The Anti-Danny Thread

About Danny threads taking over... I mean, if you prefer other characters, create threads for them and keep them active. It's up to you. And I don't think you get hanged even you don't like Danny (someone said about "it feels like if you don't like Danny, you are the devil"). It's not like that, this is quiet peaceful forum.

If you are unhappy with forum - contact moderators.

But needing a thread to bash one character and his fans... I'm sorry but it's quite pathetic.
Am I Danny fan? Yes. But I'm also a fan of Mac and nowadays fan of Stella.
:lol: :lol: :lol:ROFLMAO...I LOVE THAT PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are killing me! :D
GodofMediocrity - Get your ass out of the anti-Danny thread! You fool no one.

Oh, come on MrsG...That was a funny damn picture...I may be a Danny fan, but that was still funny as hell...Some of the comments that have been made in here are a bit valid...People who don't like Danny need a place too, and all the Danny lovers just kind of took over the place...I'm just all for equal opportunity...If it's good for one, it's good for all, or it's good for none. :)

I guess my morbid sense of humor has taken over my fondness of the man in this thread, but I was going to get stoned, tarred, and feathered by at least some people on this board sooner or later for the way i think ;) :D :cool:
I'm not a mod on this forum but if I was I would seriously discourage this sort of negativity.

Believe it or not I've been encouraged, on many, many, MANY occasions, and by Danny fans themselves, to start a "We Hate Danny" thread. I never started it because I knew Danny fans would start throwing fits.

It brings me down, man. :(

Then don't come in here. It's that simple. Again, I've been encouraged to start a thread like this for a long time now. And if people are allowed to start 246,482 threads about how perfect the shape of Danny's eyes are, why can't we start a thread where we discuss why we don't like him?

Also, Carmine G. said he's read this board and if he comes back here I don't think he needs bad vibes like this.

Is he that desperate for attention that we need to praise him wherever he goes? Do we have to cater to his low self esteem by constantly talking about how great he is, and how blue his eyes are, and how hot he is? Because if I had to choose between shallowness and this, I'd definitely go with this.

I'm not a hypocrite. I don't like something, I say it. And I have the right to, too. Frankly, I find Carmine's desperation to come online every day and read praise about himself rather pathetic. And I find people who are constantly kissing his ass because he 'comes here' just as so. Does the man have nothing to do than come online and read about how everyone loves him? That's pretty sad.

And it's the reason why I've never liked him. And apparently, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Aren't you guys constantly attacking Mac in your threads? What if Gary comes online and reads that? What if Hill comes to this board and sees the "who should leave" thread and his feelings are hurt because the majority of people voted for him?

These are people who receive negative and positive criticism every day of their lives. I'm sure they don't care. And if Carmine is that desperate for attention, quite honestly, he should just get a livejournal.
You're missing the point dude. 500 threads about liking something is fine. Anti/Hate threads are not.

I never attack anyone. I've said I don't like certain characters because... but it's never about 'OMG I hate Mac because he's a little bitch'. That's the line, and you've just crossed it. know, until you just brought it up, I never thought of it quite like that....In all actuality both of you are right...Now before somebody gets the ass with me...Let me explain...

007 is right because you just don't walk up to someone and say, 'Listen bitch, I just don't like you.' and then go into detail about it...That's just rude and uncalled for.

The other person (sorry I forgot the name :)) is right because as any creative person knows there's always going to be someone who likes you, and there's always going to be someone who dislikes you...There's always someone better, and there's always someone worse...Constant reassurance is a sign of insecurity

Though it is a sign of insecurity, I don't think that's why he does it...There are many actors, writers, artists, etc. that go online for feedback purposes and the like...They want to know who likes them, who dislikes them, and why they do so they can assess how to correct, adjust, etc. the problem or the praise

Like I said before, I'm not defending or attacking...I'm just trying to keep the peace and throw some ideas out there for you to kick around and discuss...NOT FIGHT OVER!

I hope this all made sense...Anywho, I'm done now before someone yells at me. :) :cool:
Bottom line: this is the thread were people who don't like Danny come to express themselves. You guys have your threads where you express your feelings, why can't we have ours?

