Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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allmaple said:
i cant help but think if it was warrick in that box, or especially grissom, that he would not have asked to cut costs in the lab to raise the ransom. he was willing to put his butt on the line to save nick and im not sure he would take such a huge risk for any of the others.

Just FYI, for some reason, when that episode was put on DVD that little scene was cut out. Only thoes of us in North America have seen that scene. I do not know why, but...
what scene are you talking about that you only saw in north america? if its the scene im thinking of, i think isaw it. i saw grave danger also on isreali tv and also on the dvd, and it seemed to be the same.
myfuturecsi! I love you avvie! OMG!! I'm smitten with it!!! I can't stop smiling!!!

Yep...George can be cocky...but he certainly knows how to work it!

It completely baffles my mind that Nick could possibly be the one to handle Ecklie! Actually...I'm sure Nick could handle anything at this point. I would be wanting to keep Nick on my good side and not my bad side!! But I think Nick would be fair in any situation that arises. Go Nick, go Nick........
It's funny you say that about the "lingerie" scene- it almost seemed like the anti-flirt to me: Nick's delivery was so underwhelmed and dry, and Sara barely seemed to notice the comment. I thought it was actually the perfect example of joking between friends who are not attracted to each other in any way. But as someone said, perception is subjective. :)
Yeah! New threaed for Nick/George! Love the title allmaple its great!!! In England we are nearly at the end of Season 6 so I need something to keep me going! :lol: But Im so annoyed because I am on a school week-away in about 4 weeks so Im gonna miss Bang Bang and it sounds really good!!!! I can't even tape it because my VCR is broken! :( :mad: But at least I have the new discussion thread to keep my little bit of sanity I have!!!!
Wow, ya'll been busy while I have been moving to New York! Love the new title for the discussion thread. Glad to be back on the forum after two weeks away, I was in some serious withdrawl...but now I have a good friend down the hall who also has mild to severe Stokes syndrome, so we'll be passing the summer months watching reruns....Grave Danger is on Wednesday on the whole "Dinner and a Movie" thing on USA network I think...
stress eating? :lol: i myself clawed at the couch and held pillows to my face the first time i watched it. my friend kept hitting me and saying 'its just a show!' so i hit her back and said 'but its nick!!' :D

i have a little clarification information for you ladies:
Destiny said:
IMDB Exit Wounds Credits, does show him as "Car Salesman number 2". Its on both the movies credits and the actors credits, though I haven't looked alot in any other place. Hopefully that helps. Being uncredited makes it hard to trace him.

i was just sent this by someone who wanted to clear up the confusion about george. (hope its ok to put a picture here as this is where it was mentioned) while this guy looks a little too much like george that its kind of creepy, it is most definately not him. he has the similar jaw structure but is lacking the cute freckles and one large beauty mark that george has on his right cheek.
WOW, you are right allmaple, the pic is creepy. He could be George's twin brother only the hair needs to be a little shorter. :D
It's a tough call since it was a while back and the picture is distorted...

Edited to add: And thanks to Amy777 for her Exit Wounds pic! Very much appreciated! :)
You took the words out of my mouth, Baba -- it's a tough call. At first glance it doesn't look like him but the hair, the camera angle, any difference in weight... who knows? I could see how it might be him, but I know my first reaction was to want it NOT to be him. :p :)
Allmaple, thanks for posting that picture for me. I know that one looks a little distorted, if anyone wants more "evidence" from that move, PM me and I could give it to you. I think IMDB has made another mistake.
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