~The Break Room~ - Off-Topic Thread #2

I so wish my high school offered another language besides Japanese, Italian, Spanish & French. No offence to any native people of those languages but I don't see the use for them. If my high school offered Greek I so would've taken it. Maybe I'm being biased but it's such an important language to know for English linguistics, math, science etc. But, whatever. I have people at home who can teach it to me much better then the non-Greeks at my old school.
Haha, I could not learn a second language no matter how hard I tried. I took German and I sucked so bad I got kicked out of his class then I took french, couldn't learn a thing and got kicked out, then well, gave up on the second langage thing :lol:

Haha! I just finsihed my homework. I thought I actually finished before...then I realized I had a whole back part. It was simple, but I still didn't want to do it :lol:
The only languages my schools have offered have been German&French. The two most important.

The one where I was for a year, had Czech and..Lithuanian.

I remember my 3rd year days in Upper Secondary school. There was still sparehours, since all I had was languages :lol:

So my loved day was

8-9 German
9-10 German
10-11 English
11-12 English
12:35-13:20 Swedish
13:35-14:20 Swedish
14:30-15:15 Finnish
15:15-16:00 Finnish

All classes (in any subject) were double hours and usually the break wasn't kept (depended on teacher), except the first double in the morning.

I have to say switching from German class to English class.. or esp from German to Swedish was horrible :eek: All you had in your head was German words.

I hate that we are forced to learn Swedish :p
At high school we had no spare time! Went from 8.50 to 3.40 classes all the way....

Ducky's language day would have been my biggest nightmare, only thing worse would have been having Maths as well... :)

I am much better at languages now than when I was at school. We learned French and German at school, at college I also did a bit of Spanish.

Have realised now that I can understand quite a bit when I hear people speaking in French, Spanish and (a little) Italian, but I'm not very good at replying to them.

Yesterday, a German lady asked me the way to the train station, I tried to direct her but York isn't the easiest place to direct people in. I know the word for train station and left and right, but I'm not sure she will have got there. I feel bad, I just hope she got to her train on time....
Elsie said:
Ducky's language day would have been my biggest nightmare, only thing worse would have been having Maths as well... :)

:eek: Thank god my Maths ended in Sep on my 2nd year :eek: had only 6 courses :devil:
I stutter when I speak Arabic. I wasn't even that way with Spanish... then again, only Maaike would really understand language :)

I wish I had a kanafeh. I must have one now.
I've stuttered a sentence in Arabic. About all I managed... but I've been told that I pronounced it right so that's something :D I really like the sound of it but don't understand it at all...
I love learning random words in random languages...so funny to confuse people with it.
What sentence did you say? Wow I'm surprised you think it sounds nice, I always assumed foreigners think Arabic sounds gross. I used to feel that way about Chinese :lol:
I wouldn't know how to spell that :p
And I'm not sure I can really trust my friends about the meaning. Their expressions made me doubt it meant what they told me it did :lol:

Now, chinese sounds weird...not gross but strange...though japanese is fun :)

I love languages. My fave is russian but that's so frigging complicated... I was going to take lessons but I haven't yet. Just know a couple of words. And I can write some (very few) words in both russian and arabic. It's like code, nobody knows what you write :D
At my high school, just before I started there, they changed lunch from 60 minutes to 55. It was so stupid.
I've tried to learn other languages, I really have. But it just doesn't seem to work for me. That's not to say I won't try again, though :)
Learning random words/sentences in diffrent languages is fun xD
The only sentence I know in Spain is vamos ala playa (wrong spelling I guess xD)

I love languages :) It's fun to be able to talk to people who live in a total diffrent country than I do...
Though I only learn English and Italian (and Latin... duh) at the moment... Last year I learned French instead of Italian, but we moved so I had no other choice than learning Italian instead...
i take french, i love it...some days. Other days french is just boring because it's really easy for me. i wanted to take spanish but i never had the time :p. although i can count to 15 in spanish :lol:.
I seriously just cannot learn a second language. I can barley speak english (my first langauge) properly as it is :lol:

My finger really hurts! Random...
I take French also. And Latin. I love learning languages, though I'm probably going to have to drop one of them if I want to take Science and Java next year...
Ehhheey! Chinese ain't weird! :lol: I'm half chinese. Okay..first time that I've sounded so overjoyed by this fact :p. I'm not that fluent in the language but I do understand snippets of it. It's mind-boggling yes, but very challenging to learn. I also know some Japanese. People have said that they studied the language because it "sounds cute".. :confused: People do silly things I say..

My dream language would have to be Italian. Don't ask :lol:....!