The Anti-Danny Thread

Holy crap... I had no idea this existed...

Great place to get assasinated by a Danny fan. :D Or a bounty on your head.. by a Danny fan, but they don't have to come in here, now do they? Nope. It's clearly demonstrated on the thread topic. Whoo.

I must say, a breath of fresh air, I was really getting sick of 'Danny this, Danny that, Oh Danny Danny Danny...' so annoying.

I don't think I hate him, Carmine is sexy, but only bareable around Maka. He's just so whiny.

So... meaning- I might drop a post around here every once in a while. :D

That's what I've been doing, but no initial hating from me, as of yet...though that picture really summed it up...I'm still laughing at it. :D ;)
I must say, a breath of fresh air, I was really getting sick of 'Danny this, Danny that, Oh Danny Danny Danny...' so annoying.

Tell me about it! I logged in yesterday to check for new posts and there were like 5 new threads for Carmine/Danny. There should be some type of limit on how many threads a person/character can have. I mean does there really have to be 3 different threads for his glasses?

but only bareable around Maka. He's just so whiny.

Maka is one of the few things\people that make Danny watchable.
Oh, God, yes. I used to love coming to this board in the beginning, when all the characters got equal attention. But then it turned into "CSI: OMG!!1 Danny!" and I'd go weeks without coming here, because every header was so annoying. And I never feel welcome, because in this forum it seems like if you don't like Danny, you're the devil.

But hell, if you can't beat them, join them. I guess not the kind of join them that would make friends with them, but hey, we're talking about Danny.
Oh yes.

How I remember the good ole' days- when there was a Stella thread, a Mac thread (Oh how I miss thine Church of Gary where Sean would feed us pictures) and everything else under the sun. But the Danny took over, he went commando, he f*cked a goose, well, maybe not, but he does everything every Danny fan want him to do exept jump over the moon naked, while high on crack and singing Baba O Riley. :rollseyes:

Maybe I'm just to critical or PMS is taking over, or my heireditary(sp) bitchiness has shown it self at the spawning of this thread. Sigh.

But yeah, that picture basically summed it up. :lol:
How I remember the good ole' days- when there was a Stella thread, a Mac thread (Oh how I miss thine Church of Gary where Sean would feed us pictures) and everything else under the sun.

I'll preface this by saying I don't have anything against Danny, but I do have a big thing for Mac. :devil:

I have a whole Photobucket bursting with Gary goodness, and I'm open to requests. *waves wand*

Shirtless Gary? Done:

Shoeless Gary? Done.

Vertical Gary? Done.

Horizonal Gary? Done.

I've also written a prayer for the Church of Sinise:

Our hottie who art in Hollywood,
Hallowed be thy pecs.
Thy fangirls come -- and come undone -- watching TV as well as movies.
Give us this day our daily Sinise.
And forgive us our hotlinking,
as we forgive those who hotlink against us.
And lead us PLEASE into temptation,
and deliver us evil Gary. Amen.

The Gary love is alive and well, at least in my libido, er, heart. Come join me. :D
Oh, God, yes. I used to love coming to this board in the beginning, when all the characters got equal attention. But then it turned into "CSI: OMG!!1 Danny!" and I'd go weeks without coming here, because every header was so annoying. And I never feel welcome, because in this forum it seems like if you don't like Danny, you're the devil.

Amen to that. I kind of had a lapse in going here (and posting) regularly because of the Danny threads bombarding. Thank God for this thread, and the turn it has taken. At the start there were still a *few* Danny fans critiquing the nature of this thread, but you know, seeing what had taken place here, freedom of speech probably took over. lol. :D

What's important is that we respect them and that they respect us, right?

And great prayer, sMacdown! lol. Those Gary pics make me miss Sean so much. :(
Who cries after 9? Dude, be a man!

Ma Grandpa cried in age of 80 even he had gone through WW2 and 6 months as prisoner in Siberia.
So don't be so hard. ;)

I think it's okay if men cry. A real man will cry and be a better man for it. But Danny makes mistakes and then cries over it like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. That's not being a man, that's being a little boy.

:D I'm glad I started this thread.
Anyone else share my opinions.

No bashing please.

Why? Isn't what you're doing bashing Danny?

You know, fine, if you don't like him then that's your business, and of course you're entitled to your opinions (which you, incidentally, didn't give us in your first post) but I don't think you need to make an Anti-Danny thread. I don't see any Anti-anyone else threads, and I'm sure there's at least one hater for every character on the show.

I'm not a mod on this forum but if I was I would seriously discourage this sort of negativity. It brings me down, man. :(

Also, Carmine G. said he's read this board and if he comes back here I don't think he needs bad vibes like this. Give the man some constructive critisism, but Anti-Danny... that's harsh. :confused:

P.S. After re-reading some of the posts, not only are some of you critisising Danny but you're basically calling Carmine a bad actor. That's crossing the line, IMHO.
Yeah, there's a difference between crying because someone died and crying because you're an immature twat who can't go 3 seconds without making a mistake.

Also, a real man takes responsibility for his actions.