Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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I'll second that agreement. I get the sense that when George went to LA he decided that acting was more important than partying. When you are paying alot of money to learn to act you don't want to be spending what little is left on booze and drugs. I think the fact that George went to LA when he was in his mid to late twenties helped as well.
allmaple said:
my moms convinced he was high on something for the craig ferguson interview, because he kept giggling.

I did not see it as him "high" on something. I think he was just nervous. I thought that at the beginning of the interview he was fine, then he said something that he seemed to regret at soon as it was out of his mouth then it went down hill from there. If you noticed he actually changed to subject 2 times. I pass it off as him being nervous, that also makes him more endearing to me. From that interview we know that he gets "audition anxiety" he may get "interview anxiety" as well. The poor guy.
Plus Craig Ferguson is pretty funny, so I think he was just having a good laugh. I laughed through the whole interview myself. That's probably just the way he laughs sometimes. I thought it was pretty cute. :)
i watched it again, its been a while. and i think poor georgie was a little embarassed when he called craig ferguson english. luckily they were both able to laugh it off, well george kind of guffawed (i have no idea how else to describe the noise he made) which made the audience laugh even harder. im used to people laughing at me because i snort if i laugh really hard.
hes seems to be very open about his life and talked about his failed auditions and coming out of the closet (an actual closet, not the gay one) but relationship issues seem to be off limits. when craig called him 'the most eligible bachelor' george didnt really want to talk about it. he was with monica at the time and when craig brought up a fear of commitment george tried to change the subject. but good for him though, i personally dont care about that aspect of his life. other than the fact i hope he finds someone and it works out.
allmaple said:
i watched it again, its been a while. and i think poor georgie was a little embarassed when he called craig ferguson english. luckily they were both able to laugh it off, well george kind of guffawed (i have no idea how else to describe the noise he made) which made the audience laugh even harder.

I think that sound he made was more a nervous "I just made a complete fool of myself, where the heck is the trap door" giggle. Very cute. And shows how very real he is. :cool:
I'm going to agree with Amy about George being a little nervous. I'd be nervous too! You just don't know what kind of questions are going to be asked.

I will also agree with Baba that George was getting quite a laugh out of Craig Ferguson and probably laughing at himself in the process. George has such a cute laugh! Not to mention a great sense of humor!

George kinda got a bit uncomfortable about the relationship type questions. But he rolled with it. I don't know about you allmaple but when George was talking about coming out of an actual closet and as you say, not a gay one, I started making strange sounds myself. Not sure what I would call it but it was followed by some serious laughing! Remember allmaple you will never snort alone! ;)

For that matter...George will never snort alone! :D
I loved that interview, it was cute, and yes George was laughing with some nervousness, but it was cute, I love guys who are a little shy and laugh and aren't afraid to act silly or poke fun at there selves, and well George fits that bill perfectly.

and speaking of interviews, does any one have the one he did with Ellen? I want to see it, I love when Ellen interviews people, actually i just like her show, and I was sad when I realized I had missed my George on it, any way if any one has that interview, or even the transcript, that would be great.

and back to George, he is a doll... that's all :)
You can find that interview (and others) on the "Texas Charm" website.

Just click on 'videos' and you will find the clips (in two-parts) under 'interviews'.

It's a really cute interview.

You really get the impression that he is very down to earth and has a great sense of humor when you see him in interviews...and I for one have to admit that those things REALLY add to my attraction to him ;)

Now if I could only find clips of his apperances on the Jimmy Kimmel show...
i want to see the jimmy kimmel one too! ive only seen one picture from it and he looks like hes having a good time.
he was a little more comfortable on the ellen show, not sure why. plus hes little dance was cute.
so what do you think the chances are he does conan obrien the week im in new york and i get tickets for that show? :lol: now thats a pair id like to see together. although poor george will look tiny next to conan
allmaple said:
i think id be very sad to see George stumbling out of a club at 3am with bloodshot eyes. i know we've seen him with drinks in his hands at events but hes not wasted or anything. id also hope for his sake he doesn't touch drugs, but you never know with actors. my moms convinced he was high on something for the craig ferguson interview, because he kept giggling.
although i wouldnt be opposed to a wardrobe malfunction or two ;)

believe me if he did drugs and drank him self stupid, we would know, plus there would be a mug shot some where... :lol:

no seriously, he doesn't look the tipe to do drugs, and my friend Matt giggles all the time, I think it's a thing most men do when there nervous (Anderson Cooper does the same thing in interviews).

but I do hope he does some more interviews in the near future, he is so cute, and so intelligent in them, I'd love to see more :D
I find myself giggling sometimes when I'm nervous.

I think George may have learned his lesson about drinking when he was dragged into the police station and the police said 'Look who we've got. We the DA's kid' or something to that effect.

We'd slipped to the second page.
I laugh when I'm nervouse as well, I can be very out going, but if the topic turns to me,or I'm talking to a cute guy, I get giggly.

I love George, he really is a cutie pie, I really can not wait to see the new season.

And I had forgotten about that story of him as a teen and the police, I think he did learn hos lesson.

and I like that we never see him in any tabloids, I'm glad he doesn't have paporazzti (sp?) chassing him, he does not need that.
Yep...George is really a cutie pie! :D He can get all giggly and nervous all he wants! Now I don't mind being a desingated driver in case our Texan decided to have a few drinks. I'm sure there would be MANY of us to lend a hand! Safety in numbers is it? ;)

Hmmmm....how do you all think George would fair if he did Dancing with the Stars? Okay...the computer screen is starting to sweat. Not to mention myself who is thinking about that thought. Black pants. Sigh...gotta be good! :devil:

SparkyGirl the image of George in black pants and that cute looking rear end moving..... :devil:x2
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