Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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There are no bloopers on the version for North America. I am going to assume the US and Canadian versions are the same. I think the only site that has bloopers is a William Petersen site.
It would be nice if there were bloopers on the DVD's. I for one would love to have some quality giggle time! Besides, who can't get enough of George's innocent humor? George? Innocent humor? Is there such a thing? As Nick Stokes said, "Ohhh...yeah"

Sigh...really need a George fix! Off to the Ward I go! ::::starts thinking about getting hosed with seaweed. I don't even like seafood!:::::
OK got my first clear look at the 'stache on Dog Eat Dog and although he doesn't look exactly terrible with it, he did very well to lose it soon. He's way hotter without.
I liked his stash oddly enough :D and after I saw it today as I watched 'Dog Eat Dog' I loved it :D

but yes he does look better with out it, but hey I'll take my George any way he comes ;)

and I don't mind being sprayed with seaweed and other strange things, as long as my George is here I'm good... actually on second thought I'll put on my rain coat before Destiny hits us again :p
i just found out why the magazine cover i posted in the syndrome thread had george front and centre instead of billy or marg, the interview inside was with him! it came out september 2nd in france and you can read it here the pictures are all old but the interview is quite cute. ill do my best to translate so bear with me :D :

1. the question is about quetin tarantino
george says how much he likes quintin and the respect he has for him
2. what did he bring to the series?
not quite sure about georges response but its something about quintins talent and vision (i think this is really off on my part, sorry :lol:)
3. how has nick evoloved since the debut?
george says nick has matured and become a man, he doesnt make the same mistakes any more. hes professional and like grissom
4. what do you have in common with nick stokes?
we look the same (he used this joke when talking about savannah 10 years ago :p) but their personalities are opposite
5. would you like to be friends with someone like nick in real life?
yes, i like people like him, they keep theyre calm in all circumstances (weve seen nick lose it but ill agree with him on the most part) i appreciate his honesty and determination.
6. this is a very technical role, what is your secret to be credible?
i think hes talking about the people that help out with the show, but im not sure
7. how do the real life foresics officers feel about the show?
he says they like it and appreciate it, even though real life isnt as fast as the show with dna etc
8. were you surprised at the success of the show?
you can never tell the future of a movie or series, he was not surprised it would please the public but didnt know it would be an enormous international success
9. something about the somber nature of the show (i think)
george says something about viewers not appreciating the history and interaction between characters (im sorry, thats crap, at least for me :lol:) but that they watch it for the actors, realism, and music
10. not sure what the question is but george is saying something about no stress or pressure. sorry, its been a while with french
11. are you going to play nick for a long time?
he says he adores it and will stay with the show til the end. wee!!! :D
12. they ask what he thinks of the spin offs
hes never watched them and doesnt have the interest. hes not affraid to watch them he just doesnt want to

sorry this was long, and im sure a lot was lost in my translation. i thought it was cute from what i could make out of it and i know not many people have french laguage skills so i wanted to help a bit :)
woooooooooo ALLMAPLE :D you're good in french, really :) :)you astonish me :)

if you allow me to put things in plus..

Question 1 = Which souvenir do you keep in mind from the shooting of QT ? "QT is a real great guy and very generous. He really adores and have respect for actors. He is the kind of director i will follow in any kind of adventure"

Question 4 = What are the common points between Nick & you ? " We look the same, that's all ! I couldn't do his job and face death every day. I play a character that is the opposite of who i am"

Question 10 = The atmosphere prevailing on the shooting wasn't too much heavy ? " Not at all. There were no stress no pressure. Contrary to what some people could think, the atmosphere was always extremely relax"

Question 11 = Do you think you could play Nick for a long time ? "Playing the same character during several years is a bit tiring. Except this, i really love my job and i adore my CSI partners. So i will stay in the show until the end"
thanks miko! most of it was ok but there were some parts that i just had no idea what was said :lol: i knew there were a couple people from france on this board so glad you could help me out!
ALLMAPLE you're welcome :) but you made a good translation you know ?
if i can help... don't hesitate.. there were some good french interviews of George, even old, i agree with you
Thanks for the article and translations allmaple and miko. allmaple your french is better than mine. I hate to admit it but french was the only subject in high school that I failed. Sorry my french friends.
miko said:
woooooooooo ALLMAPLE :D you're good in french, really :) :)you astonish me :)

if you allow me to put things in plus..

Question 1 = Which souvenir do you keep in mind from the shooting of QT ? "QT is a real great guy and very generous. He really adores and have respect for actors. He is the kind of director i will follow in any kind of adventure"

Question 4 = What are the common points between Nick & you ? " We look the same, that's all ! I couldn't do his job and face death every day. I play a character that is the opposite of who i am"

Hmm..Nick is a nice, sweet guy and George..you are..a .. :lol: :devil:
that was confusing me too! if nick is a considerate, compassionate, caring, loyal, confidant, lace loving man (in other words every womans dream) george is our nightmare? :lol:
when miko translated it completely i think george was referring to the job that nick is able to do and how he handles it. id hate to think george is a sleaze ball or something!
thank you Allmaple and Miko , you two did a good job with the translation, I don't know any other language, I at least can't read it, so thank you :D

and it was a cute interview, well George is really cute so no surprise there :D

and I will remember you two if I find any french interviews or articles I want to read :D
I remember reading somewhere George was answering someone's question about the differences between him and Nick. I think George said that Nick is fearless and brave where he isn't. So we can still think of George as a man that likes lace. ;)
if any help needed, i'm yours :D but ALLMAPLE is astonishing too, that's damn right8)

um, yes, in the interview, George was more talking about the job Nick does.
But yes i suppose there are some big differences too between their personnalities. i mean, Nick had the faculty to forgive the daughter of his kidnapper. George tells in another french interview that Grave Danger was something that helped him to free himself. He said that even at this moment of the shooting, he was still stung to the quick after beeing sacked in 2004.
And when the reporter told him he was feeling a lot of anger in him, George answered that "it was a painful experience, a humiliation i don't want to submit anymore of my life"
So i suppose George is more spiteful than Nick would ever be !
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