The Buffy Thread

Whose memoir would you read? (You may choose more than 1)

  • Mac Taylor

    Votes: 32 48.5%
  • Stella Bonasera

    Votes: 25 37.9%
  • Don Flack

    Votes: 29 43.9%
  • Danny Messer

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Lindsay Monroe

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • Sheldon Hawkes

    Votes: 18 27.3%
  • Sid Hammerback

    Votes: 23 34.8%
  • Adam Ross

    Votes: 24 36.4%
  • Jessica Angell

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 2 3.0%

  • Total voters
I'm not sure I wanna watch it. If it doesn't have the characters I love from the series then what is the point? The only character I really liked in the movie was Merrick and they killed him off... and I liked Pike (Luke Perry's character)... but anyway. I'll probably avoid the movie unless they put some really really hot guy in it that I really like or like have Bruce Campbell as the watcher. :lol: I somehow doubt that last one will happen though. :lol: They'd have to put an actor I really liked in it and whose career I tend to follow for me to watch. Most of the ones I'd watch a movie for would probably want nothing to do with this movie. :lol: And I can't imagine who they'd get to play Buffy/or whatever the slayer's name will be. And if it's titled something else like "Jody The Vampire Slayer", it won't be Buffy at all and therefore will get even less viewers. So, I don't understand why they are doing this.

Look... Twilight the movie was popular because of a popular Book Series, just like Harry Potter. But, this doesn't mean that a remake of BTVS or a series like the upcoming Vampire Diaries is gonna work. BTVS was the only Vampire related show (I'm including the spin-off in this) that lasted a good while on tv in the last ten years. Every other vampire show that followed did not last. Moonlight, Blade: The Series and Blood Ties are just some examples. Of course on cable channels such as Hbo/showtime/etc they can last cause those channels can show more.
Now that's kind of a shock!

Buffy without Joss? is that even possible? And I'm confused, too. Do they want to introduce a new slayer? What about season 8?

I'm not really fond of that idea. If Joss had wanted another film he'd said so.

Think, I need to get over the shock first before I can form coherent thoughts again.
I had no idea that there was a Buffy Thread, this is awosme. Buffy is my favorit show next Csi NY. I have all 7 season of Buffy and all the seasons of Angel.

I see that there are alot of Buffy and Angel fan thats cool, but me I love Spike. Im such a Spike girl and Im all the Way a Spuffy fan!!!!

I miss the show:(:(
Oh, since I'm a sucker for romance :cool:, which couple did you like most? My favourite, well, probably Willow/Tara, closely followed by Buffy/Angel (epic) and Buffy/Spike.
Worst couple: Willow/Kennedy (what a horrible person!)

I know this was posted AGES ago, but I have to agree, I adored Willow and Tara. Like... SO much. I cried like a baby when Tara died. DAMNIT, Joss Whedon, can't you EVER leave your happy couples alone? EVER??? *shakes fist angrily*

And yeah, I really loved Buffy/Angel (completel epic) but really warmed up to Buffy/Spike eventually. I mean, I could see once they started their crazy sex that they obviously connected physically (holy buckets, did they ever), but I also adored the way Spike really and truly fell in love with Buffy.

And most of all, I also H-A-T-E-D Willow/Kennedy. *gags violently*

By the way, I also really loved the short-lived affair that Willow and Xander had. Knew it was a bad idea, knew it wouldn't last, but loved it while it was there.
I couldn't stand Kennedy. She was a "bitca". :lol:

One gripe I had with the show: I hated that they went and made Amy such a horrible evil yes, bitca. :lol: I liked Amy up till she started screwing things up for Willow.
I have to agree about Kennedy I did not really like her. I loved Willow and Tera I was so upset when they killed her off. I also loved Oz and Willow, but I cant really pick which one I loved more.

Spike hands down one of my Favorit character along with Xander. I thought that the way James played him was Amazing!!! and Spike had that whole bad guy thing working for him:) James could take what the writers gave him and made it awsome to watch!!

Spooky said:
And yeah, I really loved Buffy/Angel (completel epic) but really warmed up to Buffy/Spike eventually. I mean, I could see once they started their crazy sex that they obviously connected physically (holy buckets, did they ever), but I also adored the way Spike really and truly fell in love with Buffy.

I loved Buffy and Angel the first couple of seasons then it just got to the point in the show were its not going anywhere. When Spike came back on the show during season 4 I thought he was the funniest thing and that he and Buffy had a connection(not just physical) that she and Angel did not have.