Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Well, I'm not a morning person, but I never snooze my alarm clock otherwise I would never get up! So George would be safe with me (but I'll let you ladies help him first because I'm in a kind mood today). ;)

I love the names George and Nicky. In fact I had a boyfriend called Nicky once, he was fairly cute too....

I suggested George as a potential baby name, and my husband seemed to quite like it, but I don't think he got the connection. As soon as he does it will definately be vetoed, even though it is a strong, masculine name. :lol:
Elsie said:
I love the names George and Nicky. In fact I had a boyfriend called Nicky once, he was fairly cute too....

I love the name George too! My boyfriend's last name is Eads, I've always wished that his first was George :D But sometimes I imagine that he is GE when I'm talking to him. :devil:
I told my husband that if we had a little boy I'd like his name to be Nicholas...I just got this long, sideways look from him! Well, I have also slipped on many an occaision and called him Nick, so he's a little sensitive! (Hey, his name is Mark...Mark, Nick...they're close, right???)
McStokes said:
I have also slipped on many an occaision and called him Nick, so he's a little sensitive! (Hey, his name is Mark...Mark, Nick...they're close, right???)

:lol: I've never called my husband Nick, he would ban me from ever watching CSI again! But his name is Mark too... I'm sensing a pattern forming.... ;)
Yup...called him Nick. And in front of a large group of people too! I asked him a question and ended it with, "you did that before, right, Nick?" Ummm...everyone got reeaalll quiet. Then the ones who know of my obsession (the picture on me cell phone is of Nick, for Pete's sake!) started cracking up while I turned 8 shades of red!
ooohhh, yeah! It came out so naturally and didn't seem weird at all!

Hey, Mark's called me Mary, his ex-wife's name before, so I think we are more than even!
see, we all need to marry guys named nick or george, then these problems wont happen :lol:

just noticed some new things watching daddys little girl tonight, and i think george is even more amazing after this! i know we all thought the reaction to grissom was nothing, but i caught on to some subtle things tonight and now i think george did an amazing job. when grissom says 'its over', george blows air out his nose. stay with me, im going to explain :p you know when someone says something and you just want to laugh it off? you kind of shrug your shoulders and blow air out your nose? you all do it, i know you do it, dont pretend you dont know what im talking about. just when youre so unimpressed with someone or a situation it just happens.
second, when he stands up he makes this face, and the capping sites didnt catch it (900 caps per episode and they miss it!!) he makes this frown, but pulls his lips in like hes really frustrated. he makes the same face in monte walsh so you can try and visualize what my ramblings are trying to describe :lol:
anyway, i just thought with those two very subtle actions, george makes the scene much more powerful than i first thought
allmaple said:
see, we all need to marry guys named nick or george, then these problems wont happen :lol:

just noticed some new things watching daddys little girl tonight, and i think george is even more amazing after this! i know we all thought the reaction to grissom was nothing, but i caught on to some subtle things tonight and now i think george did an amazing job. when grissom says 'its over', george blows air out his nose. stay with me, im going to explain :p you know when someone says something and you just want to laugh it off? you kind of shrug your shoulders and blow air out your nose? you all do it, i know you do it, dont pretend you dont know what im talking about. just when youre so unimpressed with someone or a situation it just happens.
second, when he stands up he makes this face, and the capping sites didnt catch it (900 caps per episode and they miss it!!) he makes this frown, but pulls his lips in like hes really frustrated. he makes the same face in monte walsh so you can try and visualize what my ramblings are trying to describe :lol:
anyway, i just thought with those two very subtle actions, george makes the scene much more powerful than i first thought

but of course, George makes every scene he's in better :D but I do know what your talking about, I saw that two, well we can only hope it isn't over (Grissom is an insencative jerk for saying that firstly) and we will get some crazy Nicky angst later.

and yes I do that breath threw your nose sigh all the time, any time I get annoyed I do it, and well that was an annoying sit down with Grissom.

and I have a friend Matt, I call him Matty, but I have never called him Nicky, becouse well Matty is his own kind of cute :D and when I get a cell phone I'm putting George as my wall paper!
Okay this is weird.

Some of you know this already.

Last year I took in a rabbit from the Humane Society when they were overcrowded and I named him...Nicky..I got him just a day or two after Grave Danger.

I also fostered a kitten once and named him George. Of the litter, he was the cutest and he went back for adoption, the family that adopted him liked him so much and also said they liked the name so much that today he still called George.
i remember your nicky rabbit! :D didnt know about george the kitty. i think george is a good name for a labrador. yep, im just as weird :lol:
I know a couple of cats called George, cute name, but none named Nick. Nicky works, but just Nick doesn't seem right for an animal. Oh well. :p

Anyway, I actually came here this morning with a specific question and I thought you ladies could help me decide....

I have looked (and looked again) but no other George movies or series seem to be available in the UK. But we have a multiregion DVD so I can play non European DVD's and I am thinking of ordering something 'George' from abroad. What should I get? So, other than CSI, what is your favourite George performance? :confused: Hmmm, I'll leave you now must finish breakfast. :)
I only saw him in ER and A Walk In the Park.

The scene I thought was cute in Walk In the Park was when he thought he was going to be arrested for drug smuggling when a guy asked him to take a package to the mail box for him and he had images in his head of having his mug shot done for him.

I did call my rabbit Nick at first, but it seemed too macho for him. Nicky is more endearing. My daughter calls him 'Nick-A-Dee' because it sounds like 'chickadee'. Of course when I get mad at him for chewing something he wasn't supposed to. I yell, "NICK!!!! You stupid rabbit!!!!"
I think CSI character names are very popular for pets. I was tempted to call my baby guinea pig Grissom. The name should start with a G, and somehow I didn't even think of naming him George... Anyway, I called him Gandalf (Gandi :D) because he's white and has very long hair :)

Elsie I recommend Evel Knievel It has been out on DVD in Germany, so maybe you can order it via amazon.de or amazon.co.uk Shipping should be cheaper than "importing´" it from the US ;)
i liked evel, and not just because george is in every scene :lol: all the movies hes been in are made for tv, so they are a little on the cheesey side, but its george so we can forgive him.
if you like westerns and have a cowboy fantasy like many of us do, monte walsh wasnt bad either. george is a supporting character but hes still very good.
i really want to see just a walk in the park but they havent put it up for sale :( what was the one with the beauty pagent in it? that one has some, er, interesting scenes i think wed all like to see in action :devil: but again, they dont sell that one.
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