Are we going to be banned next, just for having an opinion? Because this is all the thread is. Our opinion.
I knew Danny fans would start throwing fits.
(1) Personal attack on Danny fans.

And if people are allowed to start 246,482 threads about how perfect the shape of Danny's eyes are, why can't we start a thread where we discuss why we don't like him?
Did you read my post? Anti-Danny - go for it. Anti-Carmine - nasty.

Is he that desperate for attention that we need to praise him wherever he goes? Do we have to cater to his low self esteem by constantly talking about how great he is, and how blue his eyes are, and how hot he is?
(2) Personal attack on Carmine.

Frankly, I find Carmine's desperation to come online every day and read praise about himself rather pathetic.
(3) Personal attack on Carmine, and you've made a huge assumption saying that he comes here every day.

You're just posturing now to try to make some 'freedom of speech' point, which, as I said, is fine. But posting how you hate a person (the real life person, not the character) is just juvenile and I can't understand how/why anyone would even want to do it.

I am publically declaring my intend to surrender my moderator "powers" if this sort of thing is going to be allowed here. I think there's enough hate in the world already. Are you so desperate for something to talk about that you need to do this? Don't you have anything nice to say about anyone? Go start a thread about someone you like, and talk to other fans who also like that person. If you don't like anyone you're probably in the wrong place.

Once again, if you don't like Danny Messer, CSI then great. Go for it. Post all you like because thie IS an Anti-Danny thread.

If you hate Carmine, think he's a crappy actor and wish he would drop dead then keep it to yourself. Real life is not TV, and people who preach hate suck.
GodOfMediocrity you are more than welcome here and I don't think it makes you less of a Danny fan being reading other people's opinions.

The reason I created this thread with encouragement from Radrcks was because it does seem like this board is overflowing with the Danny/Carmine obession. It's okay if you like him! I'm obsessed with Ryan/Jon(I did start a website for him afterall) but I don't go making 15 threads about how wonderfully sexy he is in a sweater vest... okay I distracted myself.

I say if people have the right to make threads about how much they love someone, how is it not fair for someone to start a thread about how much they can't stand someone?

And what I meant by no bashing was don't degrade someone for having their own opinions (and yes I didn't include mine originally, mostly because I wanted to hear other's opinions.) I haven't once attacked a Danny fan for being a fan. I'm just attacking their Danny thread flooding.

And this isn't a HATE thread! It's an anti thread. There's a difference between hating something and being against it.
I think some of you being are selectively illiterate...

An example of something I have no problem with:
"Danny Messer is a whiny little bitch. No wonder he never got promoted. He's an ass kisser, and completely incompetant."

An example I do have a problem with:
"Danny Messer is a whiny little bitch and the actor who portrays him is really annoying because of that. He's a sad internet nerd loser that likes to score dirty emails from his underage fans".

Have we spotted the difference?
Do we know that TV is not real life?
Can we understand that just because Danny is an annoying twit, this doesn't mean Carmine is?
Well, I see my attempt to help has failed. :confused:
:mad: Oh well, f*ck it.
Back to me normal postings on the other site...Apparently that's what I'm better at anyway. :cool:

I didn't see your post before I entered mine...Thanks. :)
When have we said that we hate Carmine? Is the word "hate" even in the header of the thread? Do I think he's pathetic? Yes. Does that mean I hate him? No. I don't hate anyone I don't know. I don't even hate the people I know. And even if I did hate him... so what? Hate is a human emotion. You can't start a crusade to debunk human emotions just like you can't control the way people think.

And for the record, this thread was fuctioning quite harmoniously, if you notice we even had a Danny fan in here enjoying herself and having fun with us, until you guys made a big deal about it. And now, you've made GodOfMediocrity feel like a bad fan because she was here. GodOfMediocrity, I hope you don't go. We really like having you around.

