The Buffy Thread

Whose memoir would you read? (You may choose more than 1)

  • Mac Taylor

    Votes: 32 48.5%
  • Stella Bonasera

    Votes: 25 37.9%
  • Don Flack

    Votes: 29 43.9%
  • Danny Messer

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Lindsay Monroe

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • Sheldon Hawkes

    Votes: 18 27.3%
  • Sid Hammerback

    Votes: 23 34.8%
  • Adam Ross

    Votes: 24 36.4%
  • Jessica Angell

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 2 3.0%

  • Total voters
I'm sorry, I thought Beer Bad was the worst episode ever made. Just my opinion :) Still, a bad Buffy is like a good most-other-crappy-television.

The one with Olaf was called Triangle, I think.
I'm sorry, I thought Beer Bad was the worst episode ever made. Just my opinion :) Still, a bad Buffy is like a good most-other-crappy-television.

The one with Olaf was called Triangle, I think.
To each his own, i guess. Simple things amuse me. :lol: That's why i got a kick out of it.

And thanks for reminding me about Triangle. I was posting in another thread and mentioned the word triangle and it came back to me. i came here to edit but you beat me to it! :p I remember wondering why they called it that. I guess it's because Xander felt torn between them :confused:.
Xander didn't know which side to take and one was always angry if he didn't go with them, so Xander decides to take a step down, and not help them at all. Willow and Anya, I consider quite a funny (and a bit volitile) pair.
To each his own, i guess. Simple things amuse me. :lol: That's why i got a kick out of it.

Aw, I'm sure I still LMAO during it. And the scene with Willow and Parker was gold. Bad Buffy is still excellent!

I remember wondering why they called it that. I guess it's because Xander felt torn between them :confused:.

That's it exactly. :) All he sees is two crazy women that he loves for entirely different reasons and he can't see why they can't get along.

And I laughed and cringed when the Magic Box got smashed to pieces by Olaf. And Anya driving? I howled.
i love buffy, i have all 7 seasons on dvd

best episodes - hush, once more with feeling
other favorites - becoming part 1 and 2, innonence, surprise, graduation day 1 and 2, chosen, the body, restless...i'm sure i'm forgetting some others
favorite character - faith
can't stand kennedy
i am a buffy/spike shipper
miss the old cordy with the snappy comeback
anya cracked me up sometimes
I loved Cordy and Anya. Willow was great too. I, too, hated Kennedy. She was nothing but a plot device and i hate that she didnt die in the finale :mad:

i liked spuffy, but i dont think i felt strongly enough about it to be called a shipper. I never could bring myself to care much about buffy's love life. I actually kind of liked her with Ben too. I felt bad for him. :(
What can I say about Anya? God, I loved her! Watching her in The Body react to Joyce's death...her questions in Willow's dorm room make me cry each and every time I watch that ep. Emma Caulfield is an amazing actress, with excellent comic timing, and she made me cry my bleeding eyes out. That's actually a hard thing to do, unless you're a dying animal--make me cry, I mean.

And thank god there are more Kennedy haters!! Grrr!! Nothing against the actress, but everything about that character bugged the crap out of me. Not only was she a plot device, she was annoying as HELL!!! *shudders at the whole "my girlfriend has a tongue ring" thing* Why was she your girlfriend, Willow? Why, why, why?!!! Ugh, yuck and gross.
I wish Tara didn't die. She was PERFECT for Willow, so what does Joss Whedon do? He kills her off and replaces her with the most annoying person on the face of the planet. (Right after Dawn!)

Anya was pretty cool.
Tara dying pretty much just pissed me off. I know it was the catalyst for Dark Willow...but couldn't they have just made her have a really bad case of the flu or something? I did enjoy the flaying of Warren though, pretty damn cool. Good thing I don't have those powers. Heh. There'd be a lot of flayed people out there, lol.

On the Buffy DVDs, Joss explained that he wanted Will to go bad during a season earlier, but everyone loved her and Tara so much, they put it off. She was perfect for Willow, and Kennedy was not. I think she might have even been just a little bit more aggravating than "Dawnie," if that's possible. Yick.
While I broke my heart over the killing of Tara, I do understand why it was done - nothing in this world would have sent Willow completely over to th darkside except losing Tara. They were so completely in love, she was part of her soul.

I completely loved Tara. She had this great development arc where she went from shy and timid, to a very strong woman who became a terrific surrogate mother to Dawn. It's amazing to think that Tara was only introduced in season 4, because she was such a perfect part of the Buffy universe (I'm a BIG Amber Benson fan, in case that wasn't obvious enough). Has anyone out there seen her movie 'Chance'? It's fantastic.
I haven't been able to find a copy of Chance. That the one she wrote/directed/funded, right?

I remember watching Buffy with my brother and he complained that the women on the show were too thin. He liked Amber, though. Who wouldn't? She's gorgeous!
I haven't been able to find a copy of Chance either. Apparently it has got a little bit of people from the buffyverse in it as well as Amber Benson.
yep - James Marsters co-stars in it with Amber, and Andy Hallet has a small role too. Its brilliant. Amber brought a few copies to Belfast when she was doing a signing at Forbidden Planet here, and I was able to get my hands on a copy. It's terrific.

As far as I know, they're in negotiations with a distributer, but until then, you can buy it from the Essences of Amber website:

it's kind of expensive, so if you live near a Forbidden Planet, I'd suggest you check them out first, in case they have copies...
She was perfect for Willow, and Kennedy was not. I think she might have even been just a little bit more aggravating than "Dawnie," if that's possible. Yick.

ITA. Completely and utterly. :)

I loved Dark Willow too. The buildup to that took a few seasons so it was believeable. I don't think it would have had the same impact without Tara dying, which was a crappy tradeoff. Season Six was all around depressing for me, although I did enjoy much of it.
I did enjoy some of the episodes season 6 but I didn't like season 6 as a whole.

I just checked Misc. and there is an Angel thread, Yay, more people in the world of Joss Whedon!