Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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And the eyes...

And the voice...

And the lickable neck...

And so on, and so on. Mr. Eads, do you have any idea how obsessed we are with you?? :lol:
McStokes i think he knows it and he´s lurking here in some days or nights, is laughing and rubs his wonderfull hands and think "look these all so loveley Ladys here" :lol:

*grabs a 4 big soft Pillows and thwacks Jacquie, NFS2 also McStokes and Marns :lol:*
Don't forget the adorable dimples! *sighs*
And the laugh lines.
The smile...
*runs off to get a mop and some drool buckets*
We can't forget his strong jaw. Those cute ears. *sigh*
And our friend, Little Stoker. :p I hope it makes an appearance this Thursday.
^^ :lol:
I'm sure you ladies remember the epi (I can't think of the name) where they were running in a marathon at the beginning of the show. Nick was wearing really tight :eek: spandex running pants... :devil: Oh, to be an extra running behind him. *sighs and faints into a pile of pillows*

ETA: I remember now. It was Dead Ringer for Season 4.
Jacquie I'll give you my 3 days of solid rain for some ice! I'll share my GE desktop with you! It is winter..or so I'm told in Ohio. I didn't get my white X-mas and Santa must have misplaced my gift of Nick somewhere. Guess I'm missing the feel of winter.....I see the shrink this week! :D

AngelaB- Abs that could stop a bus? There is a new one! Come to think of it....how true it is! His whole body could stop a bus! I doubt it would stop a bunch of highly happy gals from drooling! softcake better get quite a few more buckets and mops...this might take a while!

Hey Stoky I wonder if GE does drop in and see what we are discussing and some how works one of our fave things about him into the show. Those arms...oh...he knows...he knows! That adorable backside in just the right fitting kind of jeans...oh he so knows...he so knows!

McStokes Yep you did say that out loud! Who can blame you? Certainly no blame from me! :) Great minds think a like!

Wonder how many takes it took for GE in "Dead Ringer" to get his running sequence right? I know the spandex looked great, but a little more light on the backside would have been.....a blessing! :D

Lately I've thought I was having a bit of a GE overload. I'd take a deep breath in and wince in pain. I'd exhale and groan. Then I bent over and tried to breathe and realized that it was not condusive to my well being. Although thinking about GE is condusive to my well being. X-rays showed nothing broken and everythings clear. (I've got some good lookin ribs!) My right side is a bit swollen. Got some pain meds and gotta get in to see the Doc tomorrow. Heaven only knows what I did this time.

Gonna snag all of these fluffy pillows being tossed around. Does anyone know just how many pillows we have? Or are we recycling?

Got a new...vehicle...err...truck..umm...SUV. Still not sure what it is...I just know it is a step up to get into the thing. I drove past the car lot to and from my way to work every day. I kept pointing it out to my mom and gushing over the color. Did that for a few months. I'm so crazy!

Gee..I didn't realize what a chatter box I was! Sorry! Mind won't shut down!
I get anxiety attacks from time to time and my counsellor told me to have a note book on hand when it happens and write down calming words.

So the other day I was on the phone with someone to check and see if some paperwork had been processed and I started to feel the panic, so I wrote down:

George Eads
George Eads
George Eads...

And I felt better..

Now I need to get serious help...

An on a brighter note, I was watching Pirates of the Third Reich on my DVD set and I fondly watched the scene where George bends down and well his undies were showing. I see London, I see France, I see George Ead's underpants..

I'm such a dufus. I think I said the same thing last year when it came on.

I need to get help..
myfuturecsi that is hysterical! What a wonderful mantra to have.

I will have to try that when I am at work and people are driving me nuts *ohm...George Eads...ohm...Nicky Stokes...* yup, it's working already!
SparkyGirl sais
(I've got some good lookin ribs!) My right side is a bit swollen. Got some pain meds and gotta get in to see the Doc tomorrow. Heaven only knows what I did this time.
you poor :( it can be
pleurisy but i hope so not. Or you have lay down on an hard
thing, than it dissapeared in a short time. Hope you feel as soon as possible better from me big hug and get well soon :)

myfuturecsi and McStokes yes i´m also nuts, my mother chides me every day, what are you doing on your Computer, noo noo you´re already again looking Nicky? :lol:

*grab a big soft GE pillow and smacks SparkyGirl :)*
Hehehe.. Pillowfights are so fun.. Though somewhere I'm thinking it wasn't really smart to smack SparkyGirl.. With her being in pain (or aren't you, SparkyGirl?) and all.. Oh wait.... It was a GE pillow, wasn't it? Okay, then she should be fine. :lol:
Marns George and Nick pillows are harmless :).Grabs said pillow and thwacks softcake with it. :lol:

Stoky I spend alot of time on the computer now. My dear hubby doesn't say a word :) cause he knows he's the one I married :). Ok sappy time over with.
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