Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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i think that nick wears contacts. although it was suggested that those could be sunglasses. they have a blue tint.
We have had this discussion before and nobody seems to know the answer. I have always thought that in the first few seasons his sunglasses looked like real glasses but then he stopped wearing them and went to the style he currently wears. So who knows? George is the only one who knows for sure and he is not talking or at least we are not asking the right questions. :lol:
I was just wondering because I always thought they were real glasses. But I guess they could be sun glasses. If they are, they don't offer much protection for your eyes.

Edit: Now, I'm pretty sure that they are sun glasses because if you look here he's wearing them outside, but in the next picture when he's inside, he's not.
Ah yes but anne there are pics out there with George wearing glasses inside like this . At least I think it is inside.
Well, thanks Jacquie. You ruined my theory!!! :mad: Just kidding with you. :) So they're glasses? Or sun glasses that he wears inside? I'm so confused and I have a headache now.
you know he wore Glasses in the movie 'just a walk in the park' so I have no idea, he confuses me, but I do like him in them, cute!!!
*waves* Long time lurker here but thought I'd add my 2cents.

I was actually talking to a pal about this the other night, and she pointed out that at the time that episode was taped those sort of sunglasses (very light tint) were rather popular. You saw a lot of pictures of celebs and such wearing them in and outdoors.

I think they are simply those type of sunglasses and George wore them to whatever event that one picture is from.

There are a lot of huge very detailed close-up shots of George and I have never noticed contact lines (which are often visable in those type of photos)in any of them.

So my thinking is either George is blessed with good eyesight, or he had that lasac (spelled?) surgery, or if he wears contacts they aren't showing up in photos.

*grins* Obviously I have too much free time on my hands...
I never use to think about weather he wore glasses or not, i suppose they could be and there was this thing i read a while back mentioning Contacts but i can't remember if he said he did or not, and i can't find the interview.
*Goes of to such, and also spending more time looking into his eyes now i have an excuse.*
Computer fixed! Yeah! Guess George can make the strongest of fans on a computer to give out! I didn't tell the repair guy that! :D Not so sure about the printer though...had to get a new one. Think George is getting too hot? Nah....

I'll take George with or without glasses. The man is totally hot! He makes the glasses look good!

I will have to remember to take 2 Nicky's for a headache. I usually take 3 myself!

anneconfusion is normal here! I'm confused most of the time! :lol:

Okay George! Set us straight on the glasses/contacts questions! Please!
Hey Jaquie, how was that?
SparkyGirl glad to see you got your computer fixed. For we that are afflicted with the ailment known as George Eads/Nick Stokes having no computer is not healthy for us. :lol: And thanks for asking the question. Maybe we will get an answer.

anne I had thought of saying that after take 2 Nickys but we have been so good here lately I didn't want to be the one responsible for us getting hosed. :lol:
My 2 cents on the glasses subject.

I don't really know. I read on another board (don't remember where) that he has glasses and prefers contacts.

I think there is a good chance he does because in this scene in Revenge is Best Served Cold and this one in Precious Metal the way he moves the picture or his head back and forth is just like the way some friends of mine did when they weren't wearing the glasses they were supposed to be wearing. He was also doing it a little in Poppin Tags but I don't have a cap of it.


ETA: Just had to say that since we're doing season 3 over in the ward I was reminded of those two scenes.
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