Eric: Why is the FBI talking to my sister?
Ryan: I think it's about you.
Eric: What the hell about...?
Ryan: About the... Marijuana. *angry glance from Eric* Look, Adam, man, they wanted to talk about Horatio or something.

I am pretty sure he said 'Adam', maybe someone can confirm that :D
Man,you folks ruin my fun. I could swear she said "Togo" but that's what you get when you are not native speaker of English :(

I'm really sad now. My ears have cheated me.

One... I'm not sure is it really a blooper but in season 1 H doesn't even look at Speed and still he says "you are wearing the same clothes than yesterday" :rolleyes:

and to that elevator part mentioned earlier. they don't push any buttons, there is no light in any buttons. They just stand there.
DaWacko said:
One... I'm not sure is it really a blooper but in season 1 H doesn't even look at Speed and still he says "you are wearing the same clothes than yesterday" :rolleyes:

Yeah I've always thought that too Ducky he doesn't turn at all :rolleyes:

My other favourite one is actually a bit of a technical error, in 'Bunk' H is writing sulphuric acid on that glass board and says H 2 SO 4, he correctly puts an subscript 2 then he shoves a big superscript 4 which should be subscript too!! As a chemist he should know better and I never fail to shout at the screen :rolleyes:

And that woman from 'Crime Wave' in 'After the Fall', she is there sitting at PD, I just saw it :lol:
One... I'm not sure is it really a blooper but in season 1 H doesn't even look at Speed and still he says "you are wearing the same clothes than yesterday" :rolleyes:
Isn't that because H has superhuman powers, and can just 'sense' what Speed is wearing? ;)
Lucy said:
One... I'm not sure is it really a blooper but in season 1 H doesn't even look at Speed and still he says "you are wearing the same clothes than yesterday" :rolleyes:
Isn't that because H has superhuman powers, and can just 'sense' what Speed is wearing? ;)

Or that Speed spend night with H and not with Pam :p :lol:
I caught a continuity blooper in the season 2 episode Rap Sheet. Eric and Speedle are examining a broken wine bottle from a crime scene. Speedle turns the lights off and they look at it with one of those lights they use with the orange gogles. When Speedle is bending over to turn the lights back on, he pulls off his orange gogles. When he comes up from turning the lights on, he has the orange gogles on again and he pulls them off again. :lol:
togoholic said:

Eric: Why is the FBI talking to my sister?
Ryan: I think it's about you.
Eric: What the hell about...?
Ryan: About the... Marijuana. *angry glance from Eric* Look, Adam, man, they wanted to talk about Horatio or something.

no actually he says
look I DON'T KNOW MAN, they wanted to talk about Horatio or something.
he says it pretty quick, but its defenitly don't know man

I didn't mean to ruin the moment for you either
DaWacko said:
One... I'm not sure is it really a blooper but in season 1 H doesn't even look at Speed and still he says "you are wearing the same clothes than yesterday" :rolleyes:

You're RIGHT. Horatio wasn't looking at Speedle when he said that. I DISTINCTLY remember the scene but I do NOT remember the episode title.
I just found the season one episode...the episode is BUNK. I thought maybe Horatio saw Speedle come into the room or saw Speedle out of the corner of his eye but Speedle is NOT with in H's peripheral vision-(corner of the eye vision). Plus H never turns around when Speedle enters the room. On the season one DVD that episode is on, the scene is 17 minutes and 25 seconds into the episode.