Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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Creepy doesn't begin to cover it! Hmmm....think I will sit on the fence and wait. I dunno. Kinda makes me wonder what he looks like when he was younger. Hmmm........I bet George was a cutie as a baby! Awwww....shucks! Can you imagine? Of course we can imagine! :D Sigh...it is going to be a long summer.......
Yeah but, I'm thinking the character is a car salesman, rght? So they're probably going for the sleazy look anyway... I mean, did you see Brad Pitt in Fight Club or Snatch? He was pretty greasy looking! It really depends on the characters, I think; that is, the right look for the right character might not be appealing to us, but it's stil appropriate.
I think it is him. Look at the hairline near his temples. The slighty off-kilter grin. The fingers. The laugh lines around the mouth. The shape of the nose. Cover up the hair with your fingers or something and you can see it. Obviously it's not an exact resemblance to him NOW, but I really can see how that would be him.

Glad he's got better roles now. :)
^^^ That's exactly what I was thinking. Particularly the hair line and laugh lines around the eyes.
I definately don't think that is George Eads. The face is longer, the chin is bigger and more rounded off, and the lips are different too. This guy could deffinatley play nicks older brother though.
^^^ Yeah but that might be because the picture is distorted... I wish we could see it without the distortion, and maybe another frame where he's got a different expression on his face. It's really a tough one! :lol:
I unfortunately saw that movie (too many times, a favourite of my ex's) and the picture shown isn't as disorted as you would think, the guy in the movie has a bit of a jay lenoish chin
^^^ Really? Oh, that's good to know! It's nice to have someone who's actually seen it, and not just that picture. You've given me hope! :lol:
nickstokesfan said:
I think it is him.

if you look at it really quickly its easy to make that mistake, but the lack of freckles is a dead give away. and although george has a strong jaw he doesnt have a huge chin like that guy. plus georges dimples are much cuter, he as two on each side! :eek: but congrats to that guy for bearing such a strong resemblence to a hottie like george :lol: too bad he didnt speak (or so im told) so we could do a voice comparison.
i know ive said i want george in a big screen movie, but id hope he could accomplish a little more than 'caresalseman #2' i believe george has said he wouldnt be opposed to nudity in a role, so whats taking so long??! i know theres a shower scene out there but i have never and will never seen 'just a walk in the park' but george in romantic comedies would be to die for. :D
That picture was distorted?! Really!?!? I thought my eye sight had gone wonky or my contacts were worn out! I look at the pic and see few things that remind me of George. I see other things and it reminds me to hang out with myfuturecsi's kitty for a bit. :)

I started re-watching seasons 1-5 for some strange reason. Could it be related to how George has changed and I do mean for the better over the years? Or would it be for all of those yummy arm shots, face shots, backside shots, melt me smile shots, those soulful brown eye shots, no shirt shots, I would go on...but I'm sure you all are picking up what I'm putting down.
In other words you needed a 100% George fix. I can relate.

I am still on the fence with that picture. I am about 90% sure it isn't George. The film came out in 2001, according to IMBD. You would think at that time George would only be taking speaking parts in movies. It gives us something to research anyways
I just had a thought... Exit Wounds came out in 2001? What else was George filming around that time? Judging by how long it took him to grow his hair out this season, I seriously doubt he could have had that long greasy hair when in everything else he filmed around that time, he had the close-cropped coif.
When I think of the hair issuses and the more I think about that picture I really don't think that is George.
BabaOReilly said:
I just had a thought... Exit Wounds came out in 2001? What else was George filming around that time? Judging by how long it took him to grow his hair out this season, I seriously doubt he could have had that long greasy hair when in everything else he filmed around that time, he had the close-cropped coif.

He could have worn a wig though... ;)
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