Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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*swings around lots of pillows, thwacking everyone, haha* :lol:

Hello new Nick fans, welcome to the crazy fangirl.., I mean Nick/George discussion thread...

I'm with you softcake , if George has any plans I would like them to be on screen, preferably in a tough guy action role, or maybe another cowboy movie.... ;)
After here of Adam's adventures in Just a Walk in the Park, I think seeing George in another romantic comedy would be good. Mind you anything would be good as long as there was some shirtlessness in it ;)
How about this for a plot line... George as a Texas Ranger who quits after his family is killed by a drug cartel... goes back to work on the family ranch... but is asked to come back to the Rangers to help catch the drug lord that killed his family. Sort of like Die Hard with a Texas twist. :D

We'll get George as a cop (gun porn), George as a loving husband (sex scene), George as a father (cuddling the kids), George working (shirtless and sweaty) on the ranch, and angry George kicking butt. :eek::devil:

*sigh* I need a cold shower. :p
I, for one love that idea. *thinks of him shirtless, sweaty, dirty* Ummmm

Too bad no of us have a production company or something. I would be the first to lend a hand in the making of that.
McStokes said:
Yeah, baby! You know it...surrounded by cowboys in Stetson's, boots, and tight jeans! Now THAT's the life! :D Some of my buddies on the NYPD were going to stop by to abuse me about it...this could get interesting!

Loved all the Nicky goodness last night...he was too cute. I absolutely turn to mush when he smiles, looks down and tugs on his baseball hat!

Yeah!! well when you get back tell me every thing!! I watched it on Tv, and I'm so happy my Adriano won!!

oh and I also noticed the real life thing about his dad being a DA, cute!!

and yes of Nick looked good, he was nummy and grrr :D me want more...

*POW!!!* I just hit the closest to me :lol:
Ooooffz. That was me, NSF2 :D

Appearantly, there was a George-sighting over the holidays. Someone at LiveJournal posted this.

CSI New wrote

This past holiday season I visited Los Angeles, CA. The relatives I visited live near Mullholland Drive in the Hollywood Hills. Being a big fan of Mr. Eads and recalling that he said he lived on a road near Mullholland Drive I thought I'd check out his house. I located it while walking, as I was going past it I noticed two men and a dog walking towards me on the street. The first individual was George's dad (I've seen him attend an award show with George and recognized him from that) and the second was George. I was surprised. George was wearing a dark yellow hooded sweat shirt and a plaid type cap, which reminded me of a cap my little brother had years ago. He also was growing a short mustache and goatee. We exchanged greetings and as George's dog passed me by I commented on its chubbiness. They both laughed and agreed that it was chubby. I should of stopped and asked for a photo as I did have a camera with me, but I didn*t want to be one of those crazy fans(even though I am).

What surprised me was the shortness in height of George, especially compared to his father. Star listings always say 5'10" or 5'11", he is certainly not that tall- I'd estimate 5'8" at the tallest, if not shorter. I think its pretty standard for shorter stars to list their height as 5'10", or 5'11". His father is much taller. I'd call the style of his house "California Modern" with a touch of Spanish styling to it. Very little of it can be seen except the front which is very near the street. I'd imagine like most homes in that area it has an elaborate back yard and pool. And yes his dog is really, really chubby, one would think that a fit guy like George would either exercise it more or feed it less as it is one of the fattest Labs I've ever seen. Its collar pushes its chubby cheeks forward causing it to almost have side flaps; I did chuckle a little bit to myself upon seeing it.

Even though this encounter lasted only a few moments it made my trip to LA exciting and well worth it and yes George voice sounds just as sweet as it does on TV

The original thread can be viewed here

Now what do you think? Fake or real? I think it's fake...
Thank you for sharing this!
I don´ t know, there doesn´t seem to be anything fishy to me. Maybe the thing about his height. Jorja is supposed to be 5'8'' and he´s always taller than her. Anyway, I´m horrible with these kind of things myself so I´m no-one to judge. Otherwise, this meeting sounds cool to me. If it had been made up I´m sure they would´ve posted a story with a little more drama. I guess.
On the other hand, i totally believed Clinton back then ;).

It´s good to know hear something from him outside of CSI.

