Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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allmaple said:
if youre going to tag me with sticky notes they had better be pink! :p :lol:
didnt george actually go to jail for the night as a teen? or was he just taken 'down town'? all i remember is him saying in an interview when he got there one of the cops shouting 'we got the DAs boy!'

I read that too. There's also another story he tells about getting caught shoplifting from a local dept store as a kid. As punishment, he had to scrape all the gum off the floor of the store. Too funny!
:lol: aw, our George was a 'bad boy' :lol:

oh well I saw the 'late late show' interview on youtube.com and wow is it cute :D he's cute, I want him :D

ok any way the "cruising the sonic" line that was funny :D he's so cute... cute giggle, cute smile... just too darn cute... and of course hansom and sexy ;)
Excuse me...I'm just staring at all of the lovely avvies of GE! Well, it's really both staring and drooling. teehee :D
Please carry on with your conversations. :)
I'm sure you all have seen the Season 7 promo pix by now. And no, I'm not starting to discuss Nick's hairstyle :devil:
But I'd like to know your opinion on this:
Nick dancing with Cath in a club? Seems a little out of character to me. Nick is not the kinda guy who goes crazy on the dancefloor... Having a beer with his co-workers, allright, but dancing? Nick?? Nah... I was seriously disturbed by that image :D That's just so not our Nicky.
What do you think?

Edited thanks to allmaple, it's a spoiler acutally. Sorry! :)
dont we all get a little out of our minds? i know ive had at least one spoiler slip before :lol:
but i think i can answer your question without revealing information to any spoiler free people. nick has always been the proper guy, or the good old boy next door. am i describing this right? i hope so. anyhoo, especially with whats happened to him recently id like to see nick relax or kick up his heals and have a good time. i know they dont have a lot of time for outside the case stuff, but at this point in the series i think emphasizing the friendship between all characters is important.
and ive heard so many conflicting things about whether or not theyre done with the nick burial story i think it would be good to show that nick is able to have a good time dispite of it all. ive never gone through something like that (obviously, who has??) but im sure having your friends there for you is important. plus the poor guy needs a girl! :lol:
::::has a rainbow of sticky notes, plasters allmaple in pink::::::

Oh I'm sure George found time to be a bugger while growing up. I'm sure he was an angel other wise! :devil:

Hey remember when George was on Ellen? And he did that little dance thing? Can we say hubba, hubba? Something tells me that George can dance! Just the way he moves.....

Okay..onto another train of thought before I get hosed! :::invisions Destiny standing in the shadows with the hose::::

nicksarafan-wasn't George just a total cutie on the late, late show? He really looked like he was getting all shy like and cracking himself up also! The closet thing had me so rolling! I would like to see him do another interview with Craig Ferguson. He really looked liked he was having a good time.

Ahh...I'm suffering from lack of George! Ahhhh!

:::::plasters red sticky notes all over George:::::

Ah..nice padded room...ah...home!
yes he was cute :D I love him, I hope he does some more promo work in the futur, he's a cutie pie, and very smart and well spoken which along with total hotness is very emportant to me :D

and softcake PM me with the season 7 pics, I want to see them :D

and are we sure he is actully going to be dancing with Catherine? well i wont really be thinking about it, becouse she loves Warrick and Nick, well we all know who i want him with, but it should be funny and cute if he does dance with Cath, did any one see him shakin' his groove thang in 'Evel Kanevel'?
CSI He is dancing with Cath. If you watch this video that was posted by CBS on YouTube, you'll see. In regards to what softcake_70 posted, I think that Nick dancing with Cath is in character. He's just out with a co-worker having some fun.
Sparky, you are too cute :lol:
my goodness, if you have not seen his moves in evel be happy. it was so bad, but i laughed. i have seen worse, at least he wasnt pawing at the girls like gross guys seem to like to do to me :(
and george needs to get out there and do interviews again! hes so cute, when was the last one he did? i think he should be on conan, since thats my favourite :D
and Destiny has already blasted us with sand and coco puffs, i wonder what will be next... gummie bears perhaps? :lol:
*walks in, clears throat, gives look, holds up hose, sprays everyone with seaweed, shuts down hose, walks over to side*

Guys as much as we appreciate the fact that you are using the spoiler tags, please try to keep spoiler discussions in the spoiler thread, this is a free zone, as alot of people don't want to know.

Now saying that I understand if they don't want to know they don't have to look, but that is like putting GE in front of you guys and saying no touch, look, talk, drool or faint, the temptation. Thank you.

*Walks back over, picks up hose, sprays everyone with dead fish/seaweed mixture, walks out*
does anyone else feel like sushi? :lol:
are you feeling like a broken record yet tonight Destiny? if i got that close to george you couldnt pry my off with a crow bar so i will be on my best behaviour :D im not reading spoilers, but i cant resist the pictures, im taking babysteps this year :lol:
There are times, but hey what can I say, its great therapy for my sanity challenged selected reality. :lol:

Hey temptation is a natural part of human nature, the thing is the stars are nice to look at but in the end they are apart of two groups, those like the rest of us, and those who are alien and full of themselves. :D
Destiny said:
There are times, but hey what can I say, its great therapy for my sanity challenged selected reality.

Now there is a mouthful! I'd better get that dictionary and look up some words! :D ::::makes mental note to use bright yellow sticky notes for Destiny:::::::

Fish and seaweed. Hmm....that is a first. Actually I'd go with allmaple's suggestion....gummy bears! I can't wait to see what else our sanity challenged has in store for us.

Ever have an urge to be bad but you don't because you know the trouble you can get into? Hmmm....we should ask George if he ever has the same urge at times. Is anyone keeping a list of all the questions we would like to ask George?

Anytime George smiles, I'm all gooey on the floor! Whump! That is it, I'm toast! Sigh...his smile!

::::::making note of the sticky notes to be used::::::
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