Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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wow. We could go professional! But remember, the first rule of the Fight Club...don't talk about Fight Club! (Sorry, for those of u who haven't seen that dumb Brad Pitt movie!)

Yup, fever...it's gettin' hot in here! :lol:
what i´m reading here :lol: shower, muscles omg :devil:

shwup.... i´m going out here

AngelaG nice link thanks :lol: that´s really big pillows

eta: *grabs much little pillows and thwacks around*
Thanks for the article AngelaG. Would you look at that the league is based in Toronto and I didn't even know that. I could have been practicing my skills along.

McStokes showers and washcloths... I think I need to lower the temp in the house and it's not because of a hot flash :D :devil:. I think I'll just refer to it as a Nickflash :lol:
nickfan23 hope you are don´t worry i´ve make a kid ;) you can see Softcakes answer Georg Dourden :lol:

Jacquie nice word "Nickflash" :D we get now all some nickflashes :lol:
Really, we need to make a Nicktionary.. Anyone? :lol: George would have to be on the front of the book :) And who wants to make the picture? (Hiding from all the screaming girls :lol:).
i could make a stick figure picture of him :lol: my art skills are severly lacking.
i was doing my volunteer dog walking yesturday and theres a mixed hound named clyde who has the deepest, darkest brown puppy eyes. made me think of george :D
allmaple said:
i could make a stick figure picture of him :lol: my art skills are severly lacking.
Yeah, that's about what I could do too.
Nictionary. I like it :lol:
You guys can do stick figures? (and chalk lines? That took some time... :D) Wow! See me turning green with envy? :D I can't even do that! When it comes to drawing I'm lost.
Though I'd like to draw a pic of George. He'd just have to pose naked for me for about - well... a week :D
Got my niece one of those Digi Draw things a couple of years ago. That might help, but I'm still not saying that my artistic abilities are any good. :rolleyes:

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