Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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In the awards Nominations/not nominated discussion thread there is info about George getting nominated for "Teen Choice", just thought I would let anyone who didn't see that thread know, please keep that discussion to that thread but I wanted to let you all know. :)
Thanks Destiny. And that's an interesting category for him, no? Wouldn't have considered it.
Season 6 Finale today in England i think correct me if i'm wrong, happy Independence day to all you Americans out there!!!
Ah LaRose, nothing like having no brain function at all! Okay...I loose some of my brain function with George/Nick but that is part of the syndrome. Sometimes I don't remember the drive home. Wonder if George has that problem?

I'm covered in pink stuff that smells like bubblegum. The cats have pink stuff on them. Cats are too dern smart! They know! Still getting sneezed on by Binky. Gotta love her! They are sounding better, but still cough and sneeze!

Teen choice, huh? I was thinking along the line of adult choice myself! :D

Hey Mel, you know how well we would take care of Nick! Not to mention setting Gris straight on dealing with our Nicky. Not to mention dealing with Nicky! Power in numbers!

Hope everyone had a good 4th! It rained here but we needed the rain!
And I know what one nice thing would be....all his clothes would get bagged as evidence :devil: Knowing the fangirls, he'd never get them back, either :D
This is my fav ! him and Grissom..... I love his dimples when he smiles.
yes i love the Nickster too, I almost melted as well as i looked at some pics of him earlyer :D

and hello newbe, hope you have fun in here :D
Hey our good old boy from Texas has slipped again. George what is going on in your life that we can discuss.
Hey Jacquie that is one loaded question! Anyone know where we might find the wonderful and elusive George?

::::::ponders upon many things::::::::::::

*growing another stache-what can I say? Still got a thing for the stache. Will I be sent to therapy for this?

*growing his hair out-now that was cool. He looked so yummy!

*surfing with Mav-I'm sure Mav does a good job staying on the board. I'm sure George does too! Am I still going to therapy?

*re-decorating his home-lots of time to get things to perfection!

*working out-now here is a great thing! He knows how much we enjoy admiring his arms, neck, abs...now...lets see those legs!!

Okay...I'm so going to therapy huh? Will I have company? I hope so! I get lonely...need something to distract me.
SparkyGirl I would rather have the stache over the hair any day. Now it would be nice to see some legs. I'll join you and George in therapy any day just let me know when and where
Hey Jacquie, I think therapy is being held at a nice secluded beach resort. Don't want any interuptions, just nice relaxing surroundings. Besides, I'm sure Mav needs therapy too! George being there is just a bonus!!!

Bit OT-had to take Mooch (cat) to emergency vet at 1am this morning. Major drooling, lethargic. Don't know what he got into or what he ate. Got an atropine shot. Now he is acting the same way again. Off to the vet..again. Sleep is not in my future as far as I can tell!

I think I need a good dose of George. I think I will call it George Day. I will get out all of my dvds of George, watch only him, rewind the good stuff, drool, pant, sigh and do it all over again. Oh..and adding some chocolate and some munchies to the mix. Maybe even jot down the cool things he can say. ::::::smacks hand against head::::: Going to a Loverboy/Eddie Money/Rick Springfield concert tonight! Okay..make it sunday for my George day! I'm soooooo going to need one!

Any George news??
I read more of the previous posts...gotta love someone who's an animal lover. Which also makes me curious about when WP brought his dog on the set in that TV Guide pic. I wonder if Maverick was there and what happened lol.
I watched Caged today...is the Maverick in it George's Maverick?

I also had to laugh at whichever ep had Warrick saying Nick needed a woman. I was like "I know a few hundred fangirls who'll volunteer...or we can take turns, give him a new woman each day. *volunteers to cuddle with him and give him lots of love to help him over being buried*
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