Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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nicksarafan2 said:
Hey Sparky , I'll whap you lightly then...*Poof* :lol:

:lol: :p Nothing like gettin whapped lightly while sitting on a fence! Thanks! :D

Now getting hit with a GE pillow might be something different! Getting whapped with Mav's doggie bed could have its good side too!

I've been whapped by a glass door at work. People who work nights are a different kind of crazy. I went to look out of the door and wham hit the thing head on! Had a red mark too! I was too tired to care who saw me, I was too busy laughing at myself! Getting hit with a pillow is much sweeter...getting hit with a GE pillow is like sugar overload!

Can pets be big boned? Maybe Mav has big bones and that is why he appears....you know...pudgy? Bear the cat is 20lbs of fur and whiskers. He big but not fat....okay there is that bit that swings under his tummy when he walks. Funny how we all love our pets no matter if they have a few extra pounds or use their cuteness to get what they want.

Can you picture GE falling to those puppy dog eyes of Mav's?
I would so love to see this! GE would be putty in Mav's paws!

I so have to get some sleep. Anyone want to whap me with a GE pillow? Better get off the fence for this......
*whaps Sparky from the other direction with Mav's doggie bed*

Ok, so...if you were in a room with Maverick and GE and they were both doing their best "don't you just love my puppy eyes" impression...who would YOU choose to feed treats to?? :devil: :devil: :devil:

*waits for Destiny to rain down on me...*
That's an excellent question, but easy for me. Unless it was something that I knew was especially not good for dogs, it would go to Maverick :p I could never resist a puppy (even if he is fully grown)

ETA: Oops, almost forgot. *whacks McStokes with pillow*
McStokes said:
Ok, so...if you were in a room with Maverick and GE and they were both doing their best "don't you just love my puppy eyes" impression...who would YOU choose to feed treats to?? :devil: :devil: :devil:

That's easy. I love dogs. I'd grab Maverick, hug him and throw him out of the room, very careful, of course. Then I'd treat GE :devil:

*grabs a pillow and thwacks it at Dragonflydreamer *
You said it Softcake . I'd give Mav a treat and get him out of the room. Because let's face it, GE has some great puppy-dog-eyes. And if he gives a little pout too.....!

*grabs a pillow and takes a swing at everybody, misses, then falls down laughing* :lol:
Oh, the pout, Angela ! That's a lethal combination with puppy dog eyes...

*thwacks pillow at Jacquie and runs for cover* Where's McStokes when you need her :lol: :p
Feeding treats to Maverick or to George. Very interesting dilemma. I think I would do as you people have said above. Trick Maverick with a treat to get him out of the room and then feed George cholocate covered strawberries and other things :D :devil:

Grabs a very soft Nick Stokes pillow and smacks allmaple with it :)
I´m late or early :D hy

Jacquie congrats retrey here for your promote ;)
and nice Avatar, i know you find a nice Avi :D

and what you say with the trick how subtle :devil: very good

*grabs very soft and big pillow and thwacks around here* :lol: nobody thwacks me? hurry hurry

good night y´ll ;)
:lol: *grab the pillow and thwack back* to McStokes
you´ve PN ;) oh and what is 9m?

know i´m off see y´ll later ;)
I've got a question for our next topic of conversation.

The first time you saw George/Nick on CSI what was the one thing you noticed first? :)

Me, it was the eyes. I fell in love with his eyes instantly, and when he shows the puppy dog eyes I just melt. :D

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