the Big Move Snicker RP

Sara looked at him "I honestly dont know why I couldnt stay on the Case ,the Kari Jenkins case is getting to me" she turned to Nick "Honestly Why would the Man put me on a case involving a Newborn infant when..." she stops herself as she sighs
Greg felt one of those familiar shudders running down his spine at Sara's mention of her case. He shrugged, although he was aware that the brunette's question had been directed at Nick and not him. Greg leaned against his locker, the cold metal pressing against the exposed skin of his arm. Usually, he would be clad in a pair of jeans and one of those button down pin-striped shirts. But, when he woke up before shift, Greg had decided that it was far too hot for him to be wearing something like that, so he slipped on a teeshirt instead. It had been a long while since Greg had worn something like that, so it was a bit of a change. "You should talk to him..." He told Sara, offering a word of advice.
Sara eyed Greg as she felt Nicks hand gently rub her back
"its not like we havent tried to ,Its just that theres alot of cases going on right now and thier all real high profile cases" she frowns "I'll be okay though I just wish this family would get some justice" she turned to Nick "or at the very least the child does"
Greg took a breath, thinking about their, Nick and Sara's, case. He could understand why it would upset her, obviously. "I could take it...if you wanted." The man offered, not especially caring about what his boss would say on the matter. He was more then willing to help, after all, that was what friends did, right? They could always count on him to take a case that they didn't want. "You two could have mine." Greg didn't really expect for them to take it, he knew that both of them were too proud to.
Sara looked at Nick Knowing full well that He'd say yes to that offer or at the very least let Greg take Sara's place so she could stay and do lab work,but before he could speak Sara looked at greg and spoke up "no its okay Greg, I think I can handle it I've already got a few leads so it shouldnt take long to break this case wide open"
Nick wasn't going to argue with her. He knew she was so very determined to get the little baby justice that she wouldn't give it up now, no matter how many sleepless nights she got because of it. But when she was done with it, when they had found the killer, he was determined to go to Grissom and demand she wasn't put on a case like it again.
Rubbing her back gently, he nodded.
"Once the son of a bitch who touched that child is where he belongs though Sara, we're going to Grissom and you're not on any cases like this again, not in your condition. It's just insensitive on Grissom's part."
He was angry that their supervisor had left her open for all the heartache she was enduring because of the Kar Jenkins case - he would sometimes wake up at night to see her sitting at the end of the bed sobbing. He'd found that, at times like that, she didn't want him to wrap his arms around her, she just wanted to be left to do it on her own. She still found it difficult, even though they were secure in their relationship, to let even him see her cry, which is why, he knew, she cried at night when he was asleep. He would just lie there and offer the silent support of his presence, without saying a word or trying to physically comfort her, despite the fact that his arms ached to envelope her and take away her pain, and the pain he felt in his own heart anytime she cried.
Sara looked at him,She was greatful for his Presence when she had cried at night over this case But she was also greatful when he engulfed her in his arms when she very openly cried
Part of it was Her own messed up childhood Sure Grissom knew Part of what Happened when she was a kid But she never told him all of it,Nick however knew that she had been Abused in just about every form of the word By both her mother and Her father ,the case had brought up alot of those Issues as well as some Fear because she was Pregnant ,she eyed Nick "yeah but to Be Fair Nick Gris doesnt know ALL of my childhood Past he only knows Part of it,He doesnt know what they did to me" she shudders at the thought Knowing this would be a time where He'd hug her
Nick sensed this was his cue and wrapped his arms around her, not caring that Greg was there now. Stroking her hair, he sighed softly.
"It's alright honey. You know I won't let anything or anyone hurt you again."
He said in a soft voice, one hand now gently rubbing her tummy.
She Looked at him as she sat and wondered why she had eventhought of running away when she had gotten pregnant in the first place,This was all she needed Somehow who cared and showed affection to her and someone who when she needed it treated her like a porcelain doll "I Know" she sighs "but the Past still haunts me sometimes" she gives him a look "where were you when I was 6 and They'd lock me In the closet cause I wouldnt succumb to thier demands" she Kissed him also not caring that Greg was in the room "You really are My Prince Charming"
Nick smiled and kissed her back.
"Well I'm here now Princess, and I'm never going to hurt you or let anyone make you cry again."
He said, and she could tell by just the look in his eyes that he really did love her. He glanced at Greg and saw the look on his face and chuckled.
"Thought you'd have figured it out by now Greggo."
He rolled his ayes and pulled Sara close to him.
Sara smirked as she Kissed Nick back then Turned to Greg "yeah Greg I mean if the me being Pregnant thing didnt tip you off" she looked at him as he stared at her in confusion "Wait you didnt know about that either?? How could You not know about that???" she looked at Nick "I mean thats something we cant hide"
"I mean come on, she's huge!"
Nick laughed, earning him a slap which he only just managed to dodge.
"We've not even been trying to hide it for months now Greggo. God, you're a little slow on the uptake, man."
He teased, unable to believe that Greg seriously hadn't figured them out by now.
Sara smiled as she teased greg as well "I mean after all we're all CSI's Greggo Youd think something like that you would have figured out" she flashed her ring and smiled "and I havent even really been hiding this either not to mention I answer my Phone Calls 'Stokes' Now"