Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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BabaOReilly said:
I wonder if it actually pisses him off- when people get obssessed about what he's done with his hair. He seems like the kind of guy who wants to be taken seriously for his talent, so it probably chafes his butt from time to time.

Personally, I think we can do both- appreciate both his acting skillls and his hair! :D

Good point Baba! His hair is just the icing on the cake for me. Long, short, buzzed...either way it enhances him in different ways, IMO. He is the complete picture with any hair. Appreciate him we do! Besides...if he wants to change his hair that is his choice. I bet he can get extra sleep with no hassle hair! Wish I could go buzz and add on some extra ZZZ's! :lol:

As for his butt being chaffed, I know some good stuff to put on it that would ease his crankiness! :lol: My rear gets chaffed for different reasons, but the crankiness is probably the same none the less.

I would like to see him in different characters. When I watch him in CSI and then in Evel and then in Monte Walsh, I get asorbed into that character and become excited in seeing him act in something different. Does that make sense? It is like a multiple personality thing. One person, many faces.

Okay...that was a deep thought for being early in the morning. I think I wore myself out! :D
SparkyGirl said:
As for his butt being chaffed, I know some good stuff to put on it that would ease his crankiness! :lol: My rear gets chaffed for different reasons, but the crankiness is probably the same none the less.

Sorry for getting a little off topic, but I don't quite get the whole "being chaffed" thing. Is it like "being teased"?
softcake_70 said:
SparkyGirl said:
As for his butt being chaffed, I know some good stuff to put on it that would ease his crankiness! :lol: My rear gets chaffed for different reasons, but the crankiness is probably the same none the less.

Sorry for getting a little off topic, but I don't quite get the whole "being chaffed" thing. Is it like "being teased"?

How would we actually say it. "Being chaffed" would be like being rubbed the wrong way. An annoyance, an irritant. I hope this helps softcake :)
Jacquie said:
How would we actually say it. "Being chaffed" would be like being rubbed the wrong way. An annoyance, an irritant. I hope this helps softcake :)

Yes it does indeed, thanks Jacquie :) To quote Grissom: Every time I come here I learn something new ;)
softcake_70 said:
Jacquie said:
How would we actually say it. "Being chaffed" would be like being rubbed the wrong way. An annoyance, an irritant. I hope this helps softcake :)

Yes it does indeed, thanks Jacquie :) To quote Grissom: Every time I come here I learn something new ;)

Yep, I've learned something new there as well. :) Interesting saying, might start using it myself.

Anyway, I have just found out the season 7 starts here in England in January. I actually got quite excited at the thought of new Nick! Yay, I can't wait.

Sorry, just wanted to share my joy! :D
I'm glad for you, Elsie Did I mention Season 6 (!!!!) will finally start Nov. 9th in Germany? I guess Grissom will be retired when Season 7 starts...
You know since we have discussed George being in other movies, I was just thinking.

George should star in the next installment of the SAW movies. He could be kidnapped and trapped in the bathroom.

Just a thought for Halloween. I remember last year that SPIKE TV showed Grave Danger around this time. Anyone know if that's the case this year.
They showed part one on LivingTV on saturday but they havent shown the second part.
It would be cool if he was the bad guy in a horror movie, i'd love to see his mean streak as he goes round mindlessly killing teenagers and laughing about it mwhaha!
no!!! dont put george in a saw movie!! everyone dies in those movies. and even if you think they survived, in the next one they go back to make sure you know everyone is dead! :lol: he can be in a tense situation, i just dont want to see our boy die :(
he probably could have done a very good job as the main kidnapped guy in saw 3, but still, not a happy ending. that guy had lots of pain and emotion (obviously) so our georgie could have done it quite well.
but george as the villian, theres something i never considered... probably because the villian almost always dies! :lol: he wasnt really a bad guy in monte walsh, just misguided i guess. a lot of bad luck and poor dicision making led to his demise. when i watch the movie now i turn it off before shorty dies :)
allmaple said:
but george as the villian, theres something i never considered... probably because the villian almost always dies! :lol:

No, I don't think I could watch him die!

Never seen those movies, but I wouldn't want to see him as the villain. I like 'angry' George/Nick sometimes, but only because he is angry for the right reasons. I wouldn't want to see him hurt someone just for fun. :eek: Although, he is a great actor and does the whole range of emotions well, so I'm sure he would be great in it, it would just to be weird....
I think he should get a part where he can do the whole range of emotions, like Elsie said.
Maybe turn from lover to loving husband/father to mad killer who seeks revenge because s.th. happened to his family.
We'd have everything: romantic George, nude scenes, baby cuddling, very very mad George... I'd enjoy :devil:
softcake_70 said:
We'd have everything: romantic George, nude scenes, baby cuddling, very very mad George... I'd enjoy :devil:

Ooh, I like it.... :D nude, baby cuddling and anger all in one great George movie. Now that is what we all want, I'd definately buy the DVD. :devil:

bluntforcetrauma , they are showing the second part of Grave Danger on Wednesday night at 11pm. It always makes me cry. :(
I once got so angry at my boyfriend I yelled at him but i yelled my ex's name whoops! (We're not together anymore but thats not the reason why honest!)

I love the name George. George and Annmarie Eads oo it sounds so perfect LMAO :)
I think it might be interesting to see George in a action packed thriller where he is playing the hero of course. If they were every to remake some of the Tom Clancy movies I could see him as Jack Ryan. I liked the job Harrison Ford did in them but he was too old for the character. Jack is suppose to be late 30's early 40's. Perfect age for George. Also, I like the thought of him in a romantic comedy, but not something stupid. I hope that makes sense. :)
I was watching "Pride and Prejudice" the other day... George would be perfect for playing Mr. Darcy! :D
Great. Now I'll have to watch it again tonight and think about that... ;)
As for the Tom Clancy-movies, Jacquie, didn't they bring in Ben Affleck as Jack Ryan?
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