Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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Sorry, guys, for starting that spoilerish discussion. It's my fault that we all stink like dead fish now.... *hands out fresh cut lemons*
The weird thing is, I'm aware that there is a Spoiler-Thread, but I don't read it because I don't want to be spoilered :D I just can't resist when it comes to George...
And Nicksarafan you can find the link to the promo shots in that spoiler-thread ;)
You mean that there are stronger willed people out there than me! I couldn't ignore a spoiler if I tried, so I don't bother trying. Last night I taped the promo, and watched it over and over instead of the rest of Still Life.

last night while i was babysitting it took 3 hours to get the kids to bed! :eek: luckily they were down and quiet in time for the second half of still life. the scene with nick at the end was the only part of the episode i really wanted to see :lol: the poor muffin, he really needed a hug. is it just me or do you other ladies want to slap kelly gordon too in that scene at the end?
I caught the end of Still Life and I agree allmaple Kelly should have been slapped silly. She appeared to be taunting our Nicky.

blackflag usually I want to find out all about a character or actor but for some reason I have decided to restrain myself from looking at whats going to happen to our Nick this year. On the Texan Charm site I accidently saw pics from this year but I have no idea what episode they are from or what the story is about and that's the way I want it. I will be pleasantly pleased and surprised when the season starts on Sept. 21.
Oh, I did see the commercial for the new season last night during the episode though. Woo! :D
I'm green with envy right now, see :D
In Germany Season 6 hasn't even started, Season 4 is on a re-run...I've emailed the tv-station and asked when they'll finally start with S6, and all I got was a lousy "Thanks for your interest in our programm. CSI is one of the most popular shows in Germany. You can watch it Wednesday night at 8.15 on VOX". Geez, as if I didn't know that.. *goes on ranting for a couple of minutes*
Of course I haven't seen "Still life" yet but I'll surely help you out slapping Kelly Gordon, no matter what she did. I mean - I didn't like her father for a special reason *hugs Nicky* and I'm sure something bad is up in that family
allmaple said:
because Sparky is mildly insane :lol: can you imagine what shed get herself into if there was no nicky?? :p

Talk about the fifth realm of Trouble! Stripes would not be fitting! :rolleyes:
But with Nicky around to keep me somewhat sane, and not to mention out of trouble, sticky notes are good clean fun! Ain't got time to write on them, I'm too busy sticking them on everything! Besides, I'm sure Nick Stokes has a funny/playful side. The guy has a sense of humor! We have seen it! I some how think that Nick would be one to get in on a practical joke or two. You gotta watch the strong, somewhat silent types.......

George has great sense of humor from what I have seen. Those facial expressions are something! What a smile! :D

It has been a long summer. Guess it is time to clean off my computer desk! :) I'm sure I'll find something of Nick/George lurking among papers, pens..and gloves.

::::has a grover blue color sticky note for Baba!::::
I'm willing to bet that Nicky has a sense of humor and likes to cut loose occasionally. It's just that because we only see him at work, and they deal with dead people, we don't get to see it. I'm willing to bet that if we saw more of his life outside the lab, it would be more evident.

As for GE, he's a total ham. That's obvious from the bloopers.
he should be like woody in the bloopers of one of the toy story movies, where he puts black ink around the binoculars buzz uses :lol: he could do it to grissom, or hodges! george is definately the biggest goofball of the cast, he actually plays tricks in the blooper reel, instead of just flubbing lines or swearing like the others.
but im sorry, i must go. 'inside the box' is on right now and its nicks scene. season 3= sideburns + perfect eyebrows *swoon*
oh, and Destiny, after your little seaweed episode i was craving sushi and now i get to go for lunch tomorrow, so i should probably thank you :p :lol:
I like sushi :p and why have you started to spray us with strange things... you tying to keep George to your self hu?

if you spray us with anything it should be Sonic burgers and twinkies... he'll be all over us ;)

yes Maple I think he is quite the jokester, I watched some of some sort of blooper real (a long time ago online... in here actually) and there is this one scene where Billy and Marg walk into the scene and George is there, the two start to say there lines, then George has a glass tube in his hand and he proceeds to blow in it right there, well Billy and Marg just fall out laughing, Marg leaves, and George just standing there with a confused look on his face wondering why she left.
he is defiantly a silly boy :D

and it is the strong, silent, really good looking ones who are the silly, fun loving, good humored guys, there the best :D

good example is Anderson cooper, you think with his back ground and his job he'd be so serious, but he's the silliest, he loves really bad reality shows (yes he hosted one :p ) and silly web videos, but I love him.

I have a feeling George is the same, he just looks like he loves all kinds of silly things :lol:

nothing like a hot guy, who is very smart, who has a great since of humor :D

ok I'm done with my nightly 'give the cute guys there props post' good night :D
nicksarafan2 said:
then George has a glass tube in his hand and he proceeds to blow in it right there, well Billy and Marg just fall out laughing,

erm, im pretty sure he grabs a graduated cylinder and tries to light it like a bong :lol: i just love how he stands there all cute and innocent afterwards 'what i do?' priceless. there must be dozens of scenes like that, i wish they would make more of the available to us. i know im not the only one who likes seeing them.
plus, like marg said on the one wrap video 'i never seem to make these things, its always george eads, george eads, george eads!' :D
oh I see he was trying to light it like a bong... wow he is one silly boy :lol:

yeah I love bloopers, there the best, they should really put the bloopers on the DVDs they'd sell so many more that way :)
I wonder - are there bloopers on the US-Version of the DVDs?
The only extras we got on the German/European version are a couple of "making of"s, very few interviews of the cast and additional comments, nothing more.
I downloaded the bloopers from somewhere and was a little disappointed because it was almost everything about Grissom. I caught the bong thing though :D
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