The Buffy Thread

Whose memoir would you read? (You may choose more than 1)

  • Mac Taylor

    Votes: 32 48.5%
  • Stella Bonasera

    Votes: 25 37.9%
  • Don Flack

    Votes: 29 43.9%
  • Danny Messer

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Lindsay Monroe

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • Sheldon Hawkes

    Votes: 18 27.3%
  • Sid Hammerback

    Votes: 23 34.8%
  • Adam Ross

    Votes: 24 36.4%
  • Jessica Angell

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 2 3.0%

  • Total voters
When taken individually, S7 was fairly good. It's definitely when it's taken as a whole -- as a Buffy (or Angel, for that matter) season has to be -- that its problems become apparent (dropped plotlines, bizarre characterizations, etc.).

I also didn't like the finale, "Chosen". Buffy's plan was pure idiocy: unlock all of the Potentials, in the entire world (did she not think about the possibility of new Faiths?), and take her little army into the Hellmouth itself. If it hadn't been for Wolfram & Hart's amulet, and souled-Spike being there, that plan would've ended in utter disaster, everyone would've died, and the First Evil would've taken a corporeal form.

And to make it worse, they had to have Wesley in Angel S5's "Damage" call it a "brilliant strategem" -- while contending with a psycho Slayer who never would've been a threat in the first place if not for Buffy. Ugh.
I quit watching Angel midway through S4, so I can't comment on Wesley's remarks, however, I agree that the season does need to be taken as a whole. One thing I have always loved about BtVS is the fact that Joss and the writers (or so they claim, ;)) had story arcs written out well before hand, and were able (again, so they say) to leave those lovely little anvils all over the place.

And I agree heartily with your statement regarding "dropped plotlines, bizarre characterizations, etc." The whole let's kick Buffy--who is THE SLAYER and the only one who can protect us--out of the house because she's being bossy and mean and we don't like it! scenario had me gaping. I would have slayed the whole bloody lot of them if I were her right then and there, starting with Kennedy and Principal Wood. And then Dawnie, sweet little Dawnie. Gah! Why didn't she die at the end of Season 5?!?!?

*pulls hair in frustration at the insanity of it all*

Over all though, Buffy has been and always will be my most beloved television program, followed closely by The X-Files, (and CSI, of course!). It was one of the smartest, funniest, and most dead-on amazing shows. It was never just about some teenaged Valley-Girl slaying boogey-men and things that went bump in the night, it was about so much more than that. Buffy and the Scoobies were an integral part of my life and I am glad to have been along for the ride, so to speak.

Not to say there aren't things that irked me about the show, but I can live with them. :)
Ugh. Dawn. Why did she even exist? Because Buffy's boyfriend was a dud? Because the show was going downhill after they graduated?

Aw, I still love it, though, warts and all.
Ugh. Dawn. Why did she even exist? Because Buffy's boyfriend was a dud?

You have no idea just how much I hate(d) Riley Finn. It's not even funny. He was just wrong on so many levels. The whole Initiative storyline was okay, but Riley just drove me mad each time he was onscreen. I like bad boys, what can I say? :lol: :lol:
Oh, I'm with you on that one Nikka What...Riley annoyed me to no end. :mad: The only good thing about the Initative was they nutered Spike, that was funny. :lol:

I did like Drucilla, She was too funny, totally NUTS! :lol:
Sorry I haven't posted in my own thread for a while, I was on a short holiday trip, but I'm back now to talk about Buffy.

I hate Dawn, I've always hated her. I wish she died along with Anya (who I wished stayed alive). I have nothing personal against the actress Michelle Trachtenberg, just the character she plays.
fave season: 4
fave pairing: xander/anya (but angel/cordy on Angel)
fave character: it was a toss-up between anya and cordy, but i went with cordy.

BtVS was my fave show for like ever, up until CSI basically. It will always have a special place in my heart. I never really liked seasons 1-3 just for all the B/A, which i always thought was crap. Everyone was like "he fell in love with her at first sight!"
A) i dont believe in love at first sight, just lust at first sight. If you're lucky sometimes it might develop into love.
B) She was 15 at the time and he was over 200. That is NOT romantic. Its very disgusting. JMHO though.

Season 4 was actually my fave season. Most fans say it was the worst but i didnt think so. It seemed to be a little more lighthearted and still dealt with some serious issues. 4 of my fave episodes (Pangs, Hush, Living Conditions, and Beer Bad) were in S4. I also liked S5 and most of S6.

I never really liked Dawn either. Esp. after S5 when she no longer served a purpose. She couldnt even claim to be a plot device anymore.

I did not like the character of Riley, but just the fact that Buffy was with him rather than Angel gave him points in my book.

Actually, though i watched both their shows, my least favorite characters were Buffy And Angel. Buffy was ok some of the time, but Angel just annoyed me. The only times i really liked him was when he was happy (which was normally around cordy--hence my shipping). I just hated how neither one of them could ever seem to get over themselves. "oh poor me, im the CHOSEN one." Boo hoo. Its all your friends that ended up getting hurt or dying, never you two! [/rant]

Buffy redeemed herself in The Gift when she sacrificed herself to save everyone else. Of course she reverted to form afterwards, only this time it was also "poor me im not dead no more!" >______<

I watched the shows for the supporting characters. They were the true gems of the franchise IMO.
Moving forward from what ollieuan said, in Angel season 4 (episode: awakening) just before Angel loses his soul again after having sex with Cordy, he says "Buffy!"I just don't get it, I thought he moved on from Buffy by now!
The recapper over at TWoP chose to interpret him saying that as meaning that in his fantasy the only thing that could have made sex with Cordy better is if Buffy walked in on them and it got thrown in her face. Apparently he thought of the satisfaction he would feel if Buffy got hurt like that and it caused him true happiness :lol:. Sure, that probably isnt the correct iterpretation, but its the best one ive heard so far and im sticking with that theory!
It does sound logical but it just doesn't seem like Angel to do that. Oh well doesn't matter. :) It was just bugging me, that's all.
I used to watch Buffy until it ended. When I went bakc and watched the old episodes, I realized just how cheesy it really is, but it was a good show when it was on.

Fav season: 3
Fav pairing: I chose Angel/Buffy, but I was a huge Wilow/Oz fan and I was very upset when he left and Willow went gay.
Fav character: Spike. I named my violin after him. He was awesome.
wOoT! I love BtVS :D :D :D :D

Although it can be slightly cheesy at times, its a great show. And I think Xander is really hot. But you didnt hear it from me. :p
OT, but GilGrissomCSI, i love your avi! I have that vid of Gir dancing to "mr. wonderful" saved on my comp. That show was precious. we should make an invader zim thread :lol:
Oh, I love this show! When the airing over here took a huge break after season 1 (two years or so), I got season 2-4 on video and watched them over and over and over again. I was totally obsessed...and yet, I never really liked Buffy herself...

Favourite season: 4
Favourite pairing: Willow/Oz, Willow/Tara
Favourite character: Willow