Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Thanks for the GE and Mav's pillow whapping! I feel soooo much better! :D

Hmmm....feeding treats to George or Mav? Well...I figured GE and I would feed treats to Mav until he had to go sleep off the influx of treats. Then I would feed treats to GE. Now what would happen after that is classified. Besides..there are some very active imaginations! :devil:

Hmmm...memory is a bit blurry when Nick hit me with those increadiable brown eyes. I think it was "Cross Juridictions" the cross over with CSI:Miami. It was the scene he was dusting the wine bottle and talking to Sara. Guess it was the wild party talk! :) Then I started watching like a religion. Drooling, sighing...you all understand! Okay... Greg was the other reason. I thought he was just so durn cute and funny. He still is!!! :D My mom likes Grissom, but she thinks Nick is okay!

Time to peel my contacts out and call it a night!
I remember seeing the commercials for Grave Danger with GE screaming in the coffin and thinking "OMG...their gonna kill THAT GUY off?!! How can they do that!!" I wasn't as in to the show then, but even then I was horrified that they would kill "that cute one" off!

Now...let's just say I am whole-heartedly obsessed and even tho I own all the seasons on DVD, I still have to watch the re-runs on Spike without interruption! :D
I got a question about George Eads. I read at other board like IMBT or something. This girl wrote and said, she didn't like his attitude, like he got a bad attitude about something. And I said to her, "How do you know, he got a bad attitude? Do you meet him? I heard he is a nice guy and I also said to her, "How come Jorja said very highly of him? When she said in the interview?"

Did he got a bad attitude or not? I don't see him got a bad attitude about something.
As far as I can tell, George is actually a nice guy. I'm pretty sure all of us will say that, NicknGrissom
From the articles and interviews I've read he is very down to earth, and he seems to be a goofball (right, George? *waves* :D)
Honestly, I wouldn't pay any attention to what is said at the IMDB boards.

They are infamous for being a breeding ground for wank. It really seems like a large part of the people who post there are just there to either stir things up or are so obsessive in their love or hate for certain actors that they simply can't see reason or logic.

I once made the mistake of trying to ask one female poster over there about some of the information she was posting regarding George and she came back accusing me of harassing her on other boards (totally untrue...this is the ONLY board I have EVER posted on) and posted this long passive/aggressive rant about how stupid and delusional *I* was because I wasn't buying everything she was saying about George.

A good pal later clued me into the rather hostile, unorganized, and frankly crazy atmosphere over there. Since then I avoid those boards at all costs and just come here for some nice, fun, friendly, RESPECTFUL talk about George/Nick.

As for him having a bad attitude or not…everything I have ever seen (with the exception of one encounter) seems to paint George in a positive light as a friendly, easy going guy who is polite and takes the time to pose for pictures or sign autographs.

He is human and has bad days, so I’m sure people have seen him on those days and might have walked away with the impression he had a bad attitude or was a jerk or whatever…we ALL have days like those.

But really…when it comes to that board I would take everything you read with a grain of salt since it doesn’t seem to attract the friendliest people at times, and there really seems to be no mods or rules to speak of so people say pretty much whatever they want when they want.

And umm…sorry for rambling…but like I said…I had a REALLY bad experience over there and have since had many nasty things pointed out to me that took place over there. I just have no respect for that board or how it’s run now.
Azzie I think we all owe our Moderators and Board people here a big pat on the back for the job they do here. I don't participate in anyother board but my husband does and the back stabbing that goes on on one board is amazing. I think talkcsi does a excellent job making everyone welcomed and keeping the atmosphere friendly :).
I heartily agree Jacquie ! I lurked for a LONG time around here before registering and posting here and there. It was so refreshing to see everyone treat each other with respect and just have FUN! :D

I still am shocked at things people say over on IMDB…not just about George but about seemingly EVERY actor out there! How can you be a "fan" of someone and say ugly, vile, hurtful things about them at the same time????

Anyway…like I said I had a bad experience and it left a bad taste in my mouth.

I am very happy this was the first and only CSI board I was pointed to because I don’t think I could have taken another bad experience on a board about something I love so much.

Oh… Jacquie , this isn’t the right thread but I forgot to reply to you on the picture thread a couple of days or so ago, so I hope it’s ok if I do it here…

I just wanted to THANK YOU for the suggestions on getting more posts under my belt! I am hoping to take this weekend (if things stay calm) to figure out Photo Bucket (I think that was the one) so that I can start joining in over on the picture thread as well. (Although I feel a little guilty about doing that since my pictures seem to all be from that thread…I think that is ok though right? I mean everyone seems to be ok with others using the pictures they have posted before and such.)

