The Anti-Danny Thread

It would be really funny if Hawkes and Lindsey got promoted before him. :lol:

Hawkes before Danny! Lol! Oh, man. That would be hilarious. Awww.

And they would throw Hawkes a party and Danny would just be in a corner, sulking. Stella would have to bring him extra cake to make him feel better. But then he'd start sulking again when he finds out the ice cream is gone.
And they would throw Hawkes a party and Danny would just be in a corner, sulking. Stella would have to bring him extra cake to make him feel better. But then he'd start sulking again when he finds out the ice cream is gone.

Wouldn't he already be sulking because:
1) the party wasn't for him
2) he didn't get the biggest piece of cake
3) it wasn't his favorite type of cake
4) someone got a piece with more frosting than him
And they would throw Hawkes a party and Danny would just be in a corner, sulking. Stella would have to bring him extra cake to make him feel better. But then he'd start sulking again when he finds out the ice cream is gone.

Wouldn't he already be sulking because:
1) the party wasn't for him
2) he didn't get the biggest piece of cake
3) it wasn't his favorite type of cake
4) someone got a piece with more frosting than him

:lol: :lol: :lol:HAHAHAHA....I've got to get out of this thread before people think I've turned to the dark side, but you guys are a trip...I love it! :D

Danny gives a lecture at an entomology conference:


Grissom was there.
He's got that same sulky look and everything :lol:

I was thinking of the scene between Danny and Flack in On The Job. Flack's maturity and understanding lowered Danny's emotional IQ to 3.
That picture is hilarious!!!!

I do have to say that I agree that it is plausible that it is how they've written the character, but sometimes I still think it has a lot to do with the actor.

Honestly, I've never seen Carmine in anything else so I can't be the judge of his acting abilities.

I still don't like Danny much though. One of my favorite scenes of the whole season is when he almost lost his head looking up the garbage chute.
One of my favorite scenes of the whole season is when he almost lost his head looking up the garbage chute.

I know!! I love that Flack laughed. I laughed, too.

We're so mean. But come on. You know everyone around the lab is always bitching about him, too.

Stella: Ugh, here comes Danny.
Flack: Don't tell him what we're doing tonight.
Holy crap... I had no idea this existed...

Great place to get assasinated by a Danny fan. :D Or a bounty on your head.. by a Danny fan, but they don't have to come in here, now do they? Nope. It's clearly demonstrated on the thread topic. Whoo.

I must say, a breath of fresh air, I was really getting sick of 'Danny this, Danny that, Oh Danny Danny Danny...' so annoying.

I don't think I hate him, Carmine is sexy, but only bareable around Maka. He's just so whiny.

So... meaning- I might drop a post around here every once in a while. :D