Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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I noticed those two scenes blackflag. But instead of distance glasses he seems to me he needs reading glasses. Take it from someone whose arms are getting to short :lol: The Poppin Tags one could be this or any of the next few caps. Was this what you were talking about blackflag. It seems to be the tilt of the head that gives it away.
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
I noticed those two scenes blackflag. But instead of distance glasses he seems to me he needs reading glasses. Take it from someone whose arms are getting to short :lol: The Poppin Tags one could be this or any of the next few caps. Was this what you were talking about blackflag. It seems to be the tilt of the head that gives it away.

Forgot about that one. This is the one I was thinking of.

Of course this comes from someone who's been squinting more and more lately. My eyes are seriously light sensative (had menengitis(sp) when I was 2), and getting worse.

I don't know if I can put this about teen choice award, if it not the right one to put it here, you can move it, Destiny. I missed the last 35 minutes of Teen Choice award, who won for the last 35 minutes at the beginning. Did George win or not?
Gilbert I am quoting this over to the "Awards" thread for all awards shows, for the LV Show. ;)
I know what you mean I missed that part I was watching Extreme makeover: Home Edition. But all award discussions go in that thread, so keep watching, if I hear anything as I am looking I will post it in there. As I am sure others will to, regarding whether or not he won.

ETA: The link to that thread is Here and I am sad to add a quick answer to your question is listed in that thread. *hint* :(
So I take it George lost whatever he was nominated for? Oh well. He's still a winner in my book. I think there may be some others on this thread who may agree... :lol:
I know he lost :mad: :(

ok and back to the glasses, my dad wears glasses, and my friend Matt wears glasses, but prefers contacts, and yes they both do the squinty thing with there eyes, I guess he wears them or he needs to wear them :lol:

but i don't care I love him glasses, he looks cute :D

and he is a winner in my book too, George is.... can't find the words, but he is it :D

I don't think any other male celebrity has as good fans as George has with us :D

and I only mean us girls on this site, because I find you girls are so civilized and nice, and well just different then any other posters on any other site, you girls rock, your so normal and well your the kind of people I'd hang out with and I'm happy to know all of you :D

just thought I'd throw that in there :D
Whoo. So complimentary. What do I owe you? ;)

Yes, we try to keep this board civil if nothing else and I think overall we manage OK. It soesn't hurt that we have so many nice posters. I think George (and all the other CSI stars) could safely come on here and be mostly impressed with the level of decency between posters at any given moment. It's a nice environment. :)
no problem :D

I love giving compliments where they are due :D
and keep up the god work :cool:

but it seams every time I give a compliment people think i want something, from my mom to my sister.... i'm joking :lol:

but seriously I have been to other boards and this is by far the best :D
BabaOReilly said:
So I take it George lost whatever he was nominated for? Oh well. He's still a winner in my book. I think there may be some others on this thread who may agree... :lol:
*raises hand* He's a winner for me!

Anyways, I didn't really expect him to win. I mean come on, it's TEEN awards and George is like nearing 40... There has to be some sort of generation gap. ;)

eta: Uh I take that back. I'm much younger than him but I still love him. :) Anyways, does anyone know of any awards he's won elsewhere?
nicksarafan2 said:
and I only mean us girls on this site, because I find you girls are so civilized and nice, and well just different then any other posters on any other site, you girls rock, your so normal and well your the kind of people I'd hang out with and I'm happy to know all of you :D
aww. *huggles* :D
Dern right George is a winner in all of our books! :lol:

We are a lot of cool people who have to get hosed by Destiny from time to time, nicksarafan2! Can you imagine getting all of us together in a room?! I think the local fire dept. would have to be on stand by! :D
It is nice to go where everybody knows your name!

George must be taking it easy this summer. He sure has been quiet. I'm sure this fall will be sizzlin and crackin! :devil:
there are pictures of george with a teen choice surfboard from other years, so i think csi has won before. but it really was a bad award show. movies from last summer (that should have been out in time for 2005 teen choice) were nominees and the performances were horrible (nelly fortado off key, rihanna lip synching, and kevin federline doing god only knows what) our boy george is far too good for this show :D
well hold our own awards show, and all the categories are george related, so he wins them all. and maybe we could even get him to come.... :lol:
Some categories for our George Awards: The best portrayer of Nick Stokes; The best Hair today gone tomorrow Moustache; The best Little Stoker :)
Best arm porn, best chest porn.... :devil: I'm going to get into trouble.
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