Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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I loved the article. I really have to chuckle about the word "Zeitgeisters". That word simply doesn't exist in German. "Zeitgeist" does of course. It's funny. It's like Germans calling cellphones "handy" :lol:

I'm a little concerned right now - I read somewhere that one of the next episodes will be called "Leaving Las Vegas". I bet you know where my thoughts are heading.... But George did sign for the next season as well, didn't he? Oh maybe it's just my overactive fantasy, but I couldn't help but connect the title to Nick's recent reactions....
I bet that title refers to Grissom leaving. His character is being written out until January while Billy Peterson does a play. Gasp...if Nick leaves, then that will just be it for me!
Just gotta love Nick/George's hair!! The artical was funny. Hmm.....wonders how the stache got left out of this. What can I say? He still looks hot! I'm sure he'd look just a bit hotter with a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow! Did it just get a bit warm in here? :devil:

I agree with the Nick heading for a melt down. Somewhere all of this has to catch up to one. No one could go through all of what Nick has and not have issues/problems dealing with it. The signs are there and we keep seeing more of them. Seeing more of un-Nick like behavior. I just hope this doesn't lead Nick to do something that could ruin his career. Although I gotta admit I love a little agnst and being taken to the edge and being dangled there! There is something about yelling 'Nick' during those moments that gets the heart pounding.

I think I need to hide out in Nick's Denali and get some much needed sleep. Three-day weekends of working are doing me in. I still have some sanity left.....for now! :)
SparkyGirl said:
I'm sure he'd look just a bit hotter with a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow! Did it just get a bit warm in here? :devil:

have you heard of a little movie called monte walsh? :D stubble + cowboy hat + buttless chaps = me, on the floor, in a puddle of my own drool

its funny that even at the end of rashomama, when they were supposed to be stuck at the lab for so long, that there was no stubble peeking through. but in some episodes if you look real closely there is a bit of scruff peeking through ;)
Now if Nick had some of that Monte Walsh thing going...stubble + cowbowy hat + buttless chaps = everyone in this room drowning in a huge puddle of goo! Not to mention the respiratory distress! :D

All I can say is.....More Nick Scruff!!! More Nick Scruff!!!

Okay...I'm officially toast! I have been awake for the last 24hrs! Thanks to a last minute incident report at work, during shift change and some sign that I didn't know I had on that said 'Ask me, I'm not really looking as busy as I look'. Mom can't drive, had to take her to the dr....so I'm really starting to look like Nick did in Rashomama...granted I can't pull off that hot, sexy Texan with those incrediable eyes and a smile that I don't tire of.

Tip of the night:

Never confuse cashew nuts with cat treats shaped and colored like cashew nuts.
SparkyGirl said:

Tip of the night:

Never confuse cashew nuts with cat treats shaped and colored like cashew nuts.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry Sparky that is just two funny :lol:

and I love cowboys... well only two cowboys George and Adriano ;)

but I would love it if they had Nick dress like a cowboy or wear a cowboy hat on CSI :D that would be hot :D
SparkyGirl I'm sorry to say that is too funny. It reminds me of a commercial that was on tv a few years ago with someone eating the cat treats and he couldn't figure out why the cat kept staring at him :lol:

There is something extra hot about George being scruffy. He pulls scruff and cleaned shaved off sooooo wellll. :p.
Yea I'll agree, Nick scruffy is HOT!! But not that stache, that was just disturbing, it looked really weird with out the goattee(?).
:lol: Sparkygirl what a day you had!!

Mmmm, scruffy is good. Although clean shaven in a suit works just as well for me! :devil:

I had some good news and bad news last night.

Good news: My Evel DVD finally turned up, it has taken a couple of weeks to travel from Florida, but at last I have it in my hands. :D

Bad news: It won't work on my DVD player!! :mad:
It will work on my Dad's though.... Now my problem is worse, as he said I could go to his place and watch it, and he would watch it with me!! That is so wrong, no way I can sit and watch George with my Dad!! :eek:

I am now trying to get out of it, not that Dad even knows who George Eads is! Luckily he is going away at the beginning of December, and I do have a key to his place..I am formulating an evil plan.... :lol:
Oh, Elsie...I feel your pain! I rented Evel and tried to sneak it in the house cuz I knew my hubby would sit there and make snarky comments about our boy the whole time!

I ended up watching it at 11PM while he was asleep!
I got my Evel dvd last summer and took it away on holidays. It was a working trip for my husband so I had the pleasure :devil: of watching it one afternoon. I've since asked my husband if he'd like to watch it and he wasn't to impressed with the idea. Oh well all the more for me :D When you do get to see it Elsie enjoy it George was good in it.
ive watched monte walsh with my dad, he wanted too because he likes western movies. he said hed watch evel too but i enjoy certain scenes a little too much and wouldnt want him around :lol: i know when i watched monte from the first time my mom walked in at the final shoot out scene and i said 'look at the butt shot mom!' :lol: she got mad at me and said shed rather have tom selleck, i said that was fine cuz hes gross :lol: no offense to tom selleck fans!
my dad and his buddies have a 'sleep over' (isnt that so cute?) every february and the host gets to pick the theme of the movies they watch. this year the guy picked sports movies, and he loves the buffalo bills and has a movie where the win the super bowl. so i told my dad there couldnt be two movies like that, he would be watching second string there :lol:
Just thought I'd delurk and say Hi. And of course mention how much I love Nick. George is a fantastic actor, though CSI is the only thing I've actually seen him in.
DragonflyDreamer said:
Just thought I'd delurk and say Hi. And of course mention how much I love Nick. George is a fantastic actor, though CSI is the only thing I've actually seen him in.

I hear he is great in his other performances, but I too haven't seen them. :(

Welcome Dragonfly nice to see you here, you just need to love George/Nick and you will always be welcome.... :D

er, maple I used to quite like Tom Selleck. (In three men and a baby, long time ago, he actually suits a moustache) :lol:. Watching George with parents is never advisable... :devil: :lol: Although, I watched CSI with my Mum and sister once. It was OK because Mum liked Grissom and my sister thought Warrick was hot, so George was all mine... :devil:
no worries about tom selleck Elsie :lol: maybe it was the hair, but he did look pretty bad in monte (i do think he looked a whole lot better when he was on friends)
i wish some of georges earlier work were available to see. and no! not just because he was in such low budget projects he didnt get to wear clothes! :p :lol: it would be interesting to see how hes grown as an actor. what? whys everybody laughing!!
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