I've been to many forums where they have lots of anti-threads. If don't believe me, go to People who don't like a certain character start anti-character threads. There, they talk about the things they don't like about a certain character. The people who love said character just stick to their love threads. These people live harmoniously in those forums. They may disagree on their liking/disliking of a certain character, but they also come together and co-exist peacefully in the love threads of the characters they DO like. Anti-threads are nothing new. They've been around forever, and when people just learn to accept each other, regardless of how they feel about a certain character, it can be a great thing. Why? Because it keeps the tension and the fights off the other threads. It's very therapeudical. For example, I'd been away from the NY forum for so long, because I always felt like I didn't belong here. But since this thread was started, I've felt more and more at home here. I no longer roll my eyes when I see the 289,482 Danny threads, because I know have a thread where I can express my emotions about it. To me, that's a good thing. Again: it keeps the nastiness OFF the other threads.

I'm sure if people were mature and understanding about this, this thread would not be a problem.
csi007 please breath, there really is no rule about saying they hate/dislike an actor or character, if you put in the "I like vs the dislike" it makes for a great debate.

Though i think i can see where you are coming from "Dislike/hate the character" but the actor is just trying to do his job let him be, the problem comes with the fact that fan opinions of how an actor does his job on the show is no different then a critic giving a review.

I am not a mod here either, actually i don't watch the show so i have no interest in the character/actor (for or against) but the rules are if you personally attack a member then it's against the rules.

Reguardless of the actor coming here or not, they are only seeing how they might be able to improve their character, granted i don't care for "I hate.." it seems harsh i would say "I dislike..." which seems less harsh, but to each their own.

I wouldn't surrender being a mod based on this, it's not really worth it, i am sure the actor/s have heard worse said, about them and the characters they have played.

People who like the character have two choices when they come here, they can either debate within the rules or not come in, same for those who are against the character.

My thought always is this, maybe the character wants to know how they are doing, if they think their character to change they need fan proof message boards give this, if they are a "love to hate" Character then they are proven to be doing their job very well.

hope this helps some, getting riled up about this just gets you no where fast, but if any thread (good, bad or ugly) offends people then to click Notify moderator or PM one of the mods and let talk to them.
Each of you have your own points and from what i have read not really going to agree much, agree to disagree and let the moderators handle it and move on until then.
I didn't see your post before I entered mine...Thanks. :)

I just wanted to make sure you knew that no one was attacking you and that we were welcoming your opinions. ;)
I think finally someone is seeing my point...You just said it a bit better, I think.

As for now, I don't think I'm going anywhere...I love debates, just don't fight ladies.

I've come to realize...You can never teach a pig to dance because you only become frustrated and annoy the pig. ;) :)
Has anyone ever realized that a good, healthy debate requires that opponents, err, oppose each other? How boring would this forum be if people didn't have differing opinions?

Now, that said, I believe that those who dislike Danny have as much right to have a thread to discuss why they don't like him as others do to open up a thread on how well the man squats. They also have the right to discuss it if they don't like the way the Carmine acts. Many people tend to forget that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. We can't tell people they're only allowed to discuss happy, positive things. That's not the way conversation works.

If you don't like the subject of a thread, don't go in it. That's why they have titles, to give posters an inkling of what might be inside. And if you have a problem with the word "anti" that's actually kind of too bad. It's not a bad word and it aptly describes what this thread means to be about. You're letting connotation get in the way of denotation.

Now, I've been following this thread and so far I can't find anything wrong with what's been said. So they're joking about Danny, he's a character (ie. not real.) And as for Carmine, if he's so insecure that he can't take it if someone says he's a bad actor then he really needs to get out of the biz.

Since I seem to be the only one around at the moment, I'm letting this thread stay open. If Top41 or TBonz wish to shut it then that's fine by me. However, for anyone who posts in here (no matter which side of the debate you're on) let's get some things straight:

Don't attack each other. If you want to attack someone's point go ahead but don't finish it up with something like "All Danny-haters are losers."

If you are going to attack someone's point make sure you lay out your counterpoints. It's just good form for any intellectual discussion to give your opponent examples of why you think they are wrong and gives them a chance to see where you're coming from.

Lastly, I want to reiterate that, being a thread devoted to disliking Danny, it's not going to always be about why you should or shouldn't like Danny. Sometimes it's going to be joking about him. If you don't like it, don't come in here.