Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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Whoa, McStokes is gonna see some cowboys! :D Have fun!

Okay, I just finished watching "Leaving Las Vegas" and I thought the discussion thread is the right place for my opinion...

Lots and lots of quality Nick time *loves* And what was wrong with his hat? He fiddled around with it all the time. (I loved it :D)

Nick hugging Gris? A moment to remember! :lol: I just wonder how often they had to repeat that scene, to me it looked like they were cracking up a couple of times before... Grissom's "Stop hugging me" was great, but Nick's face and his "yes, sir"? Priceless! :D

Don't shoot bunnies, it annoys Nick. Very very cute. I hope he likes guinea-pigs as well ;)

I also think he didn't look that tired like in the past episodes. He looked buff and healthy and a little sunburnt, too ;)

And is it just me, or do they use the music from "Nightmare on Elm Street" when it comes to the miniatures? :confused: It's creepy.
Yeah, baby! You know it...surrounded by cowboys in Stetson's, boots, and tight jeans! Now THAT's the life! :D Some of my buddies on the NYPD were going to stop by to abuse me about it...this could get interesting!

Loved all the Nicky goodness last night...he was too cute. I absolutely turn to mush when he smiles, looks down and tugs on his baseball hat!
McStokes said:
Loved all the Nicky goodness last night...he was too cute. I absolutely turn to mush when he smiles, looks down and tugs on his baseball hat!

I loved that, too. Now I know what you meant when you said you were squeeing during the infamous hugging scene :D Awww.... And in the end, when he stood there next to Catherine, hooking his thumbs in his little vest? :eek: I loved that! :)
(Seems I'm loving everything about Nicky in this episode :D)
This all sounds great. I can't wait to see it! Lots of Nicky goodness, I'm also glad that he seems to be back to his old self for a while, plus lots of Nicky can never be a bad thing. :D
Time to head off to the ward.......

Hey allmaple!! Welcome back stranger! Don't worry... Nick wasn't harmed during your absence! :lol:

Happy be-lated B-day Jacquie..... now return Nick! :lol:

At work last night/this morning, I was having visions of a crime scene investigation. It was lead by Nick who had to deal/figure out why a sensable, reasonable, likeable person, like myself, would suddenly lose all ability to function and deal with the human race. Nick would discover and understand that sometimes life hands you lemons and you have to make lemonaid or squirt the juice in someones eyes! Or in the case of the 'reached the last end of my last nerve, rope, diet pepsi' LPN...you stand on the nurses station and start singing "I'm every woman" and dedicate it to Nick Stokes! Then pray he will visit you in the Ward! :D

Any more news on the GE project? Have I missed anything? What's happening?

You know GE is looking good! :devil: But hey we all knew that! :D
Hee, hee...His "little vest!" Too funny! :lol: I remember seeing him do that for the first time in Gum Drops.

And his accent was nice and thick at times last night too...I'm going to have to watch it again as I was "squeeing" way too much. (to the point where my husband actually came in to see what my "problem" was!)
Am I the only one that gets giddy when he mentions little tidbits like "working for his Dad at the DA's office" that mirror GE's real life?

*Scratches head* Yup...probably the only dork out there!
McStoke's I got the working at my Dad's office as well. I thought of mentioning it to my husband but he puts up with my time on the computer here so I didn't want to annoy him too much. :) I think that was one of the few times Nick actually talked about his family. We need more of that Mr/Mrs Writers. I have seemed to notice that George's accent is not toned down this year. Which is nice because I like alot of us like it. Keep it up George. :)
wasnt last night such a treat? they seem to be doing all of a few characters and less of others in episodes and rotating who gets the spotlight. was nice that it was nicks turn last night :D
just wanted to echo what you all said about the hug scene. it was priceless and amazingly ackward. although dont you think he was a little too eager to say goodbye forever? maybe nicks as fed up with the way grissom treats him as we are. or maybe im a dork and read too much into things. probably the second one :lol:
and thanks for the warm welcome back nicksarafan *whack!* with giant feathery pillow :D
Last night was awesome, but they need another story to focus on him rather than Catherine, he needs to be other than the secondary character. The way he hugged Grissom and he told him to stop, that was classic!
What's this about GE doing some sort of project? What is it? Does anyone know? Share! Share! Share! lol (Sorry for asking so many questions.) :p
Aquarian I have no knowledge of George doing any project. I think someone on the board here would have let us know about it. We have talked many times of what type of project we would like to see him in if he did something. There is a fan project we are trying to organize but we are still waiting to see if it will be a go. :)

A good wet Saturday morning to everyone. Grabs a soft pillow that nobody's using and smacks all the newbies. Welcome to our pillow fight and to the discussion thread :)
Waah! The thread was close to disappearing from the front page.
If George has any plans/projects outside from CSI I hope it's not off-camera. I want to see him ;)

*grabs another pillow and swings it around*
Wow, it was almost off? Poor George. No cookies for yall!

*dodges the pillows* haha, can't get me. suckers! :lol:
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