The Anti-Danny Thread

Just to make things clear:

I actually liked Danny in MIA/NYC-Nonstop, and I liked the idea of his gang connections. But as each episode went by the less and less I liked him. Its not one specific thing its just in general everything about the character doesn't sit right with me.

As to the Carmine thing, I agree people shouldn't be bashing him as a person. But personally out of the tv shows/movies he's been in I haven't enjoyed any of those particular roles. Is it the actor's fault? Maybe, maybe not.

If you want to come down on people for saying they don't like the character (who has been around for over a year) then you should also be posting similar things in the spoiler thread that talks about Lindsey/"Summer." If I'm not mistaken I believe there was a post there that said something along the lines of how the character should be burnt to death. But I don't see anyone having any problems with the person who posted that or the actual thread.
As to the Carmine thing, I agree people shouldn't be bashing him as a person. But personally out of the tv shows/movies he's been in I haven't enjoyed any of those particular roles. Is it the actor's fault? Maybe, maybe not.
And that's all I'm asking for. Thank you. Someone finally got my point. Hi non Carmine fan. Nice to meet you. :)

Anyhoo, see ya later guys. Enjoy the rest of your Anti. I hope it makes you feel really cool and really good about yourselves. I know I feel really good right now, thinking about how fans of CSI can harbour so many negative feelings towards not only the writers and characters, but also the actors who portray them.
I didn't see your post before I entered mine...Thanks. :)

I just wanted to make sure you knew that no one was attacking you and that we were welcoming your opinions. ;)

Sweet, I'm generally a peaceful person, but debating is my weakness...You guys finally found my weakness...I think the reason I can't agree or disagree is due to the fact I wrote Lincoln/Douglas & Policy debate cases all four years of high school...I had to write both affirmative and negative cases, so I can actually debate an issue...

Honestly I think it comes down to this, and this is an excellent thing to remember...Attack the issue and not the person...If you don't like Danny, does that mean you don't like Carmine? It is something to think about...If you don't like a character, you tend not to like the actor, and vise versa...The problem is remembering who is who...And though Danny is the way he is, I don't think Carmine is exactly that way...Hope that makes sense.

And that also goes for the people who are borderline arguing in here...Remember, attack the issue and not the person. :)

Disclaimer: Just trying to prove the point is all. ;) :cool:
This's anti-Danny thread, not anti-[/b]Carmine[/b] thread.
I don't like personal attacks against actors. No matter what actor.

I was thinking when I was ironing my pants
"Damn, they say there's too many Danny threads and then they create one and talk about him".
Is it really so bad that you have to create a thread where you can hate him? Or feeling bad that YOUR favourite don't get so much attention.
Has anyone ever told that you can open such a threads about Flack, Hawkes, Mac or Burn...and Bonasera of course? No. It's all up to you and how active you are and create new threads.

I don't have anything against dislking CHARACTER. But when it goes to bashing people who like him - it's bit too much.

Don't mix character and actor.

I'd suggest for similar "Dislike a Character" than LV board has - free to dislike character and in a good way.

But seriously. I don't think this thread should really be being debated about. We all have our opinions and as long as we're not bashing then rock on. Danny's a character. Nothing wrong with the actor. Just the character.
;)Remember ladies...

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one.
Love to hate...Hate to love.
*beep* thy enemy.

It's all one in the same. :lol:

Gotta love the freak among you. :cool:
waving it