Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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Pffft! Like he'd need to buy one of those! A guy like that wouldn't have problems picking up chicks if he wanted to. :lol:
yeah, yeah...but ya know...in my experience it's always been the quiet, nice ones that you have to watch out for! :devil:
you know I was never thrown when nick recognized the font from the sign, not to mention you did get to see part of the word erotica in the picture, which would of made figuring it out a bit easier. I always figured that Nick had a bit of a photographic memory due to the odd facts he seems to remember, and chalked it up to that
sometimes, i really think the writers dont know what to do with nick. they give us this idea of who hes supposed to be, and then throw in something that may seem so off character. were lead to believe hes a good old boy, old fashioned, believes in love and relationships, likes lace.... :p and then the writers are like 'hey, lets have this hooker show up twice, then one of the csis will sleep with her and be accused of killing her. george and gary look the best with their shirts of so.....nick!' ok, got a little carried away there, but you get my point.
i kind of raised and eyebrow when nicky so quickly recognized the writing for the store. but the answer could be as easy as he drives by it everyday on the way to work. yes, lets go with that. again, with what weve been told about nick hes not the kind of guy that goes into those stores.
one more thing before bed. i dont like how nick is always the one to make mistakes. sure, he is usually the one to break the case (the writers finally get something right! :lol:) but they always put him in situations where grissom or someone else is yelling at him and then its 'woops, should have listened to you nicky, you were right' and i know most of you may find it hard to believe im going past my personal bias here, but nick is the best at the job. its just a bonus that hes really easy on the eyes ;)
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
Your comments are interesting and thought provoking LaRoseNoir. You read about adults commiting crimes as a result of them having been abused as children. How much of Nick's attraction to 'Bad Girls' is a result of him having been abused as a child?

Well, we don't know if this was the only abuse that occured in Nick's life, but assuming that this particular incident was the only one, I'm not sure how it would affect him. I mean, think about it. A babysitter is supposed to be a figure of authority and someone you can trust...but that was completely thrown off balance after it happened.

He was young, but not young enough that it would cause extreme developmental problems(although the mental trauma is still there), because at 9 years of age a child is on his/her way to puberty. Perhaps this 'authoritative, yet has questionable merit' type of woman that abused Nick is the factor that draws him to the same type of women in the present time.

So far, I think he's been drawn to:
-A prostitute(she had a dominant personality, this is the authority part)
-A very assertive pyromaniac
-A dentist with an aggressive biting fetish

If there are more, let me know.

And yes I'm aware that I just psyco-analyzed a fictional character, leave me alone. :lol:

you know I realize he was with the hooker, but remember he actually thought she was changing.

the fire starter, if you will also notice, nick always acts that way when any female flirts with him, he does it all the time, it doesn't mean he want to sleep with her!

and the lady who bites, well I saw that and thought Nick felt awkward about the whole thing, he just watched a video where the lady was you knowing :devil: with the guy, so of course all these things are going through his head.

and I don't think nick would ever go to one of those places, he's the most normal out of all the characters, he isn't in to that sort of stuff, I think he is really disgusted by it all, now Grissom and Greg are another story.

and him noticing the sign, you see how reluctant he was to share? it's because he knew they would look at him oddly, of course it's from him driving by the lace a billion times, Grissom says the weirdest things and no one cares to ask how he knew it.

and Allmaple I agree with you on the writers not knowing what to do with nick, I see GE fighting to make his character the way he wants it. the writers better do better and give our Nicky more respect, he deserves it and needs it.

I just hope in the new season, Nicky is represented well like in the last season.

ok I'm done :D

I hope I didn't come off as mean or rude, I didn't intend it to sound that way....love all of you!!:D

and GE has a new G friend? and where did you read his dog sleeps on his bed?
Yeah where did you hear that? (I can't find the original mention anyhow)

Awww, sad for us he's taken again but good for him. :)

*misses having a dog on the bed...or a cat*
SPIKE is in the middle of seasons 1 and 2 so I don't know why they did it, but did anyone realize that they aired "What's Eating Gilbert Grissom" at 9 last night. I thought it was kinda funny after all the discussion on Nick recognizing the sign. After watching it he was reluctant to mention it, and he really looked shy and embarrassed when they stared at him for it. Even offering an excuse for recognizing it.

I did, was glad I could see it since I did see the first ep in the arc. I'm curious why they did it though.
Had the weirdest thought as I was evicting a cat from the bed last night. Does Maverick know which side of the bed is his or does George have to move him every night.
that's a funny thought, I let my Dog, Pecan, sleep at the foot of my bed once (we moved and had to give him to a nice lady :( ) but he liked it right there, and I would let my, when I get a new one, sleep on my bed, I don't care, I love dogs... and I also love George, so if he wants to sleep on my bed to, I wont mind ;)

and I see the point of since he was abused as a child this resonates into adult hood, I wonder if they'll touch on that again in the new season, because tptb left us high and dry on that one, I also want to see more stuff about him being buried, because like Nick said in 'Stalker' "it's not over for me..." because it is never over :(
but just thinking if good plot lines, since my Ship probably wont happen to soon in this season :rolleyes:, I have Nicky scenes to look forward to :D
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