Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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I love some of the more comedic scenes Nick did such as the ones in King Baby where he talked about his 'woobie'.

And the scene where Grissom and Nick went into the baby store and the woman thought Grissom was his 'daddy' in role play. Hillarious!

King Baby is not one of my favourite episodes, but the Nick scenes made them worthwhile.
myfuturecsi said:
King Baby is not one of my favourite episodes, but the Nick scenes made them worthwhile.

I agree. King Baby is a rather lackluster episode. It's those two Nick scenes that really make it for me.
I agree.. also... :lol:

'King Baby' was blah but Nicky made it worth wile :D

I also love all comidic scenes with Nick, he has great comidic timing.

and speaking of that, a little wile ago there was a link to some CSI bloopers, I clicked on it but since I had slow speed it didn't load properly, if any one knows about it, please PM it to me :D thanks :)
Another Nick moment was from Nesting Dolls. Unless it was my imagination, it was when Nick went into the hairdressers for the first time. I got the impression that the woman he was talking to was checking him out with her eyes and Nick's look was like he was saying not another one. As I say this could be my imagination.
Ironically, I thought King Baby was hilarious. It was one of my faves in a mostly dull season. But my sense of humour is often considered "special". :lol:

I did really enjoy all the Nick moments in the episode. I loved when he crawled into the secret room and said, "Whoh.. who's your mommy?" Too funny.
I like the conversation between him and Warrick in "High and Low'

WARRICK: So Fred does a number on Jimmy's canopy to keep him from flying.

NICK: He's threatened by the guy. It's to keep from getting shown up, you

WARRICK: He needs to be the Top Dog, huh?

NICK: Hmm.

WARRICK: Yeah, that sounds like you.

NICK: Who?


GREG: That sounds like both of you. Now please, can you take this somewhere

Love the banter between those two.
allmaple and onlytruth, your avvies are making my heart to do double time and causing the cat to get slobbered on! Dang! That smile! :D

Oh dear Baba, you know we all love your sense of humor! I'm sure we all are "special" in our own wonderful ways! ;) OMG!! The scene in King Baby was just way too funny! The look on Nick's face after the sales lady referred to Gris as daddy was priceless! I would have loved to see the bloopers for that scene! I'm sure there were some. I don't think I could keep a straight face during that. Then you have to wonder if George didn't have his fun with that one or Billy for that matter!

I pre-ordered the sixth season of CSI. I had to do it! Just had to! Was it the yearning to see the show without those irritating weather bulletins that crawl along the bottom of the screen or the cutting in by local news stations to tell us of such? Partly right! But nothing like being able to watch George in my favorite scenes over and over until I memorize every thing!

Okay...I'm off to the ward for a vacation! Any takers? If George drops by, send him for a visit!
i dont know about your cats Sparky, but my pixie drools on me so i would have no sympathy if some of my nick slobber landed on her :lol:
i have no money for csi dvds so i will be making use of the free episodes online starting this fall! :D
and you know im always in the ward, nicks busy at the moment but i saw george sitting around looking for something to do. go have some fun! :D
Looks like GE's mom, Dr. Vivian Baker, has been nominated for Superintendant of the Year. Take a look.

From the looks of her bio, she would have been asst principal at the high school for a portion of the time that GE was there.

Can you imagine having your mom as the principal while you were high school? You couldn't get away with anything. *shudder*

And I thought it was bad having my sophmore english teacher living across the street.

Yes, I have waaayyyy too much time on my hands. :p
I think she was only in the Elementary level schools from the looks of it, so that would be way less pressure for George- if he was just a little kid in one of her schools, that is.

He sounds like he has a very accomplished family all round. :)
:lol: allmaple! Never looked at it like a payback for drooling on me!! You must have some good hiding places in the ward! I was a bit shocked that I couldn't find Nick...now I know! Yep...George is gonna teach me how to play Texas hold'em. I can't play cards to save my posterior! Hopefully he will try not to laugh too hard after winning the first hundred or so games! :)

When George's dad was a DA, didn't George get busted for disorderly conduct? We all have a bit of wild in us. I'm not sure where mine went! :confused:

Hey wlk, I'm sure George was a good student. I'm sure he was well behaved. ;) ;) ;) This one time at band camp.......

::::::runs through the ward tagging people with sticky notes:::::::
I think he was busted for public intoxication! Wow...imagine his Dad getting THAT phone call! I thought he also made some comment about getting caught stealing when he was little as well. Yup...our boy has a DARK side!
if youre going to tag me with sticky notes they had better be pink! :p :lol:
didnt george actually go to jail for the night as a teen? or was he just taken 'down town'? all i remember is him saying in an interview when he got there one of the cops shouting 'we got the DAs boy!'
i think the youngest picture weve seen of him is at age 26 or so, and he was super gorgeous so im going to pretend thats what he looked like as a teen. im sure he was a hit with all the ladies in school, i would have thrown myself at him thats for sure. id say he was even like my brother (who i think is ugly but every other female alive seems to find him attractive) who could go to school in velour jump suits or torn sweatpants and all the girls would blush when he walked by and squeak out 'hi chris!' oh it was annoying for me. but i figure george would have been the same, cool in a laid back casual way. except for the part about me finding him ugly :lol:
SamStokes said:
Can i just ask is George from Fort Worth or Belton?

From what I understand George was born in Fort Worth but raised in Belton.

Thanks wlk68 for finding that info on George's mom. I sure hopes she wins.
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