Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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Gilbert said:
I like Boom but I don't like Kristy, I like to slap her for using Nick. She knew Nick will get in trouble by sleeping with her but it was sad to find out from the bad guy say to Nick, she is not going to college, she going to find the girl that how Nick knew Kristy using him.

We don't know for certain who was lying and who was telling the truth. The bad guy could have been lying about why Kristy was going to school. He was a pimp and a murderer. He may have been jerking Nick's chain just to get a rise out of him. Kristy may have been telling the truth but since she's dead, we'll never know.

Just playing devil's advocate.... :devil:

Personally, I didn't care for the episode either. A little too ooc imho. I found Kristy rather annoying as well.
^Boom..my least favourite episode because it was one of those "Nick making a stupid mistake" eppy. It sucked and those two had no chemistry. She was a user as far as I was concerned.

First time I thought Nick was hot. Beieve it or not, Grave Danger did it. The crying was amazing! I'm a sucker for weepy guys.
Hmmm...how about Nick and Lady Heather?! Nah. She's hurt him.

First time I fell in love was "Who Are You" when the gun was pulled on him...same as myfuturecsi...the fact that he got weepy and not all macho-uber-cop made me melt!
nicksarafan2 said:
I hated 'Boom' and so did George, he thought it was out of character, I think the tptb figured that episode would be the first and last time nick got any so they just did it, and I hated the Kristy plot line, I didn't think she was pretty, I thought she was annoying and got nick in to much trouble, so I'm glad they ended that, and I hope they don't try it again, I personally don't want Nick to get a love interest, I want him to just just stay single and get a pet parrot, no trouble there.

Of course you know we all want to marry him...can we just form a line? lol.

I was melting and wanting to cry during most of Grave Danger myself. Poor Nicky...give the boy some major therapy after that. Courtesy of the fangirls :D
ooc imho...

All right, temporary brain malfunction.. I know that "ooc" stand for "out of character" but what does "imho" stand for?

And yeah, I loved "Who Are You" and "Grave Danger" because George acted like a real person in both those situations...it's sorta cool, I was watching GD with my dad and when George starting freaking out, Dad smiled and said, "Now that's exactly how every person in the entire universe would react, none of that Steven Segal crap!"

And it's true, being buried alive with a recording saying you are going to die is enough to scare anyone... you wouldn't just sit there and twiddle your thumbs for 12 hours, you would cry too...

Ramble over... :rolleyes:
Weepy/Sensitive Nicky is great but I was diggin' Assertive Nicky last night while I was watching Table Stakes. I love the scene where Nick drags Gris out of the interrogation and Gris gets all pissed.

Nicky just gets in his face and gives it right back to him.
He knows that the info he has is important enough and doesn't back down.
Yeah, I was yelling at the screen last night when Gris treats him like an idiot in that scene...couldn't help myself!
McStokes said:
Hmmm...how about Nick and Lady Heather?! Nah. She's hurt him.

Honestly, it seems interesting, and somewhat probable. Despite Nick being a wholesome, charming gentleman, if you remember in the episode "Slaves of Las Vegas", Nick denounces the world of BDSM(for those who don't know, that's the fetish they were discussing in the ep).

From my experience with things like that, it's usually the people who overtly dislike and make jokes about a certain fetish that are drawn to and curious about it the most. Just my speculation...it's probably not going to happen in the show, but it could explain Nick's attraction to 'Bad Girls'.

Hope that doesn't upset anyone. ;)

Your comments are interesting and thought provoking LaRoseNoir. You read about adults commiting crimes as a result of them having been abused as children. How much of Nick's attraction to 'Bad Girls' is a result of him having been abused as a child?
I'm new here.

Yesterday I saw a TV spot with George. I'm not a espacially Nick/George Fan, but in that spot he was really hot!!!
It was a spot for a shampoo for dandruff and he stroke his hair and all I could say was *WOW* :eek:

Unfortunatly I'm from Germany and I don't know if it's just sent here...
^^^ Yes, we've had the link posted here. I think it's a L'Oreal commercial? All i know is, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open it! :lol:

Thanks for mentioning it though, Skadi

On the subject of Nick's "dark side"- don't forget the episode "What's Eating Gilbert Grissom" where he recognized the font of that adult store. ;)
I don't wanna make a add for my site, but you can find the commercial from George there. It's only in spanish :D But it is great the man is hot :) So iff you didn't see it or couldn't open that link we had here ;) here is another change ;)
Ah, Baba...you read my mind. I remember when that scene played regarding the "interesting font" at the sex shop, and my eyebrow involuntarily cocked up...thinking to myself "well, well...our little Nicky has a dark side!"
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