Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Wow, this thread sure is hoppin' today!

The part that seems weird to me is when she said she recognized George's dad from seeing him attend an awards show with him once. She must have quite a memory.
BabaOReilly said:
And the fact that he potentially has a spoiled, chubby doggie just makes me like him more! :D

hmmm, fat animals are just as unhealthy as fat humans so i still hope maverick is as fit and aged as well as his daddy :) (human daddy that is :p)
i wonder if george would mind me wearing my new steve madden stilhettos around him, im 6'2" when i wear them! :lol: my mom wont let me stand near her

McStokes said:
Yikes...just as long as she doesn't want to wear that shirt Catherine had on the other night when she was giving the prisoner that peep show! ;)

glad you said it and not me ;)
Well, they may be unhealthy, but they can still be happy. My friends fat black lab just passed away at the ripe old age of 17! Don't get me wrong- I don't encourage the over feeding of animals. I live with a very healthy dog and a very healthy and spry cat (he's the healthiest 11 year old cat I've ever seen). I guess I just don't see why people are getting upset by the suggestion that George has a fat dog. Seems a little odd to be taking something like that so personally. ;)
Fat dog, skinny dog-whatever..

As a volunteer for a humane society, I'm glad that Maverick has a loving owner and a happy home, because plenty of dogs don't.

Which reminds, if GE is reading this. Remember buddy, you have a nice, big ol home there..and there's a lots of doggies looking for homes in humane societies..c'mon GE.

Of course, Maverick could be very possessive of his daddy!
myfuturecsi well said. You hear of the humane society's being overrun with unwanted and stray pets. I don't think we should be obssesed with Maverick's size if this siting is for real. We don't know what medical problems Maverick may have. Hopefully none but who knows. We should be thankful that George loves his dog and from what we hear is extremely fond of his dog :)

By the way myfuturecsi I loved the story about you daughter planning this year's hallowe'en costume :)
Hmmm...as for the GE thing....I'm just gonna sit on the fence and check out the surroundings. Besides...it is like I will ever run into him or over him anytime in the future! Ohio is like a billion miles from California. I get lost in my own city and I sure would have no idea where I was in CA even if I had google to help me! Plus..I've always wanted to walk on the San Andreas fault line. But...who knows?

I'd say GE is about 5'10. We should find GE and a tape measure and find out how tall he his. I'm sure we all would be happy to help solve a mystery. It would take all of us to do this. Granted next to Tom Selleck...everyone doesn't look that tall!

I can't blame men who shave all the time not to shave during a break. Besides, GE does have his moments with the facial hair! I get all fuzzy and warm inside! :lol: What can I say? I like the facial hair! :D

I'm sure GE is very invested into Maverick's doggy care. Who knows...maybe Mav was taking a day off too and decided to let it all hang out with GE. Even pets need down time too. -pictures Mav running through the house with GE's keys-

All of this pillow swinging...does anyone have a headache or a concusion? I'm impressed with the abilities of being able to swing a pillow after getting thumped. I keep forgetting there are pros in the ward at pillow swinging. I like the fence...you can see lots of things! :D
Hi all :D

Hey Sparky , I'll whap you lightly then...*Poof* :lol:

and I read it, I um yeah, I don't really believe it becouse, well 2 resones, one being finding his home so fast, that's a little odd.

and second his hight, it says he is 5'11" tall, and that has to be true becouse if he's shorter then that, it means Billy is shorter, and all the ladies are tiny little people, and I don't see that being the case.

and I really don't mind hight thing, I find three men I love are Adriano 5'10", Anderson 5'10", George 5'11"... though 5'10" is the limit for me...I'm 5'9" tall...

but yeah, it's iffy to me, hey I could say I met him yesterday!

and his dog, yes labs get chunky, but he seams to in shape to let his doggie get that way, and who comments on other peoples dogs fattness? I would never say that...

and I would have taken a pic, not just for proof, but so I could look at it and remimber that day forever :)

oh and Mcstokes it must have been fun, I love it, it was cool to see :D love my PBR! and did you see that Adriano was in the stands relaxing, I would freak if he was near me :D
You know I'm not sure if it's true or not (and if it is true-MAN that is some good luck on her part since that area isn’t exactly small and what are the odds of her bumping into him?) but the height thing has always puzzled me a bit.

I mean, for one thing if you compare him to the other actors around him he seems to be close to their heights. So unless they are all shorter then they are saying it would seem George is as tall as he says he is. My pal Kim once met Marge in the mid-90's and said she was my height (5'6)...and when you see her next to George onscreen she is a few inches shorter then him and she is almost always in heels. Sure George does seem to wear shoes with thick soles as well, but then again so do the others so it doesn’t seem to really matter. Sure he is shorter then Gary, but everyone is on that show! :D

And once again I prove I have way too much time on my hands! I blame my OCD here though, I start thinking about something and can’t let it go…of course if I HAVE to think about something a LOT it’s not TOO bad to have it be George/Nick! ;)
oh Azzie it's ok, I do that to sometimes :D, but see, I agree with you, and I also think George will like that we think he's tall :D

and I also think of him a whole lot, and I don't know if that is sad or what....but I do ;)

and *POW!!* got some one with my giant George Eads shaped pillow!!
I have to say that it IS a comfort to know there are others out there like me! :D

Especially here on this board…I have wandered into a few other places talking about George and….WOW….there are just some people out there that…well, I will just say they are not the nice, respectful, fun people you find on here!

There is something comforting in knowing that even though I don’t post as much as others I can still come here, escape my life for a little bit and find friendly people.

I just had some bad news this weekend and I’m not dealing with it very well and oddly enough it was nice to know I had this place to come to…

And umm…I will stop babbling now…sorry! :rolleyes:

*tentatively hit’s the gang with a really soft pillow*
One last thing about Maverick: George said himself that he is chubby and spoiled... he even used the word "fat". It´s in a US Weekly edition, if memory serves me right. It was the only magazine with George in it I was able to get a hand on.

I wouldn´t have taken a photo with him myself in such a situation, seeing that he obviously was spending some private time with his father (easy as pie to recognize that man. Come on.). I probably wouldn´t have even talked to him.

I can tell you, I would have a harder time to not believe an unflattering story about George. But seeing that this is a nice one (and in my eyes credible), I have no problemos with it. I´m shallow like that ;).
I'll "spread the love" by whumping you all with a big-old Maverick smelling doggie bed!! :D

Ya know...I've ventured into some of the other threads on this site and the few times I have posted...well, let's just say I about came away with third degree burns from the responses I got! And I wasn't even trying to start anything...just commenting!! That's why I love this group, and the picture Ward...y'all are WONDERFUL people! *sniff! I love you guys!!* :rolleyes:

NSF I had such a great time at the PBR...I hope they come back to NYC again next year. Did you watch the finals last night when Cory Rausch got smashed? OUCH!!
Hy :)

Jeri nice words and i´m laughing
George said himself that he is chubby and spoiled
:lol: my dog also


we love you too
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