Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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I'm not Sparky but I can help you, Stoky ;)
24/7 means 24 hours a day 7 days a week, or like we would say "Rund um die Uhr" :)

*thwacks pillow at Jacquie *
*Smacks Stokydream with a goose feather pillow* Sweety 24/7 means (usually) 24 hours aday, 7 days a week.
:D thanks for help Softcake and Destiny
you´re so nice guys.

*catch the goose feather pillow from Destiny and
smacks back to Destiny :lol:*
One thing I have always admired about George is his ability to keep his life private and away from the cameras. We all have our good days and our bad. Even on our bad days we try and put on a happy face but it doesn't always work. George is human and even though he's chosen a profession that is in the public eye he'll have bad days as well. I hope this makes sense. I think all the cat fur has started to block the brain cells. :)

Grabs the biggest and softest Nick pillow and smacks softcake and Azzie with it. :lol:
You got a point there, Jacquie.
But sometimes I regret that he is able to keep his private life that private... *scratches head* Okay, I confess - I'd love to see more of him outside of CSI. Why can't he go to Hollywood parties like Gary Dourdan? I don't want to see pics of George taking out his trash or buying stuff at WalMart, don't get me wrong. But he should show up more often ;)

*grabs a couple of tiny cushions and throws them in the air*
One thing I remember reading about him in the few artilces that have been written was he would not lose himself in the Hollywood mess. I took it to be he would always be the guy from Belton Texas not the actor from Hollywood. Maybe the party life in LA is not for George.

grabs the small pillow from softcake and gets McStokes with it. :) Yes I know she's with Nick and the girls for the weekend but said weekend is almost over. :)
It is okay stoky. Getting thumped by a pillow is nothing new. I look forward to it! :)

Gotta love Destiny for her pillow thumping abilities. A gal of many, many, many talents. Where does she ever find time?

Thanks softcake for stepping in for me. Good to know I have a partner in crime! Maybe we should work on getting Nick. :D Besides, my sleeping/waking moments are all crazy and I'm not sure what the ppptthhhhbb is going on!

Hmmmm....I think GE has learned to blend into the background. He would just about have to in order to have some sort of a 'normal' life. Taking out the trash it just way too much fun! Esp when it is pouring rain and I'm trying not to get dirt on my clean uniform! :p

Okay...I'm so sick of all of this rain! My skin is starting to wrinkle. Haven't seen the sun in....3 days! Oh...the best sun I've seen is GE on my desktop. Ahhh......it will do! :D
SparkyGirl sais
Okay...I'm so sick of all of this rain! My skin is starting to wrinkle. Haven't seen the sun in....3 days! Oh...the best sun I've seen is GE on my desktop. Ahhh......it will do!
you´re poor
raini weather, but you say it GE on Desktop dislodges the bad weather and the sun is shining :D hope you´re weather wouldt better in 3 days, we get some stormy and raini here in germany :rolleyes: for the wohle week.

Sleep very well y´ll and have nice dreams

*grabs a giant soft pillow and smacks
Jacquie * :lol:
wow, Azzie the same thing happened to me on IMDB, I was trying to speak my opinion on a touchy GE subject, then a whole bunch of posters attacked me, wondering if I was some other girl under a diferent screen name, I left quickly, they made mad with all there stuff they said about George, and my Anderson.

so i'm glad I found this place love it here an all the people in here :D and yes Mods make this site so much better :D Woo Hoo to the Mod Squad :D

and Sparkygirl George isn't human... he's magic... ok that was wierd *LOL* actully your right he's just like all of us, only we all know his name and he's on TV, but other then that, he's just like us :) but really your right, I always know that about famouse people, there just psople, as my mom says, "are they humans? then they go to th bathroom like everyone else" yes I know an odd thought, but true :D

oh and.. *grabs an even bigger pillow and POW!! gets Jacquie and Stoky .... then runs away* :lol:

good night all :D
SparkyGirl I would rather have your 3 days of rain. Right now we are getting freezing rain :mad: followed by snow. This is the first storm of the season and I know all the nutcases will be out this morning. :mad: The good news is I get to log in here before leaving for work and check out our georgeous Texan. Morning y'll :)

Grabs a pillow from the middle and smacks NSF2 :lol:
Jacquie ive been awake since about 3am when the rain started :( im a really light sleeper so when it started hitting the window and freezing i didnt fall back asleep. at least its ice pellets now instead of rain, so i dont have to worry about turning into an ice pop while i walk to school, or trying to get on an over crowded bus :lol:
so when are we all moving in with george to his nice sunny california home? :D
oh you know whats funny? every year my dad and his friends get together for a 'sleepover' where they watch movies all night long. the host gets to pick the theme of the movies, and this year it was sports. the guy who hosted it loves the buffalo bills so of course had the movie where they win the superbowl. and what movie is that? why second string with our georgie of course!

*looks around for pillow*sees only banana*thinks* naaahhh :p
Thanks for the smack Jacqui ! I needed the wake-up call.

Ya know...even though I'd like to see more of GE, that's one of the things I like about him...the fact that he's NOT in our faces every day a la Brittany and K-Fed, Paris Hilton, etc. That to me means he's a nice, regular guy. Not "Mr. Hollywood" or "don't you know who I am?"

As far as being grumpy...he freely admits to it! And that's another reason I like him!
I'm with McStokes on this one. I like that GE isn't Mr. Hollywood. He's not going out to a club, getting sloppy drunk, making a fool of himself. He's more likely to be hanging out at home with his friends, or on the beach surfing, or tossing a ball to Mav at a park. He's a regular guy... with abs that could stop a bus. :D
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