the Big Move Snicker RP

Greg, who had taken to leaning his whole side on the locker instead of just his arm, had one of those little smiles placed upon his lips. "I knew." He replied simply, that grin of his widening a bit. Whether it was a lie or not, Greg was going to allow them to be slightly confused with his reply. "Come'on guys, I'm not stupid." He just stood there, looking them over, grinning.
Sara eyed him "and you're okay with it, I mean You had a crush on me and Nicks Like your brother" she looked at the two men ,giving Nick the sweet "i love you" Grin as she held his hand gently squeezing it
Nick chuckled softly.
"Yeah, lil' bro Greg. Hey, you'll be Uncle Greg when Emily's born."
He chuckled again, squeezing sara's hand back and placing his other hand on her stomach.
Greg gave a small grin to Sara, nodding his head. "Yeah, it's alright." Apparently, the man was trying his best to give them his approval. Not that it mattered much, but they were still his friends, and like Sara said, they were both rather important to him. At Nick's statement, that expression on Greg's face brightened. "Really?" For the first time in that conversation they were having, he sounded excited.
Nick chuckled and nodded.
"We're counting on it."
He confirmed, extending his hand for Greg to shake. He loved all of this, all the planning for his little girl's birth and everything involved in that. He couldn't wait to see his little princess.
Sara smiled "Nicks right Greggy, and You know of all her Aunts and uncles I think You'd be the one that would spoil her the most, you'd be like cool Uncle Greg" She too couldnt wait to Hold thier baby In her Arms she wondered who she'd look like ,what her personality would be,Would the childbirth be painful.
She Gave Nick a soft sweet smile Letting Him know she was just excited as he was
Grin splitting his face even farther, Greg watched the two of them. A pridefull expression came onto his face as Sara described him as 'cool uncle Greg'. "Thanks, guys." He said, the grin turning into more of a soft smile. "You two are going to make great parents." Greg knew that he might have been a bit out-of-character in saying that, but it was the truth. With eachother, both Sara and Nick were stable people, for the most part. And he thought they were fine canidates for parents of the year, be it rather cheesy or not.
Sara smiled as she looked at Greg "thanks greg that means alot to us" she didnt want to tell the Young CSI that they had discussed moving away, that would hurt him and Nothing was set in stone yet anyways
Greg nodded his head, almost as a silent way of saying 'Your welcome'. He wanted to be...positive about them. Yes, positive, as in they'd stay together for ever and be happy. Something that he had previously wanted from Sara, of course, but was willing to let go in order for his friends to be happy. And he was okay with that...
Sara smiles at both Nick and Greg reassuringly "this is the real thing,we're in love,Married and going to have a baby" she stares at Nick lovingly she cant believe she's about to say what she's going to say but she does anyways "and I have a feeling we'll stay together forever"
Nick's smile grew and he pulled her closer to him, rubbing her tummy again.
"And there's going to be more little Emily's in the future too. You'll be such a perfect mother Sara, no matter where we raise them..."
Nick shut his mouth quickly, realizing he'd just put his foot in it big time. By the look on Greg's face, he knew the younger CSI had caught on...crap.
She looked at him as she whispered noticing his blunder "its okay baby right now we're just talking about it and Heck if we do move it will give Cool Uncle Greg a reason to go to texas" she smiled as she felt his hand gently touch her belly she wondered if the baby Knew how loved she was
"You two are...moving?" He asked slowly, pushing himself away from the lockers to look at them properly. Even if they were only talking about it, Nick and Sara moving would certainly put a huge damper on things. There wouldn't be anymore seeing them everyday, and that wouldn't be good. But change was a natrual thing, and it was probably a good thing too, if you looked at it differently. But Sara was right, it would give him a reason to visit Texas...Even if it was a long way away.
"We just don't think Vegas is the kind of place we want to raise our daughter. It's nothing to do with anyone in particular - just this case that Sara's's really hit home hard."
Nick sighed, looking down at Sara's bump and knowing she was right when she said Las Vegas was too dangerous for a child, especially a child of theirs. With their job, Nick had found that people held grudges - hell, he'd been in a box underground thanks to his job. No way he was putting his precious little girl in that kind of danger, in any danger at all for that matter. Not if he could help it.
Sara eyed him as she looked at Greg "Not that we think Texas would be any safer crimewise but its a much safer place to raise our daughter" she squeezed Nicks hand " or anyother children we might have in the future, Plus Nicks family is there They'd make sure nothing happens to any of us"