Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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i cant talk about something that i really want to!!! erg, this is frustrating :lol: hmmm, how can i say what i want. well, nicks tush, in black pants, moving next thursday :lol: how bout that? :p we wont be disappointed, that man sure can fill out a pair of jeans :devil: *eyes D hooking up the hose* and i er, uh, mean with his legs. and um, knees. yes thats it
I have seen a pic on the TexanCharm website and I certainly do agree there :devil:. I am almost tempted to look at the season 7 picture thread but so far I'm resisting the temptations.
oh Jacquie they are so good! i tell myself that i cant figure out the plot of the episode from to promotional stills so i look at them :lol: but you are much stronger at resisting temptation than me i guess :lol: im so glad nicky has been in a lot of them, i get sick of all grissom and all catherine ones. there are other characters on the show! but if you look there after the show airs they are usually posted with the title of the episode so you wont get spoiled on the others. i noticed george looks more natural in them than the others, they look way too posed. he looks perfect as always :D
I have every intention of looking at them after the shows air. :) I may have to wait until the weekend but I will be looking at them. 1 week tonight and we get new Nick. :) Yes!
Jacquie said:
1 week tonight and we get new Nick. :) Yes!
I am so excited, I don't know what to do with myself.
I hope all of you who will have the honour of getting "New Nick" :D soon in Season 7 will provide the rest of us with tons of information on how he looked and how he acted and if Little Stoker's making an appearance as well... :p

Damn, German TV still resists on showing Season 6! :(
if you dont mind watching it on your computer the episodes this season will be available for free online! there was a post in the general csi forum, i dont think they ever figured out where they would be, but most people guessed you can find it through the cbs site. they will go up on fridays and be available for 4 weeks i think. if you do a forum search you should be able to find it.

anyhoo, what is everyones nicky wishlist for season 7? personally i would like to see:
-griss own up to the crappy way he handled nicks case
-just one really good reference to how nick is dealing with his kidnapping, anything at all, mention therapy or something! ptsd doesnt disappear into thin air
-the return of the dress shirt/slack combo (or jeans :D) but make sure at least two buttons are undone at all times.... :devil:
-nick gets a girl, its been a long time for the poor guy, and his last romantic interest was murdered so he needs a little something, like me for instance... :p
-more nick and hodges scenes! i love the banter between these two and would love to see more
-nick working with greg. not that i like them together in a romantic way, i just think they work well together and nick is very tolerant of greg

so thats about it for me, anyone else got any?
I would love to see Nick get a nice girlfriend as well, but you know how it would turn out: All of us would hate her and decide she wasn't good enough for our Nicky! :lol:
yes, shed have to be pretty near perfect before wed let her near out nicky :lol: but at least not being a hooker would be a step in the right direction :D
allmaple said:
if you dont mind watching it on your computer the episodes this season will be available for free online! there was a post in the general csi forum, i dont think they ever figured out where they would be, but most people guessed you can find it through the cbs site. they will go up on fridays and be available for 4 weeks i think. if you do a forum search you should be able to find it.

anyhoo, what is everyones nicky wishlist for season 7? personally i would like to see:
-griss own up to the crappy way he handled nicks case
-just one really good reference to how nick is dealing with his kidnapping, anything at all, mention therapy or something! ptsd doesnt disappear into thin air
-the return of the dress shirt/slack combo (or jeans :D) but make sure at least two buttons are undone at all times.... :devil:
-nick gets a girl, its been a long time for the poor guy, and his last romantic interest was murdered so he needs a little something, like me for instance... :p
-more nick and hodges scenes! i love the banter between these two and would love to see more
-nick working with greg. not that i like them together in a romantic way, i just think they work well together and nick is very tolerant of greg

so thats about it for me, anyone else got any?

I don't think you left anything for the rest of us!

I'd like to see a workout scene, or at least Nick leaving the gym in shorts and a t-shirt, looking all sweaty.

Am I shallow? DAMN RIGHT! :cool:
I would like to see Grissom (on screen) address the "I never meant to disappoint you" from the tape in "Grave Danger" I think it needs to be addressed because if Grissom never actually says it Nick still thinks that he did disappoint him (no matter what happens after that) it will always be in the back of his mind.

Interesting to note, remember the debate that we all had regarding how long Nick was in the box. The consensus that most people had was 24 hours. I have read in two separate interviews that both Jorja Fox and Carol Mendelson have said that he was in the box for 48 hours. That in mind it almost makes me even more dissatisfied with the way the aftermath was played.

I am looking forward to the start of the next season, but I am worries as well. I am afraid that TPTB are making a big mistake and turning the show more “soap operaish” I hate soap operas. I do not watch them. Here’s to hoping they do not go overboard with all the romance. .
oh my goodness! how could i have forgotten that! ive been a bad fan girl. yeah, that 'i never meant to disappoint you' is huge. that is obviously something big for nick if he left it as his last message to grissom in the case of his death. im sorry to say this but i think its too late, the writers screwed up. being a year later i dont think grissom can go up to nick and say 'remember that message you recorded when you thought you were a goner...' it should have been done in the first few episodes of season 6. at the very latest by daddys little girl when nick found out about the tape. maybe they can make it work, its definately important that they have this resolved. and i always thought it was 24 hours in the box, but if people from the show are saying 48 than that would be true. that makes it all the more unrealistic that nick is fine and dandy. one moment of hesitation before going underground and a freak out at a bug are not realistic of how hed really be feeling after all that.

what i dont understand is why they give so many good storylines to nick, and then they just drop them. its frustrating. theyve made this amazing backstory for him, he has so much personality and has been through so much, but the writers leave us hanging every time. i know this isnt the place so i wont complain about the storylines they actually continue with *cough*gsr*cough* :p

ok now that i got that out of my system a work out scene would be very nice indeed. :devil: youre not shallow Baba, theyve set a presidence for us by giving us 4 topless nicky scenes, it only makes sense that there be more :D
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