ETA: I love the fact that Maverick is a little chubby. My cat´s a little chubby herself and I like it that way. More to cuddle with, you know. And it´s always a sign that the animals are being loved and taken good care of as long as they don´t get sick.
softcake I don't know whether it's real or not. The fact that no pictures were taken??. I can't imagine George ever letting Maverick get chubby. Although with being in the pet industry I can tell you that yellow labs are very prone to weight problems. We as a society have a tendency to over feed our pets and dogs are notorious beggars. A simple little thing like cutting back on their treats and kibble will do wonders for the dog. Pet rant over with for the moment. :)
On the height issue I've always suspected George inflated his height a little. I'm sorry George but you don't look like you're 5'10". Gary Dourdan is supposed to be listed as 6'2" and there is just too much of a height distance between George and Gary when they are together. On that note I have nothing wrong with men that are short. Heck I'm only 5'3" :).There's this pic of George and his parents and yes this is a height difference between George and dad.
I either need more caffine or need to cut down on it this morning. Rambles over with.
Grabs pillow and thwacks Stoky with it :)
Hy Ladys :D

Softcake thanks for the story. And i´ll agree with Jeri to make predikate the high from the actor´s that´s not so important ;). Many actor´s given not the correct high at there biographie on. And cameras make the rest. A woman from an Agentur tell me this for a time ago ;)

And alos i´ll agree with Jacquie
I'm sorry George but you don't look like you're 5'10".
and i´ve seen a picture with Tom Selleck and also with Quentin Tarantino. In the epi Gum Drops me stuck out, George looks less than the others. He also wear Shoes with higher Profile. But it´s Ok i love him and like him so where he is. He is an good actor and nice men ;) and Maverick chubby, how old are Maverick? my dog is 8 years and also chubby and he is a lovely dog. The main thing is the dogs also our pets are healthy ;)

*woah grabs a pillow and thwacks Jaquie and Softcake and Jeri* :lol:
Thanks softcake . I would tend to think it is a fake, or maybe she just can't judge heights very well (I know I can't). 5'8 just seems small to me, I would have never guessed that (although, as I have already said I can't judge heights). When I watch CSI tonight, I will pay careful attention to his height. :lol:

As for commenting on his dogs weight, I think she was a little bit rude! I am more concerned with her description of his facial hair though.... :eek:

Have some more caffeine Jacquie ...*thwacks with the pillow anyway*. :)
Aw here we go with the facial hair again. If the story is true can't a guy relax on his down time and forget the razor. :D Ducks for all the flying pillows. What would have been interesting is to hear about the length of the hair. I know it said he had a hat on but the person could've have gotten some idea about the lenght.

Grabs caffine and pillows and smacks allmaple with pillow and drinks caffine :)
What makes me think it's a fake is the location. The author said Hollywood Hill's, near Mulholland. Now I was curious and checked this out with GoogleEarth. The area is HUGE! No way you can bump into someone specific there just by chance. Unless you know the exact address, of course. But that doesn't seem to be the case here. To quote Being a big fan of Mr. Eads and recalling that he said he lived on a road near Mullholland Drive I thought I’d check out his house. I located it while walking, Huh? She knows what his house looks like?
Next thing - isn't George living in Santa Monica? And Santa Monica is not close to Hollywood Hills. Yes, I googleearthed this too :lol:

And I simply don't want to believe he's just 5'8" :D I'm 5'10 myself, and wouldn't George and I just look stupid on our wedding pic with me towering him? :D *ducks from all the flying objects*
Softcake sais
And I simply don't want to believe he's just 5'8" I'm 5'10 myself, and wouldn't George and I just look stupid on our wedding pic with me towering him? *ducks from all the flying objects*
:lol: woah *grabs a very big pillow and thwacks Softcake now :lol: you know why
Hello all!

Back from the PBR event yesterday. Had an absolute blast watching all the cowboys try and stay on the bulls for 8 seconds. I was so in my glory with all the hats, jeans and boots around me!!

Re: that person "running into GE" in CA...there are so many streets and roads in LA called "Mulholland" that it's kind of a running joke...I have friends who live out there and when someone says they "live off of Mulholland" you know they are not from around there!
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