Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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allmaple said:
no!!! dont put george in a saw movie!! everyone dies in those movies. and even if you think they survived, in the next one they go back to make sure you know everyone is dead! :lol: he can be in a tense situation, i just dont want to see our boy die :(
he probably could have done a very good job as the main kidnapped guy in saw 3, but still, not a happy ending. that guy had lots of pain and emotion (obviously) so our georgie could have done it quite well.
but george as the villian, theres something i never considered... probably because the villian almost always dies! :lol: he wasnt really a bad guy in monte walsh, just misguided i guess. a lot of bad luck and poor dicision making led to his demise. when i watch the movie now i turn it off before shorty dies :)

Oh it wouldn't be a real death. And maybe he could survive for the next installment.
theyll have to get very creative if they want another installment :lol: but since you brought it up, and the more i think about it, i think george would have been very good as the guy in saw 3. plus he wouldve been a lot cuter to look at :lol:
i believe george has said he would do a nude scene if the right script came along. so, anyone got any good ideas we could write one and send it off to him? :devil: but of course, for dramatic purposes only, yes....
he has been in some, how shall i say this, compromising positions in other roles. too bad i will never get to see tem :( although evel opening the trailer door in nothing but a birthday suit (ok, there were probably little man panties on) was very lovely indeed
allmaple said:
i believe george has said he would do a nude scene if the right script came along. so, anyone got any good ideas we could write one and send it off to him? :devil: but of course, for dramatic purposes only, yes....

:lol: Does there need to be words in the script or just stage directions? What I am saying?? Of course words are needed, love the Texan drawl.... :D

Maybe something set on a tropical island would suffice, like Castaway. Just George wearing few clothes and growing some facial hair... :lol:
never seen castaway, but tom hanks wasnt looking so good in that one :lol:
he can ad lib the script if he likes, and if they need a female lead i do have acting experience. i was the motto of canada, and i was the little girl who tries to hug the king in the king and i (except i almost fell in the orchestra pit :lol:) but i think george and i would work well together :D
so, what do you think our chances of having a good nickisode this week are? slim to none? thats what i thought :( ah well, we love him no matter what.
allmaple said:

so, what do you think our chances of having a good nickisode this week are? slim to none? thats what i thought :( ah well, we love him no matter what.

Slim to none is probably right. Except for Gumdrops (which was an anonomly) most good Nick episodes seem to happen in the second half of the season. Stalker, Snakes, Rashomama, were all late in the season. All I'm hoping for is at least a decent amount of Nick - or at least an equal amount of time when compared to the others. I will say this though - there's a lot of potential for something good with the title of the next ep and the way he's been acting lately.

blackflag the title does sound interesting for this week's show. I've got no idea what the show is about but you do raise an interesting point about what our Nick's been up to lately and what the title could mean. Yes very interesting.
Have you notice that in season 7th so far Nick and Sophia are always pairing in investigation? No real interraction between Brass and Nick or between Sophia and Grissom.

(I'm really not sure of my english in this one)
Wow, haven't been here in.....well, I really can't remember. RL has been kicking my butt something fierce and I simply haven't had the time to play.

Having said that, I got my copy of the latest CSI book thats been published - Ultimate CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

There's a two page spread about each character and in the one about Nick it actually says that "he's ridden in rodeos"

I thought that was an interesting little bit of back story.

ETA: Hmm, there's also a floor plan for the lab and the LVPD. Very cool and very helpful. That place is such a rabbit warren.
I received my copy of 'CSI: The Ultimate Guide' book from Amazon last week and just love it, I highly recommend it, the photos are wonderful.
Must have missed the bit about the rodeo though wlk68, :confused: too busy drooling and oogling over Nick, guess I'll just have to go back and read, drool and oogle some more. :devil:
I had mentioned about the book in the Merchandise thread, under books, all I can say is, great book and a great double page spread of Nick in the box.
Went trolling on the internet this morning and came across this article about George's hair for season 6. Don't know if any of you have seen it but I thought I'd share. :)
well I dissagree with what the person siad about his hair, I loved his hair, it was so long and... I don't know, I loved it!! what can I say :)

you know with all his crazy hair changes over the years, I must say in the order of my fave:

1. his hair in 'fight night' and all the episodes where he looked that way :D
2. of course the long hair in all it's stages comes next :)
3. then I'd go with his hair in like the latter of the first season, didn't like it in the first few episodes.
4. then the buzz cut, in both the seasons he's had it :D
5. the stash, oh yeah love the stash :D

alright there may be more but I can't keep track of the boy and his do, but that's cool :cool:

I must say, I saw George on 'The Early Show', he looked really hunky, very nice :D
the person who wrote that article is very funny. 'a haircut you could set your watch to' priceless! :D thanks Jacquie, i really enjoyed reading it. although we have seen the subtle variation over the seasons ;)
i think the hair around the time of the peoples choice awards really suited him. when it was neat and we could still see the sideburns. it was different and new without looking like a mop :lol: never noticed that he was wearing 'the mystery chain' that night before.
can we talk about last nights episode??? oh my gosh, nick talking to david about how the job gets to him. george is so fabulous! such a little moment but it was so important that it happened, george is the master of emotions. but it makes you wonder if it was just his empathy towards kids talking or if his own experiences were part of that comment.
Without getting our hopes up I think our Nick is heading towards a melt down of some sort. I'm hoping that tptb finally realized 'it's over' wouldn't work for the fans. The moment with super dave was very touching.
i know whats been missing for me this season (and a lot of last season) the friendship between warrick and nick. the writers used to be really good at putting in the little banter between those two, and if someone was coming in for the first time this season theyd never know these guys are best friends.
primiun non nocere was on last night and it is soooo good! poor nicky talking about his bad luck with the ladies :lol: these two used to be so cute together, they would fight but kiss and makeup later. thats the way the writers need to go into the characters lives, their relationships with each other, not making them victims over and over agin.
just my two cents for the morning :D
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