Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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oh i must have skimmed over that little post before, but im calling fake on that one. the whole knowing where to find his house is what got me thinking. and like someone said he moved, after the fires right? im also calling a bluff on maverick being a fat dog.
and the whole height thing, hes average. even next to tom selleck he was just short, not tiny. oh well, if someone wants to make something up about george i guess they can. although if they claim to be a fan why would the make somehting up that was so unflatering to him? :confused:
Alot of dogs tend to gain extra weight during the changing of the seasons, not to mention even more so if they have been fixed. It could be that if he got chubby that it was bloat (dogs do), it could be muscle (had a dog looked chubby but was solid muscle), age affects a dogs health, or just the fact that as they go older dogs change an sometimes their weight will flux.
maverick is getting up there, since he was full grown in season 2s burked. just the fact that this person is making it seem like he is an obese dog, the fattest lab ever.
im sure maverick is one of the best cared for dogs out there :)
Animals tend to spread when they get older as us humans do too (sigh).

My daughter has decided to be a CSI this Halloween(that's ten months away and Christmas is over, she likes to be prepared) so I said which CSI do you want to me.

She said, "hmmmm...I don't want to be Nick, because then I'd have to shave my head and I don't want to do that, besides he's a boy. So I think I'll be Catherine, so you have to buy me a nice, long, blonde wig."

And wouldn't you be mad if a person you don't know called your dog "chubby" even when you know he's chubby? I certainly would not be polite if anyone insulted my piggies...
Yikes...just as long as she doesn't want to wear that shirt Catherine had on the other night when she was giving the prisoner that peep show! ;)
I have several friends with fat Labs and I think they're adorable! Little pudgy cuties! It's not uncommon, and I bet George really pampers him, since he seems to be very fond of him, from everything I've read. As for the height thing... a friend of mine played a football extra with him in "Second String" and one of his comments was, "He's not very tall." Mind you, Harvey's a tall guy, probably 6'2 or 3, and he also didn't seem to be too fond of George to begin with, so he may have been biased! :lol:

Anyway, it's such a mild little encounter, I don't know why it wouldnt be believable. Seems casual enough to me. If she'd said they stood and talked for a while and agreed to meet for coffee later or something, I'd think it was a little suss, but it seems inoffensive enough to me to be true.
I think it was just a case of George being the kind of actor who stays in character for a film (again, I've been getting this on my own from stuff I've read about him- he said he hoped his friends forgave him for maintaining a bit of his "Evel" self even when he wasn't filming) and Harvey said he was stand-offish on the set when they weren't filming. He didn't talk to any of the other crew much more than he had to. But his character in that film is supposed to be a bit of a jerk, I think? (I haven't seen it) So, I figure he was just trying to keep his brain in character. Plus he was a bit younger than, so he was probably still trying to hone his craft, as it were, and really needed to focus. :)
^I read somewhere that Robert DeNiro is the same way on set. Very focussed on what he has to do and not very talkative as a result.
^^^ Exactly. Harvey is not an actor, he's a CFL player (or at least he was before 2004). It's not the same thing, so I'm sure he wouldn't be familiar with people wanting to stay in character. He grudgingly admitted I could be right, but you know how it goes with first impressions and all that... ;)

From all accounts I've read by various people who've worked around him, he seems like a decent guy and that's part of his enduring appeal to me. And the fact that he potentially has a spoiled, chubby doggie just makes me like him more! :D
:lol: all dogs should be chubby and spoiled.
I think it could go either way, being true or not. I'm on the fence. As for his height, it doesn't really matter to me... either way, he's taller than I am :p
Allmaple sais
why would the make somehting up that was so unflatering to him? :confused:

i´ll give you more than right, the heigh is not important, he is our nice and loveley GE and an very good actor and men ;)
I didn't really think the description was unflattering myself. I'd already suspected he wasn't quite 5'10 as I mentioned, and the rest of it seemed OK to me. I think she was just calling it as she sees it. (If she actually saw it. :lol: )
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