Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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I just got into listening to the commentaries with the season 5 dvd's. (I enjoyed it so much I went back and watched them all) For those who may not know, George is one of the commentary people for Snakes (the reason I started listening to comentaries in the first place).
Hey Jacquie_Sawyer I got your PM thank you :D I must say i injoy comentary I watched some of 'Smallville' with the comentary from Tom Welling and he's pretty funny :D I also watched the comentary for 'Evil' George is funny I don't own any of the CSI box sets, but i will soon ;)

but yeah as long as I like the person in the comentary its injoyable :D

and my spellcheck is not working so forgive my spelling errors :D
oh Mel23 It's a loreal commercial George did, in France, I have yet to see it, but that's the one :D

oh and Bine i love your icon, it's so hott!!!!
I actually found the "Evel" commentary a bit disappointing because he was mostly serious through the whole thing. There were a couple funny comments but overall it was very shop talk-ish. And he seems to have "a connection" with everyone. :lol:

But I thought John Badham, the director, sounded like the nicest man ever! :)
I actually like the shop talk in the commentaries.

I'm fascinated by any of the behind the scenes stuff involved in any sort of production and find it all fascinating.

Yes, it's always more fun when they give little tidbits about the characters or themslleves or tell funny stories but I enjoy it all.
I like the tidbits where you think, "huh- interesting. So that's how they do it." But overall, I always find it a little too self-indulgent when the actors start going on about their "motivation" and all tht stuff. Not to say George did a lot of that necessarily, but overall I don't like that in commentaries. I'm more into the, "Oh man, remember when we filmed that scene and we..." and so on. But that's just me. :)
The Snakes commentary has some good "Remember when we filmed that scene?" moments, IMO.

Like the story about the rattlesnake in the botanica.

I'm dying for the Season 6 DVDs to be released because I'm hoping that Gum Drops, Unusual Suspect and Rashomama have commentaries.

On a tangent....in addition to commentaries, I'm a total spoiler junkie and the very first season 7 spoiler has made it's appearance over at YTAW.
I going to try and go spoiler free this year. I found that last year when I checked the spoilers and then saw the show I was disappointed. So this year no spoilers.

I did enjoy the snakes commentary. The rattlesnake part was good and when I watch the episode now I enjoy George's looks as he watches to make sure the snake doesn't go after anything of importance.
I let you know how I am doing once I see something that says Nick.

I rewatched Burked today with the commentary on. Anthony Zuiker had one interesting thing to say about George. And the comment was 'George is a bona fide stud. We all know that but I think in this particular episode he looks just fantastic'. There may be more comments made but this was the one I was most interested in. Nick was in the breakroom and Grissom was asking him about the bug bite on his leg when the comment was made.
oh yes nicky was quite the studmuffin in 'burked' *reminds self this is not syndrome thread* so......
i think i remember someone saying that in one episode commentary it was said that 'no one works a scene like george' and its true. this isnt just my bias kicking in, but george really looks like he knows what hes doing at a crime scene. the episode that sticks out in my mind is 'burden of proof' when they are in the burnt apartment and nick is going around with the flashlight. it was a very visually appealing scene and not just because of nicky :lol:

and now that theres an actual spoiler for season 7 its very tempting!! but i will also try to abstain.
Jacquie_Sawyer I also decided to go spoiler free for all the shows I watch, it will be hard, but it will also be good for me, not to expect anything, especially since I ship a certain ship i don't really want to know any thing till i see the episode, so we'll see how it goes :D

oh and I have to get the DVDs, I love George and I hope he does commentary on season6 DVD for 'Gum Drops', he should I want to here all about it :D
I like the commentaries. It is really neat to hear what inspired/gave script to about the bazillion things in the universe.

I loved the commentary on "Snakes". I get to cracking up about the snake and how close it was to a certain part of George's anatomy and how George was sweating it! His laugh really had me saying 'just show the scene and George freaking out'!

Now they need to do a blooper thing at the end of the DVD set. I'm sure there are some really laugh until you can't breathe moments. Besides...I for one would love to see George be all spontaneous and do it his way! Then there are things that are not in no one's control and usually those are good too! It is so fun to see them roll with it! Not to mention I can use a good chuckle from time to time to keep from going postal or going to the zoo!

Hey Baba....how right you are about George having a "connection". I could listen to him talk about nothing and never tire of his voice..his laugh....

Don't know if I'm going to make it until the new season! Guess I'd better head off to therapy!
SparkyGirl there are plenty of Nicky chairs in the Stokes Syndrome Ward. Who needs therapy when you are in the ward. I would love to see the bloopers from the show. They could probably fill an entire DVD from seasons 1-6
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