I feel like I should apologize to you all because I have kept from posting more simply because of my experiences on IMDB and on another old board from a previous fandom I was in. It’s become very clear to me that you are all VERY different from the people I ran into in the past and I keep trying to get over my shyness and just jump in and become “one of the gang”! ;)

WOW…I really should just try and get some sleep! I seem to get all wordy and ramble on and on when I am sleepy! :rolleyes:

Ok...to keep this on topic...I am getting very curious to see how Nick handles Grissom's absence. I am also curious to see how George does in scenes with Liev Schreiber...I like Liev and can't wait to see George get the chance to work with him.
I don't think anyone that owns a big dog like Maverick can have a bad attitude. I have 2 big dogs and 1 small one and their mission in life is to make me smile. Maybe someone caught him too early in the morning and he was cranky. We all know George likes to sleep in.

And I have to say that I was a Grissom girl in the beginning. If you go back to the first season, Grissom was kinda fun. I thought Nick was trying to hard to please Gris. I even had pics of William Petersen all over my computer. It wasn't until my son asked me to find some pitures of the whole LV crew that I really noticed how gorgeous George was.

*ducks all the flying pillows headed for me*

But now I'm all George/Nick all the time. Well, except this one dream..... :devil:
I would never say if George had a bad attitude or not because it's hard to gage just on the interviews we see with him where everything is so controlled. Of course he's gonna put on a happy face for those as well as interviews.

My assumption would be he's like everyone else and has good days, bad days, somwhere in-between days and other kinds of days.

If he was a happy guy 24/7, then there'd be something seriously wrong with him or he's got the formula for permanent happiness for which which then I'd be trying to get in touch with him so I could buy it off him.

Opinions are like you know what, everyone's got one.
Oh well. Nobody of us has ever met George (wait, there was that lucky girl who got to hug him! Who was it? I'm getting old...) So we can't judge about him and his attitude, just assume certain things. I remember reading an interview with him, he gave his opinion on death penalty. I didn't completly agree with it, but I'd never say he's a dork unless I can discuss with him face to face. (And then he wouldn't have time to discuss because I'd be all over him :devil:)
Well, what I want to say - I think he's a nice, decent (hot) guy. And I'd like to think he's the perfect man for me :) I'll never find out "in real life" anyway ;)

(Because, geez, George, when will you finally contact me? You still don't know where to send the tickets so I can visit you :D)
Thanks everybody. I know everybody have their bad and good days. I remember Marg said interview, George is grumpy. I would be grumpy to come to work at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning and work all days.
Softcake i agree with you in all your wishfull thinking.

and George when you´re read this, i´m a woman who likes you just the way you are with all your mistakes and most of all your dog Mav :D and btw you can send me a PN ;) or a Ticket to get to know you ;)

You are a wonderful and goergious man and i´ve never treasured anyone this match than i do now :) i´m sure

*grabs a big soft Pillow and smacks around here :D*
myfuturecsi said:
I would never say if George had a bad attitude or not because it's hard to gage just on the interviews we see with him where everything is so controlled. Of course he's gonna put on a happy face for those as well as interviews.

I agree with you there! We all do the same thing too, and sometimes you don't realize that you do it. It sounds as if he has close friends who aren't in the acting business and his family of course to vent/talk to.

All of us have to or we would rip whatever is around us into shreads! <----cat analogy. Ever notice the intense pleasure they have by shredding something? Hmmm....a new form of therapy!

My assumption would be he's like everyone else and has good days, bad days, somwhere in-between days and other kinds of days.

GE is human like the rest of us are. I'm sure he gets ticked off and might say a few words that would shock some. Welcome to the human race! (Oh, how I can identify with that! :D)

He puts his pants on like the rest of us do each day. (Any pet owners will identify with the audience that seems ever so fascinated at watching you get dressed! :lol: )

I'm sure he has days that seem to never end and Murphy's Law is relentless.

It almost seems like those who are in the limelight are not allowed to show true, real, everyday emotions. I'm sure he has moments that have him in tears. (Hey GE ever need a shoulder to cry on, I have two. Not to mention the whole Ward would share a good cry with you too! :) )

If he was a happy guy 24/7, then there'd be something seriously wrong with him or he's got the formula for permanent happiness for which which then I'd be trying to get in touch with him so I could buy it off him.

You and the whole lot of us!! GE would have many offers from the Ward! :D

I get a bit scared of people who are happy 24/7. It would seriously make me wonder what was going on.

Can anyone possibly be happy 24/7? Hmmm...is this a question that I should ask in the Ward? I mean Stokey has mentioned something about clothing and well...that would make so-most of us happy 24/7. :devil:

You know how hard it is to be good when being bad is so much more fun? :lol:
Hy y´ll :D

SparkyGirl sais
Can anyone possibly be happy 24/7? Hmmm...is this a question that I should ask in the Ward? I mean Stokey has mentioned something about clothing and well...that would make so-most of us happy 24/7.
hope it was ok? ;) please can you help me Sparky what did y´ll mean with 24/7, is it the last epi from the last season? i´ll hope the seasons going on :)

*grab a pillow and thwacks SparkyGirl :lol:
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