Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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myfuturecsi said:
GE is very honest about Nick. He said that everytime he gets to a point where he thinks Nick is the coolest guy around, Nick goes and does something and winds up falling flat on his face.

Actually that's what I like about Nick. When I started watching CSI, I just thought: my, that guy is pretty and witty and cool. And then I noticed that he's a very emotional guy, very caring and funny... and that he had to go through a couple of very rough things in his life. And still he remained sweet and caring.
I'm looking forward to seeing the things GE will give us with Nick. He changed over the past seasons, topped it with his perfomance in Fannysmackin' when he got us all hot and bothered by showing an aggressive side we were not used to. And I'll love him to death when he gives us another changing scene like McStokes suggested :devil:
Yes myfuturecsi I did fine the commentary on Poppin' Tags very good. George was very frank about Nick. I enjoyed the comments about the bad hair. One thing that George has commented on a couple of times is that Nick is fearless and he is not.

Grabs a small soft Nick pillow and smacks Stoky with it. :lol:
Let's see...when we last left our Nick he was changing out of nice, tight jeans...

Since I have to go to work soon, let's have him changing into a nice pair of dress pants and a deep blue button down shirt (I think I know my audience here!)with the top TWO buttons open...then when we get to work he can add the gun and the vest...

tbc after work! :devil:
Jacquie sais
One thing that George has commented on a couple of times is that Nick is fearless and he is not.
oh boy, than he must come into my arms i´m protect him :lol:

*grabs a big soft GE Pillow and thwacks Jacquie * :D
McStokes you KNOW your audience! *drools a little* Two buttons...
Don't let the crazy guys bug you, stay save *jumps in for a giant group hug* :D
Joins in with the giant group hug

Empties a drool bucket just thinking about the TWO buttons undone. Hot stuff
Ha! Who needs a bullet proof vest when I have the Ward Girls to protect me!

I'm hoping the crazies all stay indoors tonight...it's just to cold to break out the handcuffs! Have a good night everyone!
Good morning Guys :D

i´ll join in in the giant group hug

McStokes hope you´ve got a quiet and safty night? and sure we protct you :D

nickfan23 :D and what´s name must there standing? George Stokes? :lol:
George Dourdan, Stoky :D That's the guy's name, right?

McStokes we'll take all the pillows from here and follow you during your shift, and then we thwack the bad guys with pillows. Yeah, should work :)
nickfan23 thanks for the heads up on the People Magazine. :).

After a night on patrol with McStokes I think Nick needs to get out of his work clothes and put on a clean tight fitting t-shirt on :D. You gotta love those muscles.

Grabs a soft georgeous pillow and smacks nickfan23 with it :)
Yup...we had another fun night. If I had a dollar for everytime someone yelled in my face and told me "I pay your salary" or better yet, "I'm gonna sue" I'd be sooo rich right now!

Nicky has changed outta the blue dress shirt, hopped into a nice, hot shower and is now snuggled into a nice, tight, long-sleeved navy blue t-shirt that hugs every muscle veerrryyy nicely! :D
Picture steam, water streaming over muscles (abs that would stop a bus?!) and a well-used washcloth...

AHEM! Sorry, Destiny! :devil:
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