Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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oh i have some too! best teary eyed nick, best angry nick, best nick needs a hug moment, most outstanding performance in the interrogation room :lol: oh we could get carried away with these
Anyways, I didn't really expect him to win. I mean come on, it's TEEN awards and George is like nearing 40... There has to be some sort of generation gap.

eta: Uh I take that back. I'm much younger than him but I still love him. Anyways, does anyone know of any awards he's won elsewhere?

It's funny you make an issue of his age because Johnnie Depp did quite well as did Adam Sandler at the Teen Choice awards.
LV awards discussion has a thread as pointed out, (Actual real awards), Other stars there is an Awards (its listed under "Emmy Nominations") in the "General TV & Media". :D Thank you.
hi all :D

I via for best tight jeans shot ;)

and I'm so happy because my Anderson was back on tonight :D I watch his news show :D

any way, from stuff I have read I'm real exited Nick wise for the new season, so I have a little something to look forward too this season :D
I don't want to discuss the awards though- I have no interest in them... just George and his award, or lack therof. Wouldn't this be a more appropriate place to discuss just George? Johnny Depp and Co can stay in the other thread for all I care. :lol:
Hmmm, I am unable to edit my last post... sorry for the double-up.

Anyway, do the stars of CSI have to do a press tour or anything before the new season? Just wondering if we may get some more George interviews or photos before the new season begins?
I have to agree with BabaOReilly on the first post she did about the awards, who care about the awards. I'm wasting my times watching it, we all know George is the winner in our eyes and books. Awards don't know what they missing, George is a darn good actor.
Well now Dejavu regarding the discussion on awards and george and yet, the answer thats the same as last time, interesting. :)
Destiny said:
Well now Dejavu regarding the discussion on awards and george and yet, the answer thats the same as last time, interesting. :)

You mean the part where you whack us and tell us to pick a new topic?
iheartnickcath said:
Destiny said:
Well now Dejavu regarding the discussion on awards and george and yet, the answer thats the same as last time, interesting. :)

You mean the part where you whack us and tell us to pick a new topic?

Actually, I was just wondering what question she was answering? :lol:
Ok, before Destiny comes after us, I have a new topic. Sorry if this has been done before - What is your all time favorite Nicky / George moment? It can be anything, however be good so we don't get hosed. I know I've done this on other threads, but I found that once we start talking about the best moments, the discussion branches off into more fun topics.
I seriously loved when he had his little tantrum in Rashomama! It was so cute, and he really sold it. I was feeling for him at that moment. :D
I liked his tantrum in 'Rashomama' as well it was cute and well I felt like some one should have hugged him... like me :D

but yeah that was good and I also loved how he acted in 'gum Drops' perfection there i tell you what ;)
I loved his Rage moment in Gum Drops, it send shivers down my spine.

By the way, speaking of rage..check out his diary on Television Without Pity. You can even add to it.
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