Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Well ive been reading this thread for a while now and just wanted to say that i think that ive always thought that he was a great actor and really gorgeous, but after seeing him in Fannysmakin and an advert i think hes an even better actor and even more handsome :)
CSIangel17 said:
Well ive been reading this thread for a while now and just wanted to say that i think that ive always thought that he was a great actor and really gorgeous, but after seeing him in Fannysmakin and an advert i think hes an even better actor and even more handsome :)

Maybe you should think of joining the ward? Lots of handsome pics and like-minded folk! :D

I have now ordered Evel and look forward to it arriving. It's being shipped from Florida apparantly, so I'm not expecting it anytime soon! Which means that when it finally arrives it will be a lovely surprise.... Can't wait to here that Texan drawl. ;)
Just finished watching the commentary part of "Evel." I just loooveee the man so much! I could listen to him speak all day long!

I was getting all giddy when he was talking about his best friend and "Pop" in one of the scenes...so obvious he's proud of and loves his Dad.
George comments on Evel? Gosh, in which hole am I stuck? :eek: I've watched it so many times and never checked out the extras on the DVD. With my luck, they edited it out of the German version...
Thanks to Babs :) I have "The spring" on DVD now, too. It's a very predictable so-called mystery thriller... I knew what was coming after 20 minutes, but all the georgeous George scenes really makes it worth watching. And I bet you'll get a little teary eyed, Jacquie ;) No no, won't give away more. :p
softcake I've seen enough of the caps that I think I can figure out what you're talking about. Is it Christmas yet :lol: Even in the pet food business Christmas is a very silly time. If I got the dvd now I probably wouldn't have much time to watch it. Thankfully in 2 months time Christmas will be over with. Don't get me wrong I enjoy Christmas and I do celebrate it but the season is just too long and too commericalized. It's not even Hallowe'en yet and stores have got their merchandise out yet. Since my husband and I own our business we don't put any Christmas stock out until after Nov. 1. Rant is over with thanks for listening. :)
the spring is probably the tackiest movie i have ever seen :lol: its only redeeming quality is that george looks so incredibly gorgeous. but since it was only 15 bucks or so i can justify watching it if only for the eye candy :D
Hi guys, I liked watching Second String, even though he isn't in it that much! I just love watching him run around in those really tight football tights! Evel is still my favorite, especially at the part where he opens up the trailer door :eek: :eek:! I saw Crowned and Dangerous on Showtime a couple nights ago, it was OK, I just loved his little yellow white and black sweater :lol:! Carlton Banks would be so proud! :p
I'm so jealous of those who got to see all GE movies. It's just hard to find them here. Well, I will try to check out more at the stores if not I will probably order from the internet.
Who wouldn't love a shirtless George? Think we will get to see another moment of Nick without his shirt? I'm praying real hard! :D

Welcome MonkeyPrincess! Grab a chair and follow us into the ward for some lively entertainment and talk! All of us make a trip to the padded room for a rest!

The Spring was one of those that had me scratching my head. But the best part was seeing George. I think I was soaking the the details of George than I was the movie! I have a one track mind! Okay...a one track mind until I take a detour!

Thinking of Nick..........
I sure hope we get to see Nick take his shirt off this season.
Shirtless + Buzzed cut= Double the hotness! :devil:
SamStokes said:
I sure hope we get to see Nick take his shirt off this season.
Shirtless + Buzzed cut= Double the hotness! :devil:
Nick Stokes shirtless in Season 7, that is a MUST! Good thing he doesn't have the Beatle Hair this season, or that awful stache! :eek: :lol:
Well, the season is still young, there's a lot of episodes coming... Enough time to grow hair :D And I think George should do it, so we can discuss endlessly about his hair :lol:
I wonder if it actually pisses him off- when people get obssessed about what he's done with his hair. He seems like the kind of guy who wants to be taken seriously for his talent, so it probably chafes his butt from time to time.

Personally, I think we can do both- appreciate both his acting skillls and his hair! :D
Did anyone watch Dog Eat Dog?

Despite the mustache, there was same great scenes that focused on George/Nick's lower torso as he was holding his gone.

I just remembered last year it caused quite the discussion in this thread..

It was a very nice scene...
Of course I'm a fan of George because of his acting skills.
His looks have nothing to do with me fangirling all over him *coughs* :D
Seriously, I think as long as George Eads is not reading this thread (and I highly doubt he does) we're save discussing his hair and package and arms and whatever :lol: He does this now for a couple of years, I guess he's used to people talking about his looks and hairstyle. He will just have to live with it.
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