Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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allmaple said:

the way the writer (im assuming it was a woman) described george was adorable. as if i didnt want to meet him bad enough, i want him to look at me the way she described!! but im pretty sure id embarass myself if i ever met him

Ditto!! I'd *like* to think I would be all witty and charming but, in reality, I know I would be reduced to blithering idiocy by the power of those eyes and that smile.
Both articles were absolutely hilarious! :lol:

Aww, am I the only one that missed his end of season 6 haircut? I actually like the early days better than any new stuff. *shrugs* Meh, I still love George anyway, so it's all good. :p
i just read the article myfuturecsi posted. georgie, a dog in the bed wont scare me away! all of the dogs i want when i move out are well over a hundred pounds, and if they want to sleep on the bed thats fine with me. it would just mean wed have to snuggle closer in the space left in the middle with the puppers on the outside :D
i agree with what Baba said. its too bad georges comments get all chopped up so we dont really get the context of why he said what he did. there were points where the quotes we got sounded like he was full of himself. and i know theres been a couple of those 'i want to go beyond me looks' you know what i mean. i cant help but hope hes not like that 'im hot but leave it alone' sorry georgie, i wont leave it alone :lol:
I'm a little late on the disscussion on why we all fell in love with George Eads, but here's my two-bits:

I didn't really even like CSI for a while, I just watched it with my sister because she loved it, so I figured I'd spend time with her and watch it.

I'm not really into science, so I didn't really follow the cases as well as I should've, but I liked the actors. They were all interesting in their own ways, but I was drawn to George Eads. And not because he was good-looking, in fact at first I didn't really even notice, I thought he was normal looking... I fell in love with how kind he was and how much of a gentleman he is. Eventually his smile won me over and then I noticed how extremely hott he is, and ever since then I've been hooked! :Sigh:

Well, there's my daily ramble, :rolleyes:
I enjoyed Boom last night....know a few of us who wouldn't mind a few of George/Nick's 'little soldiers' lolol....I think I'd like to have his babies :) *Is glad he got cleared and liked the hug he gave Cath*
I don't know, I really wasn't too fond of that episode. Maybe because I think someone as kind and smart as Nick wouldn't sleep around with hookers. I admit, she was very pretty, but I just thought Nick wasn't that kind of guy.

It just seemed a little shallow, is all.

But anyway, I'm glad he didn't get fired. :)
True, you are right about hoping he'd be smarter.

It does have one redeeming factor: Shirtlessness!! Hot, shirtless Nick....*drool* Can we just pull the shorts off and go all the way?....lol j/k
Woof, woof, woof...meow, meow, meow.......

Fanning self over pic of George...my fave kind of hair cut or should I say buzz cut! Oh...turn the heat up just a little more! I'm not hot enough!

I think George would have done an excellent job in "Beautiful Mind". I can picture it now. He showed his acting chops in Grave Danger and made people notice. Go beyond his looks and see what he can do. Liked the stache and hair experiment. It was like saying 'I can act with or without hair'. This fan would be saying 'I can faint with or without hair'. He could act with a rock I would probably be yelling at the rock for ingorning George!

I wonder what part of the bed Maverick sleeps on? If it anything like my cats...dead center. You sleep around your pets, they sleep where they want.
I hated 'Boom' and so did George, he thought it was out of character, I think the tptb figured that episode would be the first and last time nick got any so they just did it, and I hated the Kristy plot line, I didn't think she was pretty, I thought she was annoying and got nick in to much trouble, so I'm glad they ended that, and I hope they don't try it again, I personally don't want Nick to get a love interest, I want him to just just stay single and get a pet parrot, no trouble there.

so that is my piece on that.

ok now the first time I thought GE was hot?
well a couple years ago, like when 'a walk in the park' came out I saw him on the family channel, and I thought he was cute, then a couple times I thought he and Luke Wilson were the same person :rolleyes:, but after not watching TV for a wile, I saw CSI was on, and when I saw GE I was in love, and since then I just loved him, I would not watch CSI if he were not on it, I'd watch any show he was on actually :D
he is the sweetest, nicest character on tv today, no other male character acts like him, and no other tv actor acts the way GE does, just the way he did the last scene in 'who Are you?' shows that, he played the way a real person would act with a gun in his face, not like a macho man, so GE and his character Nick are the best, no one can top him really :D

I wonder where Maverick sleeps, well he better move over because.... oh sorry fan girlness thing coming through :D

and yes GE can act his head off, but it's just my opinion, but I don't think the purpose of him growing the stash and the hair long was him making a statement, i think he actually thought he looked good :) his daddy has a stash, and the hair, well I liked it and thought he looked super hot with it ;)

and i know others liked his stash and hair along with me :D
I like Boom but I don't like Kristy, I like to slap her for using Nick. She knew Nick will get in trouble by sleeping with her but it was sad to find out from the bad guy say to Nick, she is not going to college, she going to find the girl that how Nick knew Kristy using him.
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