Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Poor thing is probably chubby because Papa is on the set all the time, and Mav is at home waiting to run on the beach!
McStokes I believe Papa takes Maverick to the set with him. So it's more likely that Maverick is being spoiled rotten by all the crew and George's fellow actors
I have a friend who trained me not to feed other dogs (obviously, I used to sneak her dog the odd treat! :lol: ) He must be a relaxed poppa. :)
I can't help but give my Border Collie (named Clementine) food when she turns those big, brown, (oddly Stokes-like) puppy dog eyes on me and makes her ears stand up!

It's a wonder she's not overweight! :rolleyes:
McStokes cute :) you´ve a Border Colli i can understand you my dog also looking so when i give him titbit´s
but he is a littlebit overweight he is older ;) the vet. sais it´s for my Dog (named Kato) ok.
My babies (meaning my dogs) are completely spoiled, between me and my dad. There's no reason dogs shouldn't be spoiled, as long as they're also healthy. You can have both.
I'm glad my piggies can't make puppy dog eyes, I'd die from the cuteness :D But they have other ways to convince me.. Whenever I open the fridge, they start squeaking really loud. I mean loud in a "Okay, you'll get something but please shut up my ears ache"-way :D They squeak often. They're chubby. Okay, I confess :D

Heehee, when I posted the "George sighting" thing I didn't expect so many reactions... But it's nice to see some of the lurkes delurked :)
DragonflyDreamer ups, you´ll give me your babys? ohh i´don´t belive that :) your dogs are nice i know. But Ok, when you´ll have the both i´ll take them :lol: i love dog´s

Softcake puuhh yes a giant stone is rolling over this theme but it´s ok and a littlebit silence is now here :lol:
give next theme :lol:

ok i´m now off ;) good night for y´ll sleep well
Softcake , my mom had a guinea pig that used to squeak every time she opened the fridge. When she was alive she said that she didn't like it but when she died she said she missed it, so I got her another one. I was looking at her and she was quietly squeaking, then she stopped, I said that my mom would like her because she squeaked; she looked at me like "OK" and started squeaking again. It was so cute. She was dark chocolate brown with a peanut butter stripe on her nose. We called her éclair. And yes all my mom's guinea pigs were rotund. Her dog is rather on the heavy side as well. But he is happy. That is the best part.

Isn’t it interesting that so many of us either grew up with animals or have them? My preference, a hedgehog, and yes he was overweight too, but he liked his treats. I guess great minds think alike.
we couldnt put weight on pixie cat if we tried. shes been just under 5 pounds her entire life. and when she got sick she lost about 200 grams, and it took her months to gain that back! :eek: no one believes shes 15 when they first meet her :lol:
eventually when i move into my own place i will have a pack of dogs, and george and i can be dog walking buddies :D
I have grown up with cats for most of my life. My parents have had cats of various sizes and shapes for 40 years now. Our oldest cat-Oliver-is 11 years old and weights just over 20lbs. He is an orange tabby that alot of people say reminds them of a small dog because of his size. He is also 30 inches from nose to tip of his tail. Our other 3 house cats are all normal sizes.
*WHACK!!* got you with a pillow :D

and yes Mcstokes I saw poor Cory get smashed, poor guy, i like him too, but he got up fast, he's tuff *yes I spelled it wrong* but it was a good event over all :D

and I have a confesion, a couple years ago my mom and Dad went down to Cali. and when they got back, she took one look at our little Bichon Pecan na dsaid "He's fat!!" and he was, about 5 pounds over wight!! but we got him back down to his normal 15 :D

so it's ok hay as long as Georges doggie is healthy he can be chunky :D

and may I ask, I missed the intro, did any CSI cast apear at the PCA? just wondering :D

and yes we have the friendliest most fun George/Nick thread on the whole web :D
Unless I missed something there were no CSI Vegas cast members at the PCA.

Once I saw that and saw the cast for Grey's I knew CSI lost and didn't really pay much attention after that.

Emily Procter from CSI: Miami was there, she presented an award, but other then her I didn't see any more CSI people.

Like I said I may have missed something though, cause I was folding laundry and stuff while it was on.

On a totally different note I am REALLY excited for this week's CSI! I FINALLY get to see Nick get all tough and throw a punch! :D

When it originally aired it was the night of the freak snow storm here (I'm in Buffalo) and we lost power at EXACTLY 7:58 pm!

I can't wait to see all the Nick scenes although I am not looking forward to seeing all that happens to poor Greg!
Oh, I'm happy for you Azzie . Fannysmackin' is a good episode. Lots of Nick angst and loveliness, enjoy! :)

But yes, it is a disturbing episode as well, Nick takes it all very personally, probably because he is such a sensitive and caring guy, and is protective over the others, especially Greg. :)
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