Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Sorry, Stoky ...I lapsed into "cop speak." A 9m is a gun (a nine milimeter).

I'm really not a scary person, I promise! I'm quite cute and cuddly...just happen to be an expert marksman! ;)
blackflag said:
The first time you saw George/Nick on CSI what was the one thing you noticed first? :)

That is a good question, and it would probably be better for me to lie to you, but I won't. When I first watched CSI I don't think I even noticed Nick, not for months. Harsh but true! My first CSI crush was Grissom (seriously, he still completely fascinates me) and I remember being quite annoyed when Grissom didn't feature enough in the episode, like I am now with Nick. ;)

I probably really noticed Nick in Grave Danger. Partly, the country singing in the beginning (I do love southern accents) and just how great he was in the whole episode.

How could I not notice Nick, I can't even imagine that now. But rewatching some of the first season I think it is probably because he was too needy and just not my kind of man (the womanising etc.) Obviously it helped in later seasons when Nick actually became a nice guy, with a gorgeous accent and cute hair! :p

*ducks from flying objects* :lol:

eta: I did watch the seasons of CSI in a very strange order though, as I didn't watch from the beginning, but then decided I should start at the beginning and got season 1 (which I actually struggle to watch now, because I think it is really weird). Anyway, just my views. Nick is a very fine man and it was wrong of me not to notice him straight away. I feel ashamed of myself!
I didn't notice Nick right away either. My first CSI love was Warrick (oh those eyes!).
I think the first thing I noticed about Nick was the accent. And he's always so sweet, and just an overall good person. But he still has his flaws (yeah, I said it), and he's always getting into trouble :lol:
I come in and ya'll are hitting each other!!

I started watching on Spike TV, and it was becouse when I saw him I thought, "ooh he's a cutie!!" made me happy, so that is why I started watching, and is the reason I still watch :)

and I started watching it out of order to, but got cought up real quick ;)

oh and... *Whack!!!* got some one I think there on the floor now *LOL*
I'm like Elsie...I didn't really notice him until the "Who Are You" epi when Amy Hendler holds the gun on him. I remember thinking "ok...let's see the pretty boy become a hero and get outta this one"...and then he started to CRY of all things...and I just went to a puddle on the floor. It was then and there that I decided I loved him!
The first thing I noticed was "Hey, that's the guy from ER who kissed Carol" *lol* Then I noticed his puppy dog eyes and was lost :)
McStokes said:
I'm like Elsie...I didn't really notice him until the "Who Are You" epi when Amy Hendler holds the gun on him. I remember thinking "ok...let's see the pretty boy become a hero and get outta this one"...and then he started to CRY of all things...and I just went to a puddle on the floor. It was then and there that I decided I loved him!

Ditto. The exact same thing happened to me. Up until then I had waivered between Warrick and Greg. :)
I have to admit that my first full ep was Stalker, in reruns. I got a good Nick ep right off the bat, and with that one it was easy to get hooked on him. :lol: I didn't see the first season until season 5 was being aired and them I realized that I'd seen bits and pieces of the first season. I just wasn't interested back then. :eek: Terrible thing to admit, I know!

Exactly. If you're new to Nick, or if you've been with him since season 1 like some of us oldtimers, it's ALL GOOD. The appreciation of Nick/George is completely acceptable, in all it's forms. :)
I think I noticed first off that he was the "underdog" I noticed Grissom, Sara, and Warrick "picking" on him, and felt sorry for him. That made me start liking him the most, then I noticed the accent in “Pledging Mr. Johnson" one (I love the TX accent) but it was "Who are You?" that really solidified it for me. I have been impressed by his acting ever since and this coming from someone who likes to watch Gary Cooper, and Gene Kelly and Gregory Peck and Fred Astaire and Charlton Heston and all those old Hollywood greats when all actors had to know how to act to have a career. When someone can go up against them and still en in the middle of the pack, that is one good actor and GE definitely qualifies.

So I guess first it was the character, then it was the accent, then it was the acting. Once I got on the internet and found a little but about the actor… :) He seems to be a really neat guy. :)
McStokes wow, thanks for explain ;) admirable.
I know that you cuddel and cute ;)

Blackflag nice theme

i´ve notice GE really first in Grave Danger, before nothing, before George i´m like Grissom. But in Grave Danger it´s all up to me :D the cute man his hair, his eyes and also the brown eyes and his aura *omg* i don´t now why but it´s was an giant effect.

The second is gum drops *sigh*

now i´m off, sleep y´ll very well and

*grab a pillow and thwacks in around* :lol:
hey, i'm kinda new here. omgoodness.. I LOVE NICK STOKES!! at first, i didnt like him because, i dont know... i was a confused person at the time:p but... nicky's the best (and the HOTTEST!) character on CSI! but there is on thing i'd like to see different about him... HIS HAIR! i'd love it if he went back to the "not long, not buzzed short" look. HE LOOKED SO HOT WITH THAT!! AHH! love it! and, i want to see him cry again because that makes me cry, and.. HE'S SO HOT AN ADORABLE WHEN HE CRIES! and the thing i find really weird about CSI is that in the beginning of the series, nick WAS CALLED the hottest guy and stuff, and the lady charmer but now, he doesnt even have a girl friend! what's up with that?? he's way to hot to be single! i've always been a snickers and still am... so i still really want sara and nick to get together but, i'm not that sure that it's going to happen.

as you guys were saying... my first love on CSI was grissom. i dont know what about him a loved but, i did. but then yeah, when i saw grave danger... IT ALL CHANGED!! yeah, i thought nicky was hot and everything but, when i saw him in that coffin... he went RIGHT up to number one!
Welcome to Nick/George Dicussion, csiemily. Nick is sure is hot and sexy man alive.

Come to the Snickers Thread at the shipper central. We not giving up Snickers, we get them together one days.
Welcome csiemily.Yes another one from Ontario. :)

I noticed Nick in Pledging Mr Johnson. What can I say it was the locker room scene that I liked. I like a few of you was really impressed with his work in Who Are You. I started watching the dvds almost 2 years ago and watched them in order. I watched Grave Danger when it first air and caught up on season 5 when it came out on dvd. I was hooked on Nick from the beginning. :)
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