Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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I suppose so...I wish I could just see the movie and then I'd be able to tell (hopefully)! Because didn't someone say that the picture is distorted?
Amy sent me a couple more pictures from that scene and now it is deifinatly not george. while i agree that the first picture it was really hard to tell, in these two its much easier. so thanks Amy for helping us clear up this issue!
now that thats over, anyone got any ideas on what to talk about next? :lol:
That second one clinched it for me. That guy looks more like Urs Buhler from Il Divo than George Eads!!! :lol:

ETA: I think it's good to point out that in Evel, George had a TOTALLY different hair style and colour, he was a lot more buff than he usually is as Nick Stokes and yet there is no mistaking it's George Eads. So... well done, allmaple (and thanks, Amy). :)
I agree definetly not George. Not even close.

I see one of the perks of the new job is access to the internet. Nice.

How about if tptb give Nick a girlfriend who do you think it should be? Just a thought for our next talk
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
I agree definetly not George. Not even close.

I see one of the perks of the new job is access to the internet. Nice.

How about if tptb give Nick a girlfriend who do you think it should be? Just a thought for our next talk

Not one of the other CSIs or lab techs. GE once mentioned the idea of Nick dating a social worker, someone who deals with children. I like that idea.
I liked the chemistry Nick and Sage had in Gum Drops...anyone else think that they would make a nice couple? She seemed like a very sweet, down-to-earth woman, and her spirituality seemed to pique his interest.
I think Sage is too much of an "old soul" for Nick. I didn't really sense any chemistry between them... just some keen understanding.

Can't think of anyone else at the moment, though....
I think I have a thing for Nick/Sage because Sage reminds me so much of myself. *laughs*

Gee, who didn't see that coming.... :lol:
hmmmm, a girl for nicky...
she should be about 5'10", she doesnt wear heels a lot so she wont tower over him anyway. shoulder length straight brown hair, sparkley green eyes. sweet, funny, some might say witty. in other words, yours truely :D
but seriously, nicky should have a 'girl next door' type, nothing too wild, the guys old fashioned ya know ;) hes the guy every girl would kill for so they could bring him home to momma. he shouldve been scooped up years ago. george too. poor guy, he just hasnt had any luck i guess. or maybe craig ferguson was right and he is affraid of commitment :lol:
I agree with the 'girl next door' type of girl for him...Nicky doesn't need to be involved with any more hookers. =P

I do think it's time for Nick Stokes to finally get a break and get an active relationship on the show. Nothing too grand, just some evidence that he's not alone. It makes me sad to think of him coming home to an empty house. :(
I think Nick needs someone that can relate to the stress of the job but at the same time take his mind off it. The social worker would be a good idea but not one that works with children. I think his love of children and how they effect him in his job would be to stressful for him. Sage is just not the right feel for me. Maybe someone we have never seen before.

allmaple when you mentioned George and his fear of commitment you probably have to look at what he saw while his parent's marriage fell apart. George seems to have put his career before marriage and family. Maybe that's what happen to Monica and him. Now could you have imagined what we would have missed if he got married early and didn't take up acting.
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