Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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George has certainly said that he was humbled by the firing and he doesn't take things for granite anymore. Getting fired from a job you love can be a hard wake up to reality. Likely for us and George he got his job back.
Thanks for the translation! I could understand a lot of it, but I haven't taken French in 5 years, so some of it I wasn't too sure about.

I thought the part about being the opposite to Nick was interesting. I'm guessing he meant mainly with the job being very different and how he would deal with it. Also, he probably did the interview in English then it was translated to French, now we're translating it back, so it could be a little hard to say what the actual words were.

I thought I had read an interview before that said he tried to bring a lot of himself into the character, and I just found it.

Here's the part I was talking about:
Amy: Are there any things you have in common with your character Nick Stokes?

George: I think that anything I’ve ever done, I’ve tried to bring as much of myself as I can to the role. Some similarities – there’s the dedication to the profession, I feel like I have a lot of dedication to the acting profession. The differences – Nick has a lot more brains (laughs). He’s more tenacious. Smarter than I am, definitely.

The rest is here
i always was better at reading and writing french than speaking it, maybe if my family hadnt left france 300 years ago id be better :lol: but why does france seem to jump on george interviews?? they obviously know whos the best on the show but why dont north american magazines do it too? i dont care about baby suri and shiloh, or whether or not jennifer anniston is actually engaged, i care about george, get it right people! :lol: im not bitter....
i wonder how george would have handled the whole 'its over' fiasco. since nick idolizes grissom he shuts up and goes his merry way, but would george have? hmmm....
Such talented "Stokies" in the Ward! The team work in translating for us one-languaged people was wonderful! ::wipes tears::: Thank you!

You have a interesting point there allmaple. Has George ever been asked that and how he would have done it? I'm sure it would have been a real hoot to see the out takes on that one! I'm sure George added his own special brand of humor. Maybe he pulled a bong-:D- out and suggested they bury the hatchet?

I ask myself if there is a deity in the heavens that would bless us with some CSI humor that never makes it onto TV. I could use a dose of "George" humor on those days when I can't humor myself! Heaven knows I can use a lung exercising laugh!

I found some bright green sticky notes recently. The cat didn't share my enthusiasam about them! ;)

:::Gives Baba a glance....continues to ponder on the thought:::::::::
I have also noticed cats don't like sticky notes. Now a fun idea could be sticking them on George and then helping him peel them off. Making sure we stick them in his ticklish spots :devil:
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
I have also noticed cats don't like sticky notes. Now a fun idea could be sticking them on George and then helping him peel them off. Making sure we stick them in his ticklish spots :devil:

I am laughing my self silly here, SO random yet so thought provoking :lol:

and I like how George is in real life, he seams really real and like some one I'd befriend.

and I think George's response to Grissom's 'it's over' would have gotten him fired!

but seriously people, George is a lovely man and they should talk about him over here more, I want my George stuff dang nabbit! :lol:

and George baby don't sell your self short, your smart, a lot smarter then most people :)

and lots of love to my George and lots of love to my AC . there both very cute :D
Just poking my head in to add to the discussion of GE's brain. That is one of the first things I noticed when I started watching interviews and reading interviews that he gave. Most "celebrities" I don't even try to read or watch because they sound so unintelligent, They seem to have not substance to them, but, GE was different, he sounded intelligent in his responses and thought provoking answers. I remember telling my mother that it was kind of strange that the show portrays Nick as the least intelligent, but from interviews, it seemed like the actor was probably the most intelligent (of the cast). It is nice to know that there is one person in Hollywood who knows how to use his brain. GE seems like the kind of person you can have an actual intellectual conversation with. From listening to him in interviews I also think that he is selling himself short by saying that Nick is so much smarter than he is. Nick may know more random facts, but I think GE is smart too. Just my 2 cents on the subject.
I know what you mean, Amy. Sometimes watching celebrities in interviews all I can think is, God...give them a SCRIPT since they can seem to handle speaking normally! It's pretty cringe-worthy at times, but GE is pretty intelligent.
i love georges interviews! ive only seen three but he is such an interesting person to watch. he looks like hes really having fun and wants to be there, not like hes there just because he has to. he actually has a personality and unlike some celebrities who shall remain nameless i actually enjoy hearing what he has to say.
i think because he is such a private person it helps too. hes not all out there so when you see him on television its not like 'oh him again!' as if id ever think that about georgie but you get what i mean. whenever movies or new shows come out some actors do every single talk show and say the same things each appearance. george isnt like that, he does the good talk shows and hes never repeated himself.
i really liked his ellen appearance and when i was in the grocery store in florida i thought of him when i walked past the rotel tomatoes :D
I think one other thing that also makes George stand out from other celebrities is that he doesn't come off as self important or pretentious. I agree with you maple that George does a very good job of keeping it fresh when it comes to interviews.
^^^ Plus, although I miss having fresh, candid pictures of the guy, it's nice that we don't see constant photos of him on the party circuit or whatever. While I'm sure he likes to have a good time, it's nice that he's not out pulling the Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan partier style appearances everywhere. I know he's a little older, but that doesn't seem to stop other stars his age from being out on the scene all the time.
i think id be very sad to see george stumbling out of a club at 3am with bloodshot eyes. i know weve seen him with drinks in his hands at events but hes not wasted or anything. id also hope for his sake he doesnt touch drugs, but you never know with actors. my moms convinced he was high on something for the craig ferguson interview, because he kept giggling.
although i wouldnt be opposed to a wardrobe malfunction or two ;)
BabaOReilly said:
^^^ Plus, although I miss having fresh, candid pictures of the guy, it's nice that we don't see constant photos of him on the party circuit or whatever. While I'm sure he likes to have a good time, it's nice that he's not out pulling the Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan partier style appearances everywhere. I know he's a little older, but that doesn't seem to stop other stars his age from being out on the scene all the time.

I completely agree with this and have thought as much myself.

As bummed as I am that we don't see more pics of him out and about I'm glad he's not a partier. None of the cast seems to be and I like that about them. You usually only see them at award shows or the occasional charity event.
They seem to live fairly "normal" lives. By that I mean private and quiet which is as close normal as you're going to see in Hollywood.
have you seen season 6 yet? in the episode 'daddys little girl' grissom tells nick 'its over' and is referring to his kidnapping and burial in the season 5 finale. i would say most, if not all, of us were not satisfied with this so called conclusion to the grave danger